Creating a Crosstab Report in Visual Studio 2005 Using Crystal Reports
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by Jayaram Krishnaswamy
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Creating a Crystal Report Project

Add a crystal report template to a project

Highlight the windows project and right click to pick Add, New Item…as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3

<img border=0 width=297 height=413 src="/ArticleFiles/1041/image003.jpg">

This opens up the Add New Item window where you click on the Crystal Report template from a list of Visual Studio Installed templates as shown in Figure 4.  It adds a default Crystal Report, Crystal Report1, if this is the first report in the project.  This may be changed to something different.  This name of the report created for this tutorial is Garnet.rpt.

Figure 4


Report Wizard Steps

As soon as you click the button Add in Figure 4, a Garnet.rpt file is added to the project and a Crystal Report Gallery window appears in the design view of the Garnet.rpt as shown in Figure 5.

You may use this window to create a new crystal report document by three different means.  If you use the wizard, you can further choose an expert to create three different kinds of reports. However, when you choose the option, As a Blank Report, you will be starting from scratch.  In this tutorial the choice made is to use the Report Wizard and the Cross-Tab expert to create a cross-tab report.  You can see the outline of a cross-tab grid with rows, columns, and cells in the Crystal Reports Gallery window.












Figure 5

When you click on the button OK, you open up the next window, Cross-Tab Report Creation Wizard.  This is an important step in the report creation process.  You need to choose the data which may be saved in any of the several containers listed in the left half of Figure 6 in the Available Data Sources area.  Since this tutorial will create a new connection to a data source, the Create a New Connection node is expanded to look for the source of Northwind data.  The OLE DB (ADO) sub-node, where such data could be found, is empty.  Another obvious container for Access data (DAO) is also available.  Since Access 2003 uses ADO extensively, the OLE DB is used.

Figure 6


Double click the OLE DB (ADO) node to open up the next window, OLE DB (ADO).  This provides an extensive list of data providers which also lists the Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider.

Figure 7


Highlight the Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider and click on the Next button.  This opens the window shown in Figure 8.  In this window you must provide the connection information to the data source.  When it is opened the database type and UserID field are automatically added.  You can click on the ellipsis button () across the Database Name item to open the file directory on your machine.  You then navigate to access the file required as shown in Figure 9.  When you choose the file and click open, the Databse Name field gets filled up.

Figure 8


Figure 9

Click on the button Next in Figure 8 to open the next window shown in Figure 10.  Here you may carry out modifications if necessary.  Here no changes were made.

Figure 10

<img border=0 width=452 height=463 src="/ArticleFiles/1041/image010.jpg">

Now click on the Finish button which takes you to the next step of the wizard.  Here you have established the connection to the Northwind.mdb file which shows all the Tables and Views contained in it.  In addition to the Tables and Views you can also set up a command using the Add Command shortcut.  The queries in MS Access 2003 are represented as Views in this window.

Figure 11



Click on the node, Views.  This expands the node as shown in Figure 12.  Here you see the query, Product Sales for 1997.

Figure 12


Highlight the Product Sales for 1997 in the Views node and click on the > (transfer to right) button in the middle.  This transfers the selected view to the right.

Figure 13


Now click on the Next button to open the window, Cross-Tab Report Creation Wizard.  This is the Cross-Tab sub task that you must complete to generate the report.  The Available Fields window shows the various fields in the report which you may verify against Figure 2.  This window is used to create the rows, columns and the summary fields needed for the cross-tab report.  It will be helpful to recall the analogy of the expense report.  This window may also be used to verify what kind of data exists in each of these fields, since we need to differentiate what is summarized information and what is not summarized information.  In this case it is obvious that Product Sales is the summarized information.

Figure 14


We want to show the product name as rows and should therefore highlight ProductName in the available fields list and click on the arrow > for selecting Rows as shown in Figure 15.  This will populate all the rows of the cross-tab report with product names.  You may also drag an item from the Available Fields and drop it into any of the Rows, Columns, and Summarized Fields window.

Figure 15


Similarly, highlight the ShippedQuarter in the available fields and click on the > arrow in the Columns related area in the Cross-Tab.  This adds the ShippedQuarter to the Columns of the cross-tab report.

Figure 16


Now highlight the ProductSales and click the > arrow in the Cross-Tab in the summary fields area.  This adds the ProductSales values to this area as shown in Figure 17.  When you see this sigma symbol you get the first assurance that you are placing the correct type of information. Even if you make a mistake in any of these manipulations nothing is lost.  Everything can be reset and reapplied until you get the result you expect.  Most of the items added can be removed by the < button.  Also, most of the windows have a button named Back which will take you to a previous window.

Figure 17


For this tutorial you have made all the necessary choices and should now click on the Finish button.  This takes you to the screen where you can make record selections.  Although you have already selected records when you chose the query, you make selections of fields not included in the fields to be included in the report should you so desire at this stage.

Figure 18


For this case, where all the fields are already chosen and no extra fields are showing in the available fields' area, you can skip this screen by clicking on the Next button.  This figure was included more for keeping the description of the wizard's steps complete.  When you click on the Next button, the window shown in Figure 19 will open.  This task is also optional.  If you do require a chart to be included with the report, you may choose the kind of chart in this screen.  A bar chart was chosen for this tutorial.

Figure 19


You may want to change the parameters in the drop-down and show quantities of interest in the chart, the defaults were assumed for this tutorial.  When you click on the Next button, you will come to the window shown in Figure 20 where you need to choose a style for the cross-tab report from a list of pre-defined styles.

Figure 20


You can pick each of these styles and see how they are rendered in the image area in the right. Basic - Terra Cotta style was chosen for this report.  You have come to the last step in the wizard.  When you click on the Finish button, you will be shown the Field Explorer window shown in Figure 21 and the crystal report in the design view tab as shown in Figure 22.  Figure 21 is quite similar to the Field List (or Field Explorer) from earlier versions of Crystal Reports.  This explorer lists all kinds of fields used in a report that includes database fields and non-database fields, such as those that support printing.

Figure 21

The Garnet report has two tabs at the bottom, a Main Report in design and a MainReportPreview tab which shows a preview of the data within the VS IDE.  You can make design changes and toggle the tabs to preview the report and back to make changes to the design again.

Figure 22

The "banded" structural details of Figure 22 are similar to those from earlier versions of Crystal Reports.  Both the chart and the cross-tab grid are in Section 2, the Report Header.  There is also a field "Print Date from the specified fields" node of the Field Explorer in Section 5, the report footer.  The horizontal axis showing shipped quarter has year values, but this is just some representative features and has no relation to the underlying data.  Only when you hit the Main Report Preview tab would you see the actual numbers from the underlying data.

Figure 23


All objects on the different areas of the report and their properties can be accessed from windows, such as the one showing in Figure 23 for the Graph 1 object.  The object is surrounded by a thin blue outline and the properties are available in the Graph 1 object's property window.  For example, the title of the graph (or chart) was changed to "Quarterly product Sales for 1997" in this window.

Figure 24 shows the fully expanded view showing all the available fields for the developer.  It includes the fields from the databse used in the report.  The Field Explorer and the Design view of the report are available for the designer at the same time and the fields can be dragged and dropped on the Design view on the appropriate sections.  For example, the Print Date field was dropped into the PageHeader by default.

Figure 24


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User Comments

Title: Show chart of row in cross-tab   
Name: letamuns
Date: 2012-02-20 12:01:53 AM
Hi! Thanks for your article. In case: I want to have a link of every row, when I click it, the crystalreportviewer show a chart for that row.
Title: how to print value   
Name: nithya
Date: 2011-10-08 2:58:28 AM
how to print the values in between section4 and section5 in crystal report in
Title: Cross Tab Report   
Name: Bharti
Date: 2011-08-02 10:51:33 AM

Thanks for a helpful article. I have created a cross tab report and need to modify the order of records. I am sorting a field by specified order and have added another one to the sort field. At this point the records were all sorted correctly and easily. My report is not recognising this new data which I have added. I removed the sort and when I run the report the same sort is still in the report. What am I doing wrong?

Thank you.
Title: thanks   
Name: manisha
Date: 2011-06-06 5:45:03 AM
excellent thanksssss
Title: CR   
Name: Engineer
Date: 2011-05-31 1:45:38 AM
Thnx..helpful article
Title: Very Good   
Name: Very Good
Date: 2011-05-21 5:33:45 AM
This article is very helpful.
Title: Cross tab   
Name: Reda Karim
Date: 2011-05-08 10:35:36 AM
Thanks very much it was very helpful for me
Title: Cross tab   
Name: Gaja
Date: 2010-08-11 2:49:20 AM
How to remove summarized field in cross tab option
Title: Crystal report cross tab   
Name: Suhail
Date: 2010-05-31 4:30:32 AM
Hello Sir,I have the same problem in cross tab that is there is no sum in Summary field of cross tab can u pls help me how to include that
Title: Cross Tab   
Name: das
Date: 2010-04-22 7:06:56 AM
Is it possible to enable the "Can grow"(Fig 30) propery of a field?
If no,What is the solution?
Title: How to make a cross-tab reprt without summarizing any field?   
Name: Vicky
Date: 2010-02-26 1:31:37 AM
Sir i've developed a Time Management System in which emplyees attendance is stored.
I've to make a cross tab report for this project, in which i've to mention Incoming Time, Outgoing etc.
But i dont have to summarize any field.
Please help me out in this regard.

Advance Thanx
Title: CrossTab   
Name: ABJ
Date: 2009-10-03 2:13:58 AM
Really Great.. 100 points to you.. :-)
Title: Cross Tab Crystal Report   
Name: Jayaram Krishnaswamy
Date: 2009-07-15 12:31:55 PM
Hi Deepak,

If you would let me know how you are doing this with some more details I may be able to help you. I replied to your email instead of commenting here.


Title: crosstab crystal report   
Name: deepak
Date: 2009-06-03 1:23:35 AM
sir i am not getting the sum function in the drop down list just below the summary filed in the cross tab .....

can u please help.....
i will be thankful..

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