Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2005
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by Rajdeep Mukherjee
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Business Intelligence and Databases

Let us first take a look into the incorporation of Business Intelligence in databases. As we all know, that information is stored in databases in the form of useful data. When this data quantity is too high (for example, greater than 10 GB), Data Warehousing concept comes in and data is normally organized and stored in a data warehouse. Any such data warehouse supports multiple databases of same or different nature. For example, a data warehouse can store in structured format the mixture of several databases that are specific to SQL Server, Oracle, and DB2, etc. Database applications that work with backend databases normally go for various role based logins for its users having specific roles and corresponding privileges within the application. For example, there can be role based logins for administrators, directors, managers, sales reps, etc. and each of these groups can have specific defined set of privileges within the application.

The behavior of the application is a summation of the activities of all of these user roles. These database applications, however, do not possess management skills, but are primarily intended for providing useful data that helps the management users to make faster and important business decisions. One primary point to be noted here is that the data stored for this purpose should be accurate and plenty. This will help to make correct business decisions and make accurate business forecasts.       

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