Developing an ASP.NET AJAX Server Centric Based Mini Blog System - Part 1
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by Xianzhong Zhu
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A Few Words about Weblog

A weblog, sometimes written as web log or Weblog, often has the quality of being a kind of "log of our times" from a particular point-of-view. It is the fourth important means of intercourse by internet in succession to e-mail, BBS, and ICQ (IM). Generally, weblogs are devoted to one or several subjects or themes, usually of topical interest, and, in general, can be thought of as developing commentaries, individual or collective on their particular themes. A weblog may consist of the recorded ideas of an individual (a sort of diary) or be a complex collaboration open to anyone. Most of the latter are moderated discussions.

In this mini blog sample application presented to you, the theme is mainly limited to computer associated topics (of course you can alter it on you own cases). And for brevity, we have not provided the reverse chronological order based post classification, while merely accomplished a category based one.

OK, before delving into the inner workings of the mini blog system, let us first take a quick look at the several main running time snapshots of it to gain a more intuitionistic and clearer understanding.

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User Comments

Title: Khabar   
Name: Sarfraz
Date: 2010-12-20 8:55:44 AM
Hello Nice

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