Cool VS 2005 Debugging Visualizers for ASP.NET 2.0 Development
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Published: 12 Jan 2006
Unedited - Community Contributed
In this article, Scott examines some of the coolest Debugging Visualizers used with Visual Studio 2005.
by Scott Guthrie
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One of the cool new features in VS 2005 is a debugging extensibility feature called "Debugger Visualizers".  Basically this provides a way for developers to build and use UI extensions within the VS debugger that provide richer data visualization and analysis of types and variables within a running program.

Feb 6th Update: Frans Bouma just posted a good article that talks about some tips for writing new Debugging Visualizers.

K. Scott Allen published a cool sample today of an ASP.NET control graph visualizer that allows you to obtain a graph of a server control and its children.  Simply hover over a "this" (in C#) or "Me" (in VB) reference on your page while in the debugger, and you'll be able to see the entire server control hierarchy for your page while on a breakpoint in the debugger:

Figure 1

A quick search on the web also found this cool Regex Debugging Visualizer by Roy Osherove:

Figure 2

And Howard van Rooijen's really cool XML Visualizer:

Figure 3


All of the above visualizers are free (and most ship the source code).  Definitely some cool things to add to the tool-chest! 

Hope this helps (and a special thanks to the guys above for building these -- they really rock),


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