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Using Global.asa
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What is it?

Using Global.asa


Published 12/12/01


When working with ASP pages, you've probably used the session object to store variables that you want to use throughout your website. But what if you want to store the same variables forever, like connection strings or objects that you use over and over? What if you want to store variables when a session begins so you can store things like the time that user logged on? You can now do this (well, you always could actually) with Global.asa. This article will teach you about what Global.asa is, what to use it for and what not to use it for.

What is it?

Before I tell you, I must get some terms clear -

Application - An application (in ASP terms) is basically your asp site. Usually this is a virtual directory or maybe the whole thing. An application starts when the web server starts and ends when the web server stops. Which means that whatever variable you put in to start when the application starts (we'll cover that soon) won't stop till it stops.

Session - A session is from the time that a user starts looking at your site to the time he/she stops. Session is kept track of by a cookie on the user that gets deleted when the user closes his/her browser. All session data is stored on the server.

Now that we've got that out of the way -

Global.asa is a file that goes in the root directory of your site (or virtual directory) and whenever your application is started or stopped or whenever a user comes onto your site or leaves your site it gets activated. That is a pretty ugly description of it but that's it. The main purpose of it is to store information in Application variables and Session variables when the program is started.

If you didn't use Global.asa and wanted to store Application variables, then you would need to have created a file that created them and run that file when the app started and run it again if it restarted, the same with session variables. You generally don't know where a user comes into your site and if you want to assign session variables then you would have to create the same code on every page to check and create those variables. Global.asa eliminates this. When a user logs onto your site, wherever he/she is they get the variables automatically, whenever the application is started the variables are assigned automatically.


Creating the file

Creating Global.asa

To create the Global.asa, just use notepad to create a file called Global.asa in your virtual directory or root directory. Then we can get coding.

The Global.asa have 4 main sections -

  • Application_onStart() - is executed whenever an application begins.

  • Application_onEnd() - is executed whenever an application stops.

  • Session_onStart() - executed whenever a session beings.

  • Session_onEnd() - its amazing how this one is executed when a session...... ENDS!

Lets actually create a Global.asa now.

<script language="VBScript" RUNAT="SERVER">

Sub Application_OnStart()
Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set Application("objConn") = objConn
Set Application("stTime") = CStr(Now)
End Sub

Sub Application_OnEnd()
Set Application("objConn") = Nothing
Set objConn = Nothing

End Sub

Sub Session_OnStart()
Application("visitors") = Application("visitors") + 1
Session("visitor") = Application("visitors")
End Sub

Sub Session_OnEnd()

End Sub


This seems pretty straight forward -

  • When the Application Starts - An ADODB.Connection object is created and made an application variable of the same name. The current time is stored as a string as well, in an application variable.
  • When the Application Ends - The connection object gets set to nothing.
  • When a Session Starts - We increment the visitor counter by 1 and set that value to the application variable and the session variable. We use Application.Lock and Unlock to make sure that no-one else updates the value at the same time (things could get messy).
  • When the Session Ends - Nothing happens.

You can see that this can be used for some things that you may do already, and things that you might find useful. Things to keep note of - The <script> tags and the RUNAT="SERVER" property. Also, the language doesn't have to be VBScript.

Other stuff

Some other Stuff

You can also have objects created in a different way - with <object> tags:

<object id="objRS" RUNAT="Server" SCOPE="Session" Progid="ADODB.RecordSet"></object>

<object id="objCnt" RUNAT="server" Scope="Application" ProgID="MSWC.Counters"></object>

<script language="VBScript" RUNAT="SERVER">

You can also use the ClassID in the ProgID property (if known).

Some uses of this include -

  • Storing a parsed XML file in application/session variables for quick access later in the site.
  • Having an open Database connection (be careful with this one).
  • Having a recordset open on every session.
  • Put/check cookies on the user and validate them for the rest of the site.

You should be careful of storing big objects in these variables as they could get very large. eg. If each session got an ADODB.Connection object to a database and kept that throughout the visit, with increasing amounts of visitors, this could have big strains on the database and your server. Its best to store things in smaller parts, eg. Load up an xml file and filter it for the information you want, you may want to store the whole object if its not too big, or store it as an application variable.

Its better to store objects as application variables because there will only be one of them.



Ok, I'm aware of the hopeless job that I did of explaining what Global.asa is, but now that you've got the hang of it - who cares! When you look back we haven't covered a lot, but you've learnt things that can save you time and energy as well as server time and energy (a plus for lazy programmers). Remember that you can have other subs in Global.asa (you can't call them anywhere but global.asa though) and it can have anything else you may have in your ASP pages. So anyway -

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