The DOJO toolkit is an extension of JavaScript being
developed by the dojo foundation. The present release version is 0.4.1 and it
is still very much in development. Notwithstanding, it has a lot of promise in
delivering AJAX enabled rich internet applications. It has been used in several
production sites as well.
This tutorial is about using the dojo tool kit to send a
request to server and receive a JSON text using the
(). The default transport for the request is the XMLHTTP. The retrieved
JSON is parsed to display the hierarchy in the JSON Object.
There is a lot of background to be covered, but the reader
is directed to the web based resources that describe many of these topics.
These sources include the dojo foundation web site; the blogs by the key
developers at that site and the JSON site at A new DOJO Application
Programming Interface (API) is also in the works.