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Bidirectional Sorting on Any Column in DataGrid
by Pani Baruri & Abhijit Mandrekar
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The purpose of this article is to sort data displayed in datagrid in ascending or descending direction and reverses the direction of the sort automatically each time user clicks the column in datagrid. This article is divided into two parts. The first part uses sortexpression property of the column for sorting and the latter part uses dynamic attributes property of datagrid and dataview class for sorting.


  • This kind of sorting can be applied to any number of desired columns you want data to be sorted. 
  • It reverses the sort direction each time automatically for each column.


Part 1: Using SortExpression Property

Design Time:


  1. Drag and drop a DataGrid on the form.
  2. Set AllowSorting property of the grid to True.
  3. Set AutogenerateColumns property of the grid to False.
  4. Add bound columns to datagrid and set their properties as follows. The sortexpression property refers to the name of column in database table.


Note: Employees table from Northwind database is being used to illustrate the purpose.



Header Text

Sort Expression


Employee ID

EmployeeID ASC


Last Name

LastName ASC


First Name

FirstName ASC



Title ASC



City ASC



Country ASC





Pseudo logic:


  1. Trap sortcommand event of the datagrid control.


  1. Read sortexpression property of the event argument.


  1. Sort data in grid using current sort expression.


  1. Use split function to separate column name (which represents database field name) and sort direction. The first element of an array contains database field name.


  1. If sort direction is ASC then new sort direction is DESC and vice versa. Save the new direction into 2nd element of the array.


  1. Loop through all columns

            If column’s sort expression matches sort expression returned from event argument then

                        Concatenate first element of an array, space and second element of an array to

build a new sort expression.

                        Assign new sort expression to current column’s sortexpression property.

                        Exit loop

            End If

End Loop


Note: In order for this example to work properly write binding SQL query with order by clause with no mention of column names. The column names are appended at run-time to the binding SQL query.


VB.Net Code:


Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        'Put user code to initialize the page here

        If Not Page.IsPostBack Then

            BindDataGrid("EmployeeID ASC")

        End If

    End Sub


    Private Sub BindDataGrid(ByVal strSortField As String)

        Dim cn As SqlConnection

        Dim cmdSelect As SqlCommand


        cn = New SqlConnection("Server=localhost;UID=sa;PWD=;Database=Northwind")

        cmdSelect = New SqlCommand("Select * From employees Order By " & strSortField, cn)


        DataGrid1.DataSource = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader()




    End Sub




    Private Sub DataGrid1_SortCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridSortCommandEventArgs) Handles DataGrid1.SortCommand

        Dim arrSortExpr() As String

        Dim i As Integer


        If e.SortExpression = "" Then Return




        arrSortExpr = Split(e.SortExpression, " ")

        For i = 0 To DataGrid1.Columns().Count - 1

            If (DataGrid1.Columns(i).SortExpression = e.SortExpression) Then

                If UCase(arrSortExpr(1)) = "ASC" Then

                    arrSortExpr(1) = "DESC"

                ElseIf UCase(arrSortExpr(1)) = "DESC" Then

                    arrSortExpr(1) = "ASC"

                End If


                DataGrid1.Columns(i).SortExpression = arrSortExpr(0) & " " & arrSortExpr(1)

                Exit For

            End If


    End Sub

Part 2: Using Attributes Property and Data View

The Part 1 example has slight limitation on the programmer side who wants to use the code above as is. The limitation is he/she has to remember to set the sortexpression property of column in datagrid as database field name followed by sort direction at design time e.g. lastname ASC.


The following example illustrates the use of adding sortexpression and sortdirection dynamic attributes to datagrid, maintain their state through view state and sort data in datagrid using dataview. The sortexpression property of datagrid set in this example is to generate sortcommand event only. The sortexpression attribute of datagrid stores last column name used for sorting and sortdirection attribute stores last direction used for sorting.


Design Time:


  1. Drag and drop a DataGrid on the form.
  2. Set AllowSorting property of the grid to True.
  3. Set AutogenerateColumns property of the grid to False.
  4. Add bound columns to datagrid and set their properties as follows. The sortexpression property refers to the name of column in database table.


Note: Employees table from Northwind database is being used to illustrate the purpose.



Header Text

Sort Expression


Employee ID



Last Name



First Name















Pseudo logic:


  1. Add dynamic attributes sortexpression and sortdirection to datagrid first time the page is loaded.


  1. Assign appropriate column name and sort order to sortexpression and sortdirection attribute respectively to sort data in order to get initial look and feel of data when the page is loaded first time.


  1. Get dataset and dataview objects. Set sort property of dataview object to concatenated string built using sortexpression and sortdirection dynamic attributes.


  1. Bind datagrid using dataview object.


  1. On every consecutive page loads and column clicks, trap sortcommand event of datagrid.


  1. Compare sortexpression property of the event argument obtained from sortcommand event with dynamic attribute sortexpression.


  1. If Match is found then
    1. Check sortdirection attribute.
    2. If sortdirection equals “ASC” then

                                                               i.      Assign DESC to sortdirection attribute.

    1. Else

                                                               i.      Assign ASC to sortdirection attribute.

    1. End If


  1. Repeat steps from Step 3 onwards.


Note: When you run the following code and click the same column two or more times then sort direction is reversed automatically for that column. However if column 3 is clicked followed by column 1 and 2 click then column 3 is sorted only in ascending direction no matter what the sort direction was before for the same column. This is because previous sort order is not preserved in the sortexpression property of the column. The overall result is same depending how you perceive it. This example teaches you how to make use of dynamic attributes and dataview object.


VB.Net Code:


    Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        'Put user code to initialize the page here

        If Not Page.IsPostBack Then

            If DataGrid1.Attributes("SortExpression") Is Nothing Then

                DataGrid1.Attributes("SortExpression") = "LastName"

                DataGrid1.Attributes("SortDirection") = "ASC"

            End If



        End If

    End Sub


    Private Sub BindDataGrid()

        Dim cn As SqlConnection

        Dim cmdSelect As SqlCommand


        cn = New SqlConnection("Server=amandrek;UID=sa;PWD=;Database=Northwind")

        Dim strSQL As String = "Select * From employees"


        Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, cn)

        Dim ds As New DataSet()


        da.Fill(ds, "Table1")


        Dim dv As DataView = ds.Tables(0).DefaultView


        Dim SortExpression As String = DataGrid1.Attributes("SortExpression")

        Dim SortDirection As String = DataGrid1.Attributes("SortDirection")


        dv.Sort = SortExpression + " " + SortDirection


        DataGrid1.DataSource = dv




    End Sub


    Private Sub DataGrid1_SortCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridSortCommandEventArgs) Handles DataGrid1.SortCommand

        Dim SortExpression As String = e.SortExpression

        Dim SortDirection As String = "ASC"


        If SortExpression.Equals(DataGrid1.Attributes("SortExpression").ToString()) Then

            If DataGrid1.Attributes("SortDirection").ToString().StartsWith("ASC") Then

                SortDirection = "DESC"


                SortDirection = "ASC"

            End If

        End If

        DataGrid1.Attributes("SortExpression") = SortExpression

        DataGrid1.Attributes("SortDirection") = SortDirection




    End Sub

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