Book Review: Murach's ADO.NET 4 Database Programming with VB 2010
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by Anand Narayanaswamy
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Inside the Book

Section 1 examines the basics of database programming and also provides a basic introduction to ADO.NET 4. Section 2 examines the working of data sources, datasets, bound controls, parameterized queries including the usage of dataset designer. Section 3 provides the steps required to work with Connections, Commands, Data Readers, Parameters, Stored Procedures, Transactions and Object data sources.

The authors examine the concepts using a sample application with the help of detailed explanations and source code samples. The author provides the complete source code for each module, which I hope will assist advanced developers in learning the internals of ADO.NET.

Section 4 examines the usage of SQL Data Sources, GridView and DetailsView controls including the usage of object data sources.  The final section covers the usage of XML Data, Reporting, LINQ and Entity Framework. The book includes an appendix which examines the usage of the various software and source code files. You can also download a sample chapter from the website of the publisher.

The book will be useful for those developers if they are willing to read lot of content. I don't think a beginner will be comfortable with the style of the book. The book would not be suitable for those who wish to master the concepts quickly. From my point of view, the book would be useful for computer training centers as they can make use of the book to teach a course spanning three months and longer.

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User Comments

Title: About Crystal Report   
Name: Ikramullah
Date: 2012-07-01 12:36:09 AM
Hi, Very helpfull Articls, Thank's
But I have a problem. I installed visual Studio 2010, when i create crystal report,i,e In solution explorer Right click on project name Add new Item select Crystal report Item but when i clicked on Add Button then extenion(.rpt) convert into extenxion(.mht) HTML formate file add in solution explorer.
2. Complete Report tab(Report viewer, etc) did not appear in Tool Box. So Please help me. Thank's

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