A New Approach to HttpRuntime.Cache Management
Published: 19 Aug 2008
For most ASP.NET developers, the Cache (ala System.Web.Caching) offers great promise for scalability and performance, especially in a mostly read-only environment. The hardest part about caching is populating it with data. What are the safest ways to get this data? What are the safest ways to store this data? The author will discuss his framework for accessing and storing data in the ASP.NET cache (with a "Generics" twist). He also shows how to keep your cache fresh with the help of detailed explanation and relevant source codes.
by David Penton
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ASP.NET has a wonderful built-in framework for managing Cached items within a website in the namespace System.Web.Caching. It is accessible from HttpRuntime.Cache (among other ways, such as from System.Web.UI.Page.Cache). You have great flexibility with the data you may wish to cache.  With this flexibility there is an extremely important piece missing from HttpRuntime.Cache - and that is thread safety. Not from inside of the Cache, but from the external code that accesses it. Websites under high load could cause a cache item to be populated multiple times. Too much thread eats too much cpu!!!

Of the many cache insertion parameters available, for this article we are going to focus on just two.

absoluteExpiration: When a DateTime value is passed here in an HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert call, this is the time when the cache entry will expire from the cache.

onRemoveCallback: When set, this delegate is executed when an item in the cache is expired, removed, a dependency was changed, or it was underused.

There are several other items of interest on this method, but we will focus on these two within the new cache management framework. In this article, we will explore two areas of interest - a new pattern for locking string keys and also refreshing data within the HttpRuntime.Cache in background threads. This can provide for more responsive websites that show data that is current. We will discuss current patterns, expand on those patterns, and then discuss the new framework, focusing on key areas. We will save cpu and promote thread safety!!!

Concerns with HttpRuntime.Cache

HttpRuntime.Cache is not as complete as it could be in terms of implementation.

Although the internals of HttpRuntime.Cache do protect the set/get of values within the internal cache structures, it does not help the consumer of the Cache. There are reasonable, highly publicized patterns for setting and getting values. Here is a simple example with comments.

Listing 1

string key = "myCustomObjKey";
// attempt to retrieve the data from the cache
 CustomObj customObj = HttpRuntime.Cache[ key ] as CustomObj;
// now check the local variable
 if ( customObj == null )
     // the object was null.  We need to repopulate it
     customObj = GetCustomObj();
    // place it in the cache
         , customObj
         , null
         , DateTime.Now.AddMinutes( 10 )
         , Cache.NoSlidingExpiration
 // now it is assumed to be set.  We return it to the caller
 return customObj;

This is pretty good because we are only checking the Cache once and working with a local variable (no race condition to deal with).  The data is only repopulated in the cache when there is nothing in the cache (specifically, when the value returned from the cache cannot be converted to the specific object).

In a web environment where you may have many threads trying to retrieve that object, you could have many requests to a page which implement this logic. If the call to retrieve the new data is very quick, then perhaps only one request will repopulate this data. But, there is no guarantee that GetCustomObj() will be called only once while the cache entry is empty. Even if GetCustomObj() only takes 100 milliseconds to return data, there could be numerous requests to repopulate this cache. Now suppose our GetCustomObj() method makes an expensive call, such as to a database. Not only does this method seem to be less efficient, but many resources could be wasted on your database. What is a probable solution to the overused resources?

The Next Step - The Singleton Pattern

The Singleton pattern can help us out quite a bit. My favorite discussion of the Singleton pattern is here: http://www.yoda.arachsys.com/csharp/singleton.html. Note the first version is very similar to our example. Although it is marked as bad code by the author J one thing to consider about this article is that the variables that are being saved into have a global scope (as in, can be accessed in some way globally). Our variables are not static, but privately scoped to the calling method. So, let us review the second version in our example.

Listing 2

private static readonly object locker = new object();
 string key = "myCustomObjKey";
// attempt to retrieve the data from the cache
 CustomObj customObj = HttpRuntime.Cache[ key ] as CustomObj;
// now check the local variable
 if ( customObj == null )
     // lock access here
    lock ( locker )
        // check one more time
        customObj = HttpRuntime.Cache[ key ] as CustomObj;
        // now check the local variable
         if ( customObj == null )
             // the object was null.  We need to repopulate it
             customObj = GetCustomObj();
             // place it in the cache
                 , customObj
                 , null
                 , DateTime.Now.AddMinutes( 10 )
                 , Cache.NoSlidingExpiration
 // now it is assumed to be set.  We return it to the caller
 return customObj;

Here, we lock on a private static readonly object. Now, any time there is no data to be found in the cache, there will only be a single request that will be able to repopulate the cache. Every time this is the case, every user requesting this data will wait on the "lock" except the first request. As soon as the lock is released, every user will benefit from the newly populated data. So, the question that should be raised here is how to generalize this pattern so that it is easy to accomplish?  Let consider another scenario as well.

In a typical website, there could be many different snippets of code just like this, retrieving many diverse kinds of data from various sources. It is also likely that in some applications, data needs to stay in cache or just needs to be "fresh" after a certain time. This automatic "refresh" would typically need to wait until the data expired from cache. So, how should we generalize this pattern for any case?  What about strongly typed access as well? Wouldn't that be nice?

New Caching Pattern

Let me introduce the signature for TCache<T>.Get:

Listing 3

public class TCache<T>
    /// <summary>
    /// For safety populating and retrieving data from the HttpRuntime Cache
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="key">The cache key</param>
    /// <param name="refreshIntervalInSeconds">How long to retain in cache</param>
    /// <param name="loaderDelegate">How to load the cache</param>
    /// <returns>The object data requested</returns>
    public static T Get(string key, int refreshIntervalInSeconds
        , TCache.CacheLoaderDelegate loaderDelegate)
    { . . . }

Now, let us reveal the new Cache pattern with this new method.

Listing 4

CustomObject obj = TCache<CustomObject>.Get(
    "myCustomObjKey" // cache key we are using
    , 5 // number of seconds to keep in the cache
    , delegate() // this is the callback that populates the cache
        return new CustomObject();

TCache<T>Get consists of the pattern (simplified for article):

object o = TCache.Get( key );
if ( IsObjectNotT<T>( o ) )
    lock ( locker )
        o = TCache.Get( key );
        if ( IsObjectNotT<T>( o ) )
            o = TCache.InternalCallback( key );
if ( IsObjectT<T>( o ) ) return (T)o;
return default(T);

The InternalCallback method manages the delegate that was passed into TCache<T>.Get() from above and inserts the item into the cache.


We have a test ASPX page that will be used for a demonstration. We will use WAST to load test this and show some SQL Profiler trace output for both the original pattern with no locks and the improved pattern. A WAST test for one minute should suffice.

Listing 5

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
<script runat=server>
    void Page_Load(object src, EventArgs e)
        string key = "version";
        string version = HttpRuntime.Cache[ key ] as string;
        if ( version == null )
            version = GetCustomObj();
                , version
                , null
                , DateTime.Now.AddSeconds( 15 )
                , Cache.NoSlidingExpiration );
        lit.Text = version;
    string GetCustomObj()
        using(SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(
        using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select @@version", conn))
            return cmd.ExecuteScalar() as string;
<asp:Literal runat="server" id="lit" />

Figure 1

Notice that there are multiple requests to the database when there is nothing in the cache. This is worsened when the SQL being executed is more intensive. Now, for the improved pattern and the SQL Profiler results:

Listing 6

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="Common.Caching" %>
<script runat=server>
    void Page_Load(object src, EventArgs e)
        lit.Text = TCache<string>.Get(
            , 15
            , delegate()
                using(SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(
                using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select @@version", conn))
                    return cmd.ExecuteScalar() as string;
<asp:Literal runat="server" id="lit" />

Figure 2

So the WAST test started at roughly 11:14:52.733, basically every 15 seconds a background call was made. Also note that when the test stopped (at around 11:15:52) there was one more call that was on the background thread as well. This was because it was previously accessed more than once.

Other Benefits

This pattern does provide for background refreshing and updating of the cache. This is done through the CacheItemRemovedCallback. Here is how it works. If your cache item was requested one time from the cache (as in to populate it) then when the expiration time comes, the cache item expires based upon the rules that the developer set. If there is subsequent access from the cache item, that information is recorded. When it comes time to expire, it places the original data back into the cache with a CachePriority.Low and a short time to keep it in the cache. After that, a delegate is added to System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem so that the data may be refreshed on a background thread. Since all of the details to refresh each item in cache are stored, all that is needed for discovery is the cache key. For explicit details on this implementation, see TCache.ItemRemovedCallback in the CacheExtension project.


The biggest consideration for this pattern is what can and should be put into the loaderDelegate on TCache<T>.Get(). Since that method can be called from a background thread, plenty of things that are normally available from a typical ASPX page are not available there. For instance, anything that requires HttpContext is not available from a background thread. This includes things like QueryString and Form variables. If you have some sort of class level variable (that is not static) it will not be available either. The way to get around this is to set a local variable and make your call.

Listing 7

string <span class=Bold>name</span> = Request.QueryString[ "name" ];
CustomObject obj = TCache<CustomObject>.Get(
    "myCustomObjKey" // cache key we are using
    , 5 // number of seconds to keep in the cache
    , delegate() // this is the callback that populates the cache
        return new CustomObject( <span class=Bold>name</span> );

The background refresh option is enabled by default. If you want to disable that, there is a public static property ShouldEnableBackgroundRefresh to do this. The best place to set this would be in your global.asax in the Application_Start event. See the "Future" section for other plans concerning this setting.

Also, there is a CacheLoaderErrorHandler delegate as well. This is so that any errors that occur while executing the loaderDelegate will be able to be handled in any way you deem fit. This should also be set from the global.asax in the Application_Start event as well.


There are still many updates that can be made to this pattern, like options to control how the loaderDelegate gets fired, how the "background refresh" occurs, how long to persist from the callback, and the usage of the ThreadPool could also be changed to use a Queue instead and let that only manage a few callback items at once.



Cache management is an important aspect of development. Using it effectively can greatly improve the performance of your application and allow you to grow horizontally (i.e. as in a web farm) without killing your database access. Please use thread safety to save your cpu for more useful things! Your website and its patrons will thank you for it!

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