Executing Asynchronous Tasks in ASP.NET
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by Andrea Colaci
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Starting asynchronous task using asynchronous delegates

The third option is the simplest one; it just uses an asynchronous delegate to start the task before sending the response to the client. When the client browser renders the page after the postback, the task is still running into another thread on the server and the original thread, that initially served the request, is now free and returned in the thread pool. You could look at the ThreadID into the SimpleWorker's log file and compare the server time when logging entries were added.

Listing 2 - Using asyncronous delegates

TraceStatusInfo("TEST CASE #3: Start a long running task asynchronously using an 
asynchronous delegate.");
SimpleWorker w=new SimpleWorker();
atd2 = new AsyncTaskDelegate(w.DoWork);
TraceStatusInfo("Starting task");
atd2.BeginInvoke(int.Parse(txtUnits.Text), null, null);
litStatus.Text = "Test #3 completed.";

The difference between the two last approaches is on the fact that the former can get the task result as it completes and informs the user, the latter must poll the server to see what had happened, this should not be an issue for some scenarios. However, an Ajax script could periodically hit the server querying an activity registry, like a table or a file, until the task is successfully completed. The second option could also benefit from the timeout handler; the third option instead is best suited for fire and forgets tasks.

Here is a snapshot of the log file in which you can see that TreadID changes when an async task is executed in tests cases #2 and #3.

Figure 2 - SimpleWorker's log file


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