Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 Beta
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by Scott Guthrie
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WCF Development Improvements

.NET 3.5 SP1 and VS 2008 SP1 include several enhancements for WCF development.  Some of these include:

·         Significant scalability improvements (5-10x) in Web-hosted application scenarios

·         Support for using ADO.NET Entity Framework entities in WCF contracts

·         API usability improvements with DataContract Serializers, and with the UriTemplate and WCF web programming models

·         Enhanced TestClient support within VS 2008 SP1

·         New Hosting Wizard in VS 2008 SP1 for WCF Service Projects

·         Improved debugging support in partial trust scenarios

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User Comments

Title: Not seeing Classic ASP Intellisense   
Name: Dave Neely
Date: 2008-09-18 10:18:26 AM
I'm not seeing the intellisense for classic asp even in .asp pages. Is there a setting or library that you have to reference for this to work?
Title: SP1 Classic ASP support not quite there   
Name: Dave Tigweld
Date: 2008-08-11 4:27:54 PM
Well now that the vs20008 sp1 rtm is out, I am having the same issue Tim mentions. Yes, I get my .asp color coding and intellisense back but only for .asp files. In VS 2005 all I had to do was to set the file assocition to web Editor for .inc file to make this work. Unfortunately this does not work in vs2008 sp1. What is the workaround?
Title: Visual Studio Support for Classic ASP Intellisense and Debugging   
Name: Tim
Date: 2008-07-11 6:49:16 AM
Great so as long as we use .ASP pages and put VBscript at the top of each page it works. Not particularly useful though if you have one asp page including lots of .inc files that has all the code that you change on a day to day basis. At least in 2005 the highlighting worked in the .inc files. Now its comlpetely useless.

Is there no way to say all ".inc" files are ASP/VBScript pages?

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