ASP.NET - Password Strength Indicator using jQuery and XML
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by Bryian Tan
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The Password Strength Indicator Plugin

In this section, I'll touch base briefly with the contents in the jQuery.password-strength.js file. The code is very straight forward and comments are included. There is a jQuery AJAX request to read the XML file and populate the local variables based on the data in the XML file. If you are unsure of the relative URL, I would recommend using absolute URL to your XML file. The getStrengthInfo() function contains the logic to check the password strength and return appropriate message based on user input. The password strength meter bar and text position are relative to the Textbox position. Shown below is the code in the jQuery.password-strength.js file.

Listing 1

(function($) {
    var password_Strength = new function() {
        //return count that match the regular expression
        this.countRegExp = function(passwordVal, regx) {
            var match = passwordVal.match(regx);
            return match ? match.length : 0;
        this.getStrengthInfo = function(passwordVal) {
            var len = passwordVal.length;
            var pStrength = 0; //password strength
            var msg = "", inValidChars = ""; //message
            //get special characters from xml file
            var allowableSpecilaChars = 
                new RegExp("[" + password_settings.specialChars + "]", "g")
            var nums = this.countRegExp(passwordVal, /\d/g), //numbers
                  lowers = this.countRegExp(passwordVal, /[a-z]/g),
                  uppers = this.countRegExp(passwordVal, /[A-Z]/g), //upper case
                  specials = this.countRegExp(passwordVal, allowableSpecilaChars),
                  //special characters
                  spaces = this.countRegExp(passwordVal, /\s/g);
            //check for invalid characters
            inValidChars = passwordVal.replace(/[a-z]/gi, "") + 
                inValidChars.replace(/\d/g, "");
            inValidChars = inValidChars.replace(/\d/g, "");
            inValidChars = inValidChars.replace(allowableSpecilaChars, "");
            //check space
            if (spaces > 0) {
                return "No spaces!";
            //invalid characters
            if (inValidChars !== '') {
                return "Invalid character: " + inValidChars;
            //max length
            if (len > password_settings.maxLength) {
                return "Password too long!";
            //GET NUMBER OF CHARACTERS left
            if ((specials + uppers + nums + lowers) < password_settings.minLength) {
                msg += password_settings.minLength - (specials + uppers + nums + lowers)
                + " more characters, ";
            //at the "at least" at the front
            if (specials == 0 || uppers == 0 || nums == 0 || lowers == 0) {
                msg += "At least ";
            //GET NUMBERS
            if (nums >= password_settings.numberLength) {
                nums = password_settings.numberLength;
            else {
                msg += (password_settings.numberLength - nums) + " more numbers, ";
            //special characters
            if (specials >= password_settings.specialLength) {
                specials = password_settings.specialLength
            else {
                msg += (password_settings.specialLength - specials) + " more symbol, ";
            //upper case letter
            if (uppers >= password_settings.upperLength) {
                uppers = password_settings.upperLength
            else {
                msg += (password_settings.upperLength - uppers) + 
                " Upper case characters, ";
            //strength for length
            if ((len - (uppers + specials + nums)) >= (password_settings.minLength -
                password_settings.numberLength - password_settings.specialLength - 
                password_settings.upperLength)) {
                pStrength += (password_settings.minLength - 
                password_settings.numberLength - password_settings.specialLength - 
            else {
                pStrength += (len - (uppers + specials + nums));
            //password strength
            pStrength += uppers + specials + nums;
            //detect missing lower case character
            if (lowers === 0) {
                if (pStrength > 1) {
                    pStrength -= 1; //Reduce 1
                msg += "1 lower case character, ";
            //strong password
            if (pStrength == password_settings.minLength && lowers > 0) {
                msg = "Strong password!";
            return msg + ';' + pStrength;
    //default setting
    var password_settings = {
        minLength: 12,
        maxLength: 25,
        specialLength: 1,
        upperLength: 1,
        numberLength: 1,
        barWidth: 200,
        barColor: 'Red',
        specialChars: '!@#$', //allowable special characters
        metRequirement: false,
        useMultipleColors: 0
    //password strength plugin 
    $.fn.password_strength = function(options) {
        //check if password met requirement
        this.metReq = function() {
            return password_settings.metRequirement;
        //read password setting from xml file
            type: "GET",
            url: "PasswordPolicy.xml", //use absolute link if possible
            dataType: "xml",
            success: function(xml) {
                $(xml).find('Password').each(function() {
                    var _minLength = $(this).find('minLength').text(),
                    _maxLength = $(this).find('maxLength').text(),
                    _numsLength = $(this).find('numsLength').text(),
                    _upperLength = $(this).find('upperLength').text(),
                    _specialLength = $(this).find('specialLength').text(),
                    _barWidth = $(this).find('barWidth').text(),
                    _barColor = $(this).find('barColor').text(),
                    _specialChars = $(this).find('specialChars').text(),
                    _useMultipleColors = $(this).find('useMultipleColors').text();
                    //set variables
                    password_settings.minLength = parseInt(_minLength);
                    password_settings.maxLength = parseInt(_maxLength);
                    password_settings.specialLength = parseInt(_specialLength);
                    password_settings.upperLength = parseInt(_upperLength);
                    password_settings.numberLength = parseInt(_numsLength);
                    password_settings.barWidth = parseInt(_barWidth);
                    password_settings.barColor = _barColor;
                    password_settings.specialChars = _specialChars;
                    password_settings.useMultipleColors = _useMultipleColors;
        return this.each(function() {
            //bar position
            var barLeftPos = $("[id$='" + + "']").position().left + $("[id$='" + 
       + "']").width();
            var barTopPos = $("[id$='" + + "']").position().top + $("[id$='" + 
       + "']").height();
            //password indicator text container
            var container = $('<span></span>')
            .css({ position: 'absolute', top: barTopPos - 6, left: barLeftPos + 15,
                'font-size': '75%', display: 'inline-block', 
                width: password_settings.barWidth + 40 });
            //add the container next to textbox
            //bar border and indicator div
            var passIndi = $('<div id="PasswordStrengthBorder"></div>
                <div id="PasswordStrengthBar" class="BarIndicator"></div>')
            .css({ position: 'absolute', display: 'none' })
            .eq(0).css({ height: 3, top: barTopPos - 16, left: barLeftPos + 15, 
                 'border-style': 'solid', 'border-width': 1, padding: 2 }).end()
            .eq(1).css({ height: 5, top: barTopPos - 14, left: barLeftPos + 17 }).end()
            //set max length of textbox
            //$("[id$='" + + "']").attr('maxLength',
            //add the boder and div
            $(this).keyup(function() {
                var passwordVal = $(this).val(); //get textbox value
                //set met requirement to false
                password_settings.metRequirement = false;
                if (passwordVal.length > 0) {
                    var msgNstrength = password_Strength.getStrengthInfo(passwordVal);
                    var msgNstrength_array = msgNstrength.split(";"), 
                        strengthPercent = 0,
                        barWidth = password_settings.barWidth, 
                        backColor = password_settings.barColor;
                    //calculate the bar indicator length
                    if (msgNstrength_array.length > 1) {
                        strengthPercent = (msgNstrength_array[1] / 
                        password_settings.minLength) * barWidth;
                        .css({ display: 'inline', width: barWidth });
                    //use multiple colors
                    if (password_settings.useMultipleColors === "1") {
                        //first 33% is red
                        if (parseInt(strengthPercent) >= 0 
                            && parseInt(strengthPercent) <= (barWidth * .33)) {
                            backColor = "red";
                        //33% to 66% is blue
                        else if (parseInt(strengthPercent) >= (barWidth * .33) 
                            && parseInt(strengthPercent) <= (barWidth * .67)) {
                            backColor = "blue";
                        else {
                            backColor = password_settings.barColor;
                    $("[id$='PasswordStrengthBar']").css({ display: 'inline', 
                       width: strengthPercent, 'background-color': backColor });
                    //remove last "," character
                    if (msgNstrength_array[0].lastIndexOf(",") !== -1) {
                        msgNstrength_array[0].length - 2));
                    else {
                    if (strengthPercent == barWidth) {
                        password_settings.metRequirement = true;
                else {
                    $("[id$='PasswordStrengthBorder']").css("display", "none"); //hide
                    $("[id$='PasswordStrengthBar']").css("display", "none"); //hide

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User Comments

Title: sdfsdf   
Name: sdfd
Date: 2012-08-31 10:21:04 AM
Title: sgwg   
Name: asdf
Date: 2012-08-30 11:06:21 PM
Title: asdf   
Name: asdf
Date: 2012-08-30 11:05:30 PM
Title: jashova   
Name: Esa
Date: 2011-02-14 6:27:36 AM
Good post
Title: Download and demo links   
Name: Bryian Tan
Date: 2011-02-01 7:37:32 PM

I forgot to include the correct link to the download and demo in the original post. Here is the link.

Watch this script in action
Download Sample

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