CodeSnip: Uploading Multiple Files At Once
page 1 of 4
Published: 28 Mar 2007
In this article, Haissam Abdul Malak will explain how to upload multiple files in an organized way using one HtmlInputFile control.
by Haissam Abdul Malak
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I'm sure that you have seen a lot of examples about how to upload multiple files using multiple instances of the HtmlInputFile (ASP.NET 1.1) or the FileUpload control (ASP.NET 2.0). What I tried to do in this article is to provide a way to upload multiple files using one instance of the specified control. Each time the user chooses a file, it will get added to a List Box control where he can also delete a certain file after it has been selected. For each selected file (once being added to the List Box control), I'm saving its information in a session variable and once uploaded has succeeded, the session variables are disposed. Taking into considerations that saving a lot of objects into session variables will increase the load on the server, I restrict the maximum number of uploaded files to 3, and do some checking on the file content to ensure it does not exceed 5 MB. These numbers can all be modified to fit your needs when you implement this.

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User Comments

Title: not working   
Name: shekar
Date: 2012-09-28 3:08:59 AM
it is not possible for select two or three files at a time..

it is working on only files or images

but not working on songs....
Title: HtmlInputFile is not working   
Name: devjunior
Date: 2012-07-20 2:17:52 AM
I always got this error..
'System.Web.UI.WebControls.FileUpload' is a 'type' but is used like a 'variable'
Title: not working   
Name: devjunior
Date: 2012-07-20 2:16:34 AM
It doesn't work
Title: Very nice article   
Name: prathyusha
Date: 2012-02-01 3:23:09 PM
It's very useful for me
Thanks a lot
Title: Thanx a lot :)   
Name: Arif Prime
Date: 2011-04-08 12:54:57 AM
Thank you very much.
This article helped me a lot.
Haissam Abdul Malak Sir.
My Quote:
"Never thing that WHAT YOU ARE???
You always thing this that WHAT YOU CAN DO."
Title: Very nice and Thank you   
Name: Lavakumar
Date: 2011-03-31 8:55:33 AM
Hi Haissam,
It helps me a lot :-). Thank you very much
Title: very nice ..keep the good work up   
Name: nwebsolution
Date: 2010-11-03 11:14:59 AM
thank you such nice information.
Title: Upload Multiple image   
Name: suresh
Date: 2010-09-09 12:42:14 AM
Title: Upload Multiple image   
Name: Phuc Hoang
Date: 2010-08-27 11:38:54 PM
hello everybody

It is very lucky for me to search and find out, how can upload multiple image at once times,
The link is very great
How can i get the code con that page
Thanks in advance
Phuc Hoang
Title: Thanks   
Name: Pandu
Date: 2010-01-25 7:24:40 AM
Thanks for providing me the above snippet as i was trying for that and thats very good regarding me Thanks again
Title: Delete Problem   
Name: Juliane
Date: 2009-10-09 7:27:50 AM
If I delete a file from the list with the delete button and then upload the remaining, it produces an error. I think someone mentioned this before. Has anyone found a solution?

Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Source Error:

Line 88: {
Line 89: HtmlInputFile hif = (HtmlInputFile)Session["myupload" + i];
Line 90: if(hif.PostedFile.ContentLength <= 500000)
Line 91: {
Line 92: string storePath = Server.MapPath("~") + "/MultipleUpload";
Title: size files problem   
Name: Cristian
Date: 2009-10-07 10:22:39 AM
Hi, excelent post!, i have a q.

if i have configured the maxRequestLength to allow file of 2 mb. i will be able to upload any file with 2 mb maximum.

I'm trying to do an page to upload 12 files at the same time, when i submit the page.

here ther problem is that if each file = 1 mb. it doen't work.

is there any solutions for this case?

Note: the page is an special of image explorer, and i need to upload from 1 to 12 files at the same time,

Thanks in advance

Title: Selecting Multiple files to upload   
Name: Sarala
Date: 2009-06-11 12:51:24 AM
I need the source code
Title: Error in Code   
Name: Prasad
Date: 2009-02-09 6:38:35 AM
I get error when code is converted into VB.NEt

'Save the fileupload control into a different session
Session("myupload" + i) = FileUpload

Pls Help!
Title: Select multiple files for upload control -- ajaxuploader   
Name: ikan
Date: 2008-11-14 1:32:45 AM

this is very nice, can i have the source code?
Title: Select multiple files for upload control -- ajaxuploader   
Name: devore
Date: 2008-09-24 6:49:57 AM
Title: Excellent code for attaching multiple files   
Name: Mohammad Javed
Date: 2008-07-14 8:00:52 AM
very nice code for attaching multiple files in a single module.
Title: how do you download the files now?   
Name: jack
Date: 2008-04-16 6:33:21 AM

nice article on uploading multiple.

But how do i download each uploaded files in vwd2005,c#.


Title: Delete issues   
Name: NoName
Date: 2008-03-05 8:30:27 AM
If you attach more than one file, and then delete the first file it crashes. Hmm...
Title: Good   
Name: Bhakti
Date: 2007-12-20 5:07:54 AM
this is very good link to upload multiple files at the sane time.Thnak you.
Title: Great work   
Name: Sara
Date: 2007-12-14 7:09:04 AM
this is exactlt what i wanted to implement thank you ...
Title: Good!   
Name: SARA
Date: 2007-11-27 2:25:14 AM
This CONTENT is very useful for me.
Title: Good.........!   
Name: VirenDRa
Date: 2007-08-10 6:22:08 AM
Nice Trick...
Title: How u say this?   
Name: Deepak Vasudevan
Date: 2007-06-19 11:25:42 AM
I am sorry, but this is bad example and bad coding practices are illustrated. And you will not be uploading them multiple at once time, neither.
Title: Error   
Name: Edmundo Couto
Date: 2007-06-05 6:27:35 AM
Hi Haissam

I was trying to implement your solution in my application, but when i click in the "upload" button it occurs an error.

"Object reference not set to an instance of an object". This error is associated with the line 93:"if (hif.PostedFile.ContentLength <= 500000)".Can you help me with that?

Title: THANY YOU   
Name: Tommy
Date: 2007-06-03 5:04:36 PM
The solution works.
I just want to thank you for all the help .We need more guys like you around here .It is sad that some members don't give u little creadit that you take the time to answer all the questions, instead they make negative remarks about this article.
Thanks again Tommy
Title: System.IO   
Name: Haissam Abdul Malak
Date: 2007-06-03 4:43:37 AM
Hello tommy sorry i forgot to mention that the Path class is under System.IO namespace.
so try System.IO.Path.GetFileName
Title: Error   
Name: tommy
Date: 2007-06-02 7:15:50 PM
Hi again Haissiam
ihave change the code to what u states and now i'm gettint this error lne 66
Compiler Error Message: CS0103: The name 'Path' does not exist in the current context

Source Error:

Line 64: if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(storePath))
Line 65: System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(storePath);
Line 66: hif.PostedFile.SaveAs(storePath + "/" + Path.GetFileName
Line 67: (hif.PostedFile.FileName));
Line 68:
Title: RE:Error   
Name: Haissam Abdul Malak
Date: 2007-06-02 1:32:12 PM
Hey tommy, before you can use the Directory class you need to import the System.IO namespace by adding the below code
using System.IO; or you can use directy

Thank you for your comment
Title: ERROR   
Date: 2007-06-02 1:05:38 PM
Hi Haissam cool article
I'm having a bit of trouble in line 61 whenever i tryed to run the code, any idea?

Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

Compiler Error Message: CS0103: The name 'Directory' does not exist in the current context

Source Error:

Line 59: {
Line 60: string storePath = Server.MapPath("~") + "/MultipleUpload";
Line 61: if (!Directory.Exists(storePath))
Line 62: Directory.CreateDirectory(storePath);
Line 63: hif.PostedFile.SaveAs(storePath + "/" + Path.GetFileName
Title: Re:What is this?   
Name: Haissam Abdul Malak
Date: 2007-05-31 8:42:47 AM
You can for sure turn off your virus scanner for a while and download it. it doesnt contain anything GUARANTEED.

Title: Re:Issues Issues   
Name: Haissam Abdul Malak
Date: 2007-05-31 1:49:04 AM
You are right Kevin, but for this demonstration no other sessions are used that is why i deleted all the session and used the session count, but in this case you can use a predefined prefix in the session name which will allow you to search for, delete, and count it.

P.S: The comments were deleted because of expressing his idea in a disrespectful way.

Best Regards,
Title: Issues Issues   
Name: Kevin Jones
Date: 2007-05-30 10:24:48 PM
Another issue: You are using Session.Count when the button upload is clicked. What if the user has something else in the session? It will screw up the counts.
Title: Re: Memory Issues   
Name: Kevin Jones
Date: 2007-05-30 7:44:26 PM
OK, so someone has to upload 10 10MB files before it crashes. Secondly, you are calling Session.RemoveAll(). This empties the ENTIRE session. What if the developer is using session elsewhere in his app? You want to blank it out? Say 10 users upload 1 10MB file, you are still going to screw up the server.
Title: Comment   
Name: mike
Date: 2007-05-30 7:04:53 PM
Why do want users to leave comment and yet you deleted it if you dont have the answer
Title: Wrong   
Name: Josh Stodola
Date: 2007-05-30 5:47:42 PM
Lets see how long it will take you to delete this comment, Haissam.

The files are NOT uploaded at once like the article title suggests. They are uploaded when the Attach button is clicked. Therefore, this article is totally misleading. The title says one thing, the article does the exact opposite.

Not a very helpful article at all. In fact, this is a pretty bad approach to file uploading. Storing the files in the session is just plain stupid.
Title: Question!   
Name: Haissam Abdul Malak
Date: 2007-05-30 5:23:36 PM
Just tell me how would you upload 100MB file size if the maxRequestLength was approximately 10MB!!!! Did you think of it!!
Thank you for your precious comment
Title: Memory Issues   
Name: vcsjones
Date: 2007-05-25 11:51:24 AM
This has a huge problem. You are saving files into the Session?? What happens when I upload a 100 MB document? My Worker Process is going to increase it's memory usage by 100 MB, and that can have huge problems. All I need to do is upload 2 100 MB files and there is a good chance I will crash the worker process, or cause an Application Recycle.
Title: Delete File Flaw   
Name: Bill
Date: 2007-05-23 11:59:16 AM
This is a nice idea, which works well until a file is removed from the listbox. When this happens the indices of the items above the deleted item change and this is not reflected in the session variables. As a result, there is a mismatch between session variables and listbox items, or so it appears to me.
Title: abadi   
Name: abadi
Date: 2007-05-20 7:04:37 AM
Thanks very well
Title: Error   
Name: Oscar
Date: 2007-05-19 3:40:29 PM
I have convert into VB and I'm getting an error on the following line

' Save the FileUpLoad control into a different session
Session("MyUpLoad" + i) = FileUpload

The error says that the 'FileUpload' is a type and cannot be used as an expression.

What could cause this?
Title: :error   
Name: Haissam Abdul Malak
Date: 2007-04-27 8:17:56 AM
What type of error!!
Title: error   
Name: amanpreet
Date: 2007-04-27 7:53:11 AM
its giving me error ....
Title: Re:vb code behind   
Name: Haissam Abdul Malak
Date: 2007-04-26 2:04:53 AM
Check below post for free conversion tools

Title: Object Refrence Eroor   
Name: kapil
Date: 2007-04-26 1:17:49 AM
Line 99: HtmlInputFile hif = (HtmlInputFile)Session["myupload" + i];
Line 100: if(hif.PostedFile.ContentLength <= 500000)
Line 101: {
Line 102: string storePath = Server.MapPath("~") + "/MultipleUpload";

That Error is Coming in your Code.

Reply on
Title: vb code behind   
Name: zara
Date: 2007-04-26 1:00:41 AM
can you provide me the vb code of the same.
Title: Flash alternative (with link!)   
Name: Paul
Date: 2007-04-24 10:52:02 AM
Ooops... link not showing. Here you go...
Title: Flash alternative   
Name: Paul
Date: 2007-04-24 10:51:11 AM

Here is an alternative I use which makes uploading multiple files very easy. Yes it relies on Flash but it might be more suitable for somebody reading this article. Best of all you can highlight all your files in one go and upload all of them with visual feedback.

Best, Paul.
Title: Upload an entire directory?   
Name: Jerome
Date: 2007-04-23 5:46:59 PM
Nice Article – It Causes Contemplation...
Can some java script coding be used to gather all file names and path information from a browsed directory into a single structure and the resulting structure then used to populate the list box and session variable mentioned in this article? This would be a nice feature for uploading a group images for a photo album. If you know of some java script command(s) to return a directories contents and root path then please provide an example.
Title: Re:Misleading Title   
Name: Haissam Abdul Malak
Date: 2007-04-23 3:25:08 PM
It seems you didn't get the idea of this article my friend :) anyhow ALL the files are stored in the webserver when the Upload button is clicked and not the ATTACHED one!
So I think the title is not misleading anymore

Best Regards,
Title: Misleading Title   
Name: Justin
Date: 2007-04-23 2:51:49 PM
Great article, nice concept, but I feel the title is misleading.

By using the words "Upload" and "Once" together I assumed one http post of multiple files, but that's not what the code is doing.

With every postback of the "Attach" button you are uploading a file. You are not "Uploading Multiple Files at Once."
Title: Re:Upload Concern   
Name: Haissam Abdul Malak
Date: 2007-04-23 10:36:21 AM
When clicking attach, we are just displaying the full file path selected by the user in the listbox control thus we arent handling the upload in this state. of course this won't affect the overall process, instead of uploading single files by clicking "attach" each time the user selects a file to be upload, we are grouping them and upload them like batch upload.

And for you Paul Bersand, if you know forums, you would know that most of these comments are from forums members(Check their name there), and like we mentioned, you can increase the files to be uploaded as much as you can for demonstration i used the 5 MB default size.
Thank you all for your comments

Best Regards,
Title: I get an error   
Name: Adrian
Date: 2007-04-23 9:59:22 AM
Hi, downloaded this today and get the following error when I click the Upload button...
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
and the highlighted line is...
Line 100: if(hif.PostedFile.ContentLength <= 500000)

Is this a known bug or something weird on my computer ?
Title: Limited use   
Name: Paul Bersand
Date: 2007-04-23 9:36:47 AM
Most people who want multiple upload functionalty want to load whole directories of 50+ files. If the number of upload controls is limited to a small amount, the gain from using this technique is minimal.

By the way, I think most of these comments were written by the same person judging by the language 'style'.
Title: Mr.   
Name: uzair zaman sheikh
Date: 2007-04-22 4:18:20 PM
I really like that side because its a very good source to learn
Title: Upload Concern   
Name: Jeremy S.
Date: 2007-04-22 2:10:08 PM
This is a great utility/trick however if they are uploading several larger files are these not moved to the server with each "attach"? Wouldn't this slow down the overall process?
Title: Great tips   
Name: Liming Xu
Date: 2007-04-22 10:51:13 AM
No wonder you are the "Top Gun" across all forums, very good tips and I'll have to implement this later into my own software.

Thanks man, really appreicate it.
Title: Re:Few Code bugs..   
Name: Haissam Abdul Malak
Date: 2007-04-16 2:37:03 AM
Thank you Mandeep, for sure the first bug is a copy/paste bug not more. If you could tell me more about the second one it will be appreciated.

Best Regards,
Title: Few Code bugs..   
Name: Mandeep Bhangu
Date: 2007-04-11 7:03:02 PM
Cheers buddy for a nice trick....
In the upload click method, first line is missing ";" and also we need to reset the viewstate, alonf with resetting the cookies...

Title: RE:Good   
Name: Haissam Abdul Malak
Date: 2007-04-05 2:45:18 PM
This is not implemented in this article. but i will try to create one for this purpose
Thank you for your comment

Best Regards,
Title: Good   
Name: Prathi
Date: 2007-04-05 2:36:08 PM
Really good work.. can v select one folder(contains multiple files) ? is it possible?
Title: Excellent   
Name: Kashif
Date: 2007-04-03 1:12:00 PM
Thanks for sharing ur precious code and time
Its really very helpful.....and explained in a very good manner ..

Keep it up...
Title: Appreciated   
Name: Haissam Abdul Malak
Date: 2007-04-03 2:59:59 AM
Thank you for sharing your comments!

Best Regards,
Title: Nice Job Haissam   
Name: Irfan
Date: 2007-04-03 2:48:11 AM
Very useful
Explained in good way .. very nice
Title: Uploading Multiple Files At Once   
Name: Honey
Date: 2007-03-29 7:56:26 AM
Hi Haissam Abdul Malak,

You had given example elaborately and explained each and every step. You had done a great job. Every fresher in .net can easily understand this.Thanks a Lot

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