Using Localized Resources with Enterprise Library 3 Validation
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by Brian Mains
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The Reason for Globalization

So some may wonder why bother going to this effort to develop an example for globalization with data that may or may not be exactly correct.  The first is, I wanted to see if I could do it myself, and learn how it all worked.  Secondly, it was a great learning experience about the world, in understanding another culture.  There is something about a challenge in being able to develop a site that could be used internationally.  I think it is a great challenge to be able to integrate this into your components so that it requires less work on the UI developer to implement these features, which is something to think about.


In addition, you take your message further by broadcasting it to a greater audience, whether it is a personal, corporate, or community site.  The world really is connected through the internet and a wide spectrum of users is available, meaning a bigger portion of fan base that could be available.

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User Comments

Title: Great Help   
Name: Tarun
Date: 2007-04-26 6:04:28 AM
well its really a good help regarding the Enterprise Library 3.0.

I want to same thing for Exception Application block in which i have to localized the exception messages.

Can any one please help me about it.



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