Improving ASP Performance With Data Caching
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by Brett Burridge
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When to use ASP Caching

Caching is most useful for data that changes - but not too often. For example an e-commerce store could display a list of popular products, or an information site could display a list of press releases. If you have several regions of this information on the same page then the performance increase from caching could be substantial.

Don't forget that it is also possible to build functionality into the admin part of the site so that the cache would be flushed if new content is added to the database. That way the website administrator would not have to wait until the cache timed out in order for new content to appear on the website.

Remember that data stored in Application variables is visible by all the users of the website, so if your site uses extensive personalisation features you may be better off caching data in the Session object.


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User Comments

Title: Lock/Unlock performance   
Name: sedgemonkey
Date: 2005-05-17 12:34:27 PM
Would an app variable that is updated often and checked constantly be a drag on performance? Let's say I had to have a variable that could be updated by several users on the site and it was accessed several times a second... is there any alternative to using application variables?

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