Building a DAL using Strongly Typed TableAdapters and DataTables in VS 2005 and ASP.NET 2.0
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by Scott Guthrie
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User Comments

Title: mn   
Name: Manpreet
Date: 2009-02-03 7:02:09 AM
Very Good, It helped me
Title: NVP   
Name: NVP
Date: 2008-09-02 12:24:25 AM
Nice one, Thanx a lot.
Title: ASP.NET   
Name: Muhamamd Ismail
Date: 2008-08-22 12:54:01 AM
Dear I am design website in Dreamwear now I want upload the result of studnets in website using any one can help me how I can make its please and visit website gave me your suggestion how I make it in and my emailaddress
Title: ASP.NET   
Name: Muhamamd Ismail
Date: 2008-08-22 12:50:49 AM
Dear I am new User of ASP.NET now working in I haveing that problem of how work with in C# any one can help me in kindly send me
Title: ASP.NET   
Name: Muhammad Ismail
Date: 2008-08-22 12:47:13 AM
I am new user of its very useful for all level I hope its is successful task .and
Title: Pain is just me....   
Name: Mohammad Javed
Date: 2008-06-18 6:27:59 AM
Using Insert, Update, and Delete DBDirect Commands on TableAdapters is very good articles fo us...
Title: Saeeedaa Khannnnnnnn   
Name: Mohammad Javed
Date: 2008-06-18 6:24:56 AM
I've been using ASP for 5yrs and felt the need to become current in my coding practices. I Spent 2 weeks trying to find a suitable method to work with Access DB so I could update my code and then update my DB to SQL. MS built in functionaliy is not very flexible. This functionality is so much better than RecordSet in ASP and your Demo actually Works. Good Job! Now I can get something done.
Title: Badal Verma   
Name: Badal Verma
Date: 2008-06-18 6:23:29 AM
I think this is very helpfull articles for all person beginner as well as professional.
Title: Very Good   
Name: Badal Verma
Date: 2008-06-18 6:22:06 AM
Very good articles..
Title: Excellent Articles   
Name: Mohammad Javed
Date: 2008-06-18 6:21:06 AM
Nice Article.
Title: Good   
Name: John
Date: 2007-11-27 2:39:07 AM
nice Article
Title: Good article   
Name: Basir
Date: 2007-09-27 1:12:37 PM
I found the information you have provided very useful and thorough. Thanks.
Title: Building a DAL using Strongly Typed TableAdapters and DataTables in VS 2005 and ASP.NET 2.0   
Name: William
Date: 2007-07-19 11:43:06 PM
I've been using ASP for 5yrs and felt the need to become current in my coding practices. I Spent 2 weeks trying to find a suitable method to work with Access DB so I could update my code and then update my DB to SQL. MS built in functionaliy is not very flexible. This functionality is so much better than RecordSet in ASP and your Demo actually Works. Good Job! Now I can get something done.
Title: MR   
Name: Baktash Ahmed
Date: 2007-02-22 4:38:16 AM
This a very helptful and detailed explanation of how to create a data source and and modify and the table adapters. It has certainly helped me alot on my project thanks alot Scott for good job and keep it up
Title: This is willl help a great deal   
Name: tope Fatayo
Date: 2007-02-17 6:29:50 AM
This is a wonderful article. this should meet my data access need in my final year project
Title: nice explanation   
Name: B.D
Date: 2006-11-09 3:26:56 AM
Clear Explanation with a good examples!!!!!!!!!!!

thankz a lot
Title: perfect !!   
Name: Jan
Date: 2006-10-04 4:17:05 PM
Thank you
Title: Many thanks   
Name: Rolly
Date: 2006-09-08 10:09:08 AM
Many thanks for taking the time to put this together. It is the first time i use a Tableadapter and the blinkers are off my eyes. Cheers
Title: Well-done   
Name: Susantha Soysa
Date: 2006-08-22 8:42:21 AM
This opened my eyes to use partial classes effectively. Many thanks for your time.
Title: Great Article BUT...   
Name: Chester West
Date: 2006-07-12 7:29:43 PM
This is a great article telling the user how to setup a datasource HOWEVER it doesn't mention using the source in a web service (Microsoft got smart...they realized that the most time consuming part of the web service is getting data...therefore in the .NET 2.0 version they made it hard to create/use datasets in order to discourage anybody from using the web service)

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