Creating a Crosstab Report in Visual Studio 2005 Using Crystal Reports
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by Jayaram Krishnaswamy
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The built in support for Crystal Report which is included in the default installation of Visual Studio 2005 uses the various new features of the Visual Studio 2005 IDE.  The report created is aesthetically pleasing, highly functional, besides being board-room friendly.  The generated report supports tasks such as printing, exporting to various formats, as well as searching for text in the report.  As the tutorial demonstrates, reports can be generated without any coding effort on the part of the developer and the reports generated can be reused by deploying in other ways, such as through web servers and web services.

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User Comments

Title: Show chart of row in cross-tab   
Name: letamuns
Date: 2012-02-20 12:01:53 AM
Hi! Thanks for your article. In case: I want to have a link of every row, when I click it, the crystalreportviewer show a chart for that row.
Title: how to print value   
Name: nithya
Date: 2011-10-08 2:58:28 AM
how to print the values in between section4 and section5 in crystal report in
Title: Cross Tab Report   
Name: Bharti
Date: 2011-08-02 10:51:33 AM

Thanks for a helpful article. I have created a cross tab report and need to modify the order of records. I am sorting a field by specified order and have added another one to the sort field. At this point the records were all sorted correctly and easily. My report is not recognising this new data which I have added. I removed the sort and when I run the report the same sort is still in the report. What am I doing wrong?

Thank you.
Title: thanks   
Name: manisha
Date: 2011-06-06 5:45:03 AM
excellent thanksssss
Title: CR   
Name: Engineer
Date: 2011-05-31 1:45:38 AM
Thnx..helpful article
Title: Very Good   
Name: Very Good
Date: 2011-05-21 5:33:45 AM
This article is very helpful.
Title: Cross tab   
Name: Reda Karim
Date: 2011-05-08 10:35:36 AM
Thanks very much it was very helpful for me
Title: Cross tab   
Name: Gaja
Date: 2010-08-11 2:49:20 AM
How to remove summarized field in cross tab option
Title: Crystal report cross tab   
Name: Suhail
Date: 2010-05-31 4:30:32 AM
Hello Sir,I have the same problem in cross tab that is there is no sum in Summary field of cross tab can u pls help me how to include that
Title: Cross Tab   
Name: das
Date: 2010-04-22 7:06:56 AM
Is it possible to enable the "Can grow"(Fig 30) propery of a field?
If no,What is the solution?
Title: How to make a cross-tab reprt without summarizing any field?   
Name: Vicky
Date: 2010-02-26 1:31:37 AM
Sir i've developed a Time Management System in which emplyees attendance is stored.
I've to make a cross tab report for this project, in which i've to mention Incoming Time, Outgoing etc.
But i dont have to summarize any field.
Please help me out in this regard.

Advance Thanx
Title: CrossTab   
Name: ABJ
Date: 2009-10-03 2:13:58 AM
Really Great.. 100 points to you.. :-)
Title: Cross Tab Crystal Report   
Name: Jayaram Krishnaswamy
Date: 2009-07-15 12:31:55 PM
Hi Deepak,

If you would let me know how you are doing this with some more details I may be able to help you. I replied to your email instead of commenting here.


Title: crosstab crystal report   
Name: deepak
Date: 2009-06-03 1:23:35 AM
sir i am not getting the sum function in the drop down list just below the summary filed in the cross tab .....

can u please help.....
i will be thankful..

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