jQuery Templates, Data Link, and Globalization Accepted as Official jQuery Plugins
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by Scott Guthrie
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Learning More

You can learn more about the plugins by watching the following Web Camps TV episode hosted by James Senior with Stephen Walther:

Web Camps TV #5 - Microsoft Commits Code to jQuery!

Below is additional information (and links to the official documentation on jQuery.com) for the three plugins:

jQuery Templates

The jQuery Templates plugin enables you to create client templates. For example, you can use the jQuery Templates plugin to format a set of database records that you have retrieved from the server through an Ajax request.

You can learn more about jQuery templates by reading my earlier blog entry on jQuery Templates and Data-Linking or by reading the documentation about it on the official jQuery website. In addition, Rey Bango, Boris Moore and James Senior have written some good blog posts on the jQuery Templates plugin:

Not Using jQuery JavaScript Template? You’re Really Missing Out

jQuery JavaScript Templates Tutorial: Nesting Templates

Introducing jQuery Templates

jQuery Templates in the Wild

Web Camps Demos: Adding jQuery to the ASP.NET MVC Music store

When the next major version of jQuery is released -- jQuery 1.5 -- jQuery Templates will be included as a standard part of the jQuery library.

jQuery Data Link

The jQuery Data Link plugin enables you to easily keep your user interface and data synchronized. For example, you can use the Data Link plugin to automatically synchronize the input fields of an HTML product form with the properties of a JavaScript product object.

You can learn more about the Data Link plugin by reading my previous blog entry on jQuery Templates and Data-Linking. The documentation for the Data Link plugin is also now live at the official jQuery website.

jQuery Globalization

The jQuery Globalization plugin enables you to use different cultural conventions when formatting or parsing numbers, dates and times, calendars, and currencies. The Globalization plugin has information on over 350 cultures. You can use this plugin with the core jQuery library or plugins built on top of the jQuery library.

You can learn more about the jQuery Globalization plugin by reading my previous blog entry on the jQuery Globalization plugin.

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