REVIEW: A First Look at ADO.NET and System.Xml v. 2.0
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by Teemu Keiski
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Unfortunately this book has a bit of the same problems in the ADO.NET v2.0 sections as its companion book had generally. As I said, ADO.NET v2.0 chapters were written using a simplified view to the things and I think it perhaps goes too far in this book. The content is OK from beginner standpoint but for more experienced reader it is just quick read through and then waiting for the next, more detailed book about the subject. The major disappointment and almost unpardonable thing was that ObjectSpaces were covered in only 6 pages!

With this book the lack of space is not any explanation as the book has only 297 pages so thinking reasonably there would have been at least 200 pages space for more detailed discussion about ADO.NET v2.0 (especially ObjectSpaces) even if the writing style generally would have been the same. Even though subjects are different, it looks bit odd as the book is written using two different styles. The other style is to give oversimplified view and the other gives relatively so much more information. It just disturbs as I would have wanted to know at least as much about ADO.NET as I got information about XML.

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