Custom Event Arguments
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Setting up and raising the event

Setting up the event and raising it

Now you need to create a Delegate for the event which will contain the custom event handler string.

Public Delegate Sub bdetEventHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As BrowserEventArgs)
Event bdet As

The bdetEventHandler is the Delegate for bdet which basically means that the event bdet takes in two parameters - an object and  BrowserEventArgs object.

RaiseEvent bdet(Me, New BrowserEventArgs("Mozilla"))

The event hander will then have to look like -

Sub SampMod_bdet(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As BrowserEventArgs)


This article was just a quick tutorial of how to get up some custom event arguments. There is a lot more you can do with these than I showed you here (as you can probably imagine) and there will be more information on Delegates in the future.

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