Creating a Simple ASP.NET Report with Export to Excel
Published: 19 Apr 2011
In this article you will learn how to create a simple ASP.NET report using Web Forms, C#, and a View Model class rather than drag and drop controls, resulting in very clean and understandable HTML. Then, you'll learn how to add Export to Excel functionality, allowing users to export the data in Excel format and save the file with a default filename of your choosing (as opposed to Report.aspx, for instance).
by Steven Smith
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One of my very first articles was on exporting reports to Excel using Active Server Pages, and this article still gets over a thousand views per month.  Today I had to create a quick report for internal use and I thought it would be helpful for the user to be able to quickly export the results to Excel.  Thus I found myself, over a decade later, going through much the same process as in that original article.  Some things have changed, but the basics are still much the same.

Getting the Data

I'm assuming that you're able to get back your data from a database somehow if that's your data source.  I'm practicing some separation of concerns even though in this case I'm working in a Web Forms application, which means that my data access lives somewhere else, and within my page I have a ViewModel class that has no external dependencies (it's really just a state bag or Data Transfer Object/DTO) that I'll be using for my data binding.  The ViewModel class includes all of the dynamic data elements my page needs to display, and in this case I've put the ViewModel class inside of my codebehind class, but that's just a matter of convenience in this case, and not necessarily a best practice (particularly if you're going to populate the ViewModel from outside of your codebehind class).

For demo purposes, I'm going to use some hard-coded book data.  These are some books I recommend, by the way.  Here's the code that gives me my data - you can see that each Book object includes the Title, Author name, Price, and URL to purchase the book in question:


Presenting the Data on the Web

I'm no longer in love with the various data-bound controls that shipped with "classic" ASP.NET, such as the DataGrid and Repeater.  Ultimately, the event-based data binding added way too much indirection and debugging headaches.  I find that I'm much happier with the simpler semantics adopted by the original Active Server Pages and recently popularized by ASP.NET MVC and Web Pages implementations.  To that end, I'm going to construct my HTML pretty much how I want it to look, and then use a simple foreach loop to populate the contents of the table.

For styling the table, I borrowed one of the nice templates from this Top 10 CSS Table Designs article, which has some nice options.  The end result is some very clean and readable code:

You can view the actual output here:

It looks like this:

Export Report to Excel in ASP.NET

In order to export to Excel, we need two things:

1. Some way to tell the page to switch into Excel rendering mode (or a different page that only serves Excel).

2. Some way for the page to tell the browser that the content should be interpreted as an Excel sheet.

The simplest way to achieve the first requirement is to add a link to the page that says "Export to Excel" and simply links back to the same page but adds a querystring parameter, like this:

It's not strictly required that this link have an id or a runat="server" but this is useful if we want to avoid displaying this link in our Excel report.  With this in place, we can add a simple check to the Page_Load() method in the codebehind to determine whether we should render Excel:

Now, finally, we get to the good part.  How do we convert our simple HTML table into an Excel worksheet?  The cool thing is, we don't have to worry about that.  Excel takes care of that for us, by automatically converting HTML (and in particular, tables) into Excel's columns and rows format.  All we need to do is tell the browser that we want Excel to handle this request, and provide a few clues like what the resulting download should be named.  We'll also use this opportunity to hide some HTML-only elements on the page, like the Export to Excel link.  The resulting RenderExcel() method looks like this:

Whatever filename you specify is what the user will be prompted to download, like so:

Excel may warn that the file you are opening is in a different format than the extension (in this case, it's HTML even though we told Excel it was an xls file).  You can simply ignore this prompt, resulting in Excel opening the file with results like this:



Creating simple reports using ASP.NET is very straightforward.  Adding an option for users to easily export results to Excel is also fairly easy to implement as you've seen here.  Please download the sample project for this article and run it for yourself, and be sure to follow my blog and/or my twitter account (@ardalis) for more tips and tricks related to ASP.NET and software development in general.

User Comments

Title: eeqw   
Name: qwrqwr
Date: 2012-11-01 7:42:16 AM
Title: dsf   
Name: sdfsd
Date: 2012-04-26 11:17:52 PM
Title: MVC3   
Name: Tony
Date: 2011-06-03 5:22:59 PM
Nice article, thank you. I used it with mvc3, it works!
Title: ASP.NET   
Name: 5th edition,
Date: 2011-05-27 10:04:06 AM
this new book was delivered..
Title: .net 3.5 version needed   
Name: windy
Date: 2011-05-13 8:27:06 AM
do the needful.
Title: hi   
Name: hassan humayun
Date: 2011-05-11 8:32:25 AM
nice article , but tell me one thing if the user doest have office installed on his system then what will happen, would it throw an exception.

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