Applied Login Security
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by Tim Musschoot
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[1]       Building Secure ASP.NET Applications, Microsoft Corporation, Patterns and Practices

[2]       Advanced SQL Injection In SQL Server Applications, Chris Anley


Copyright Ó 2004, Tim Musschoot, All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: the author of this publication denies any responsibility for the behavior of the individuals who misuse the information provided by this article for illegal purposes.

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User Comments

Title: webbased login security   
Name: nikunj patel
Date: 2009-08-16 11:29:27 AM
can u put the full information about the WEBBASED LOGIN SECURITY.....caz i want to really know abt all this tofic
Title: great   
Name: Shiv Kumar
Date: 2008-08-11 4:34:18 AM
Really helpfull......
Title: help me   
Name: noha
Date: 2006-03-09 5:02:47 AM
hi, i programmed and designed pages with ASP and used session for security but i have problem , the session disappear .
when send the session for multi pages the session become null.
Title: Excellent   
Name: Amit
Date: 2005-12-10 2:43:27 AM
Another good one keep them coming
Title: good   
Name: john
Date: 2005-09-19 9:23:06 PM
very helpful to the benginner
Title: Good Stuff   
Name: Nicholas
Date: 2005-06-27 3:20:55 AM
Great Article! Keep writing
Title: security topics   
Name: srinivas
Date: 2005-05-01 1:53:45 AM
Very good
Title: impressed   
Name: rudra
Date: 2004-06-18 4:02:13 PM
hi tim,

i love your article, its great these u cannot find it in books . i am highly impressed with your article.
thanks keep writing these type of article. can u suggest a book on can mail me at this address

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