Deployment Process in BizTalk Server 2004/2006
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by Naveen Karamchetti
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BizTalk Server 2004

In this version of BizTalk there is no provision of creating MSI packages. We would need to use NANT tool to create MSI deployment files. NANT tool provides the flexibility and the speed to deploy BizTalk projects with all the required dependencies. For more information refer to the excellent article written by Scott Colestock.

BizTalk Server 2006

Once the Orchestrations are deployed correctly, MSI packages can be created using the BizTalk Server 2006 Administration Console. Refer to the my article in Code Project,

BizTalk Manual Deployment

Observe the folder structure below, the root folder name being Deployment. It can also be named as "BizTalkServer.Deployment" for more clarity.

Figure 1

Notice the two main folders "Assemblies" and "BizTalk.Deployed.Assemblies."

The folder "BizTalk.Deployed.Assemblies" is an exact replica of Global Assembly Cache (GAC). All the application specific DLL's deployed in GAC shall be present in this folder. All DLL's which need to be placed in GAC need to be moved in here first and then copied to GAC from this folder.

Use the BizTalk Deployment Wizard to deploy assemblies from the “BizTalk.Deployed.Assemblies” folder to the GAC.

Figure 2 - BizTalk Deployment Wizard

The folder "Assemblies" shall contain the DLL's which would need to be placed in Global Assembly Cache (GAC). The naming convention of the folder is as follows.


The module name can be Inventory, PurchaseOrder, etc. The owner would be the login name of the user. For example: nkaramchetti.


There shall be two folders under the module folder:

·         Backup - This folder shall contain the old version of the DLL from the "BizTalk.Deployed.Assemblies" folder.

·         NewDLLs – This folder shall contain the new version of the DLL as on the date mentioned on the parent level folder.

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