Article Listing

152 articles found.
TitleAuthorPublish Date
How to Reset a SQL Server sa Password Steven Smith 28 Jun 2011
Book Review: Murach's ADO.NET 4 Database Programming with VB 2010 Anand Narayanaswamy 21 Jun 2011
SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting Bryian Tan 14 Sep 2010
ASP.NET 4.0 and the Entity Framework 4 - Part 1 - Create a Database using Model-First Development Vince Varallo 09 Feb 2010
Pass Tables to Stored Procedure / Table Valued Parameter Aamod Thakur 06 Nov 2009
Selecting Records Based on Row Number in SQL Aamod Thakur 06 Oct 2009
SQL Server Agent - Agent XPs Disabled Aamod Thakur 21 Sep 2009
LINQ to SQL and ADO.NET Data Services: Working Together Sergey Zwezdin 10 Jun 2009
Deploying DTS package in SQL Server 2000 Cyril Beschi 04 May 2009
Review: SQL Server 2008 for Developers Anand Narayanaswamy 20 Jan 2009
Understanding TIMESTAMP (ROWVERSION) in SQL Server Abhishek Kumar Singh 15 Dec 2008
Configuring SharePoint Forms Authentication using SQL Server Steven Barden 24 Nov 2008
CodeSnip: How to Add an Interval to a Time Stamp Field Being Selected Through a Local Variable Deepankar Sarangi 10 Nov 2008
Understanding Date and Time Functions and Operations in SQL Server Abhishek Kumar Singh 03 Nov 2008
SQL Server Analysis Services - Manipulating Data Source Views Nidal Arabi 10 Oct 2008
SQL Server Analysis Services - Creating Data Source Views Nidal Arabi 06 Oct 2008
SQL Server Analysis Services - UDM Nidal Arabi 02 Oct 2008
SQL Server Analysis Services - Dimensional Modeling Concepts Nidal Arabi 29 Sep 2008
SQL Server Analysis Services Concepts Nidal Arabi 22 Sep 2008
SQL Server Analysis Services Work Flow Nidal Arabi 16 Sep 2008
SQL Server 2008 New Features - Hierarchy Data Type Nidal Arabi 12 Sep 2008
SQL Server 2008 New Features - Table-Value Parameter Nidal Arabi 10 Sep 2008
SQL Server 2008 New Features - Grouping Sets Nidal Arabi 04 Sep 2008
SQL Server 2008 New Features - Date and Time Nidal Arabi 01 Sep 2008
SQL Server 2008 New Features - Row Constructors Nidal Arabi 27 Aug 2008
SQL Server 2008 New Features - Merge Statement Nidal Arabi 22 Aug 2008
SQL Injection in Classic ASP and Possible Solutions Ehsanul Haque 12 Aug 2008
Implementing the Repository Pattern with LINQ-to-SQL Liam McLennan 09 Jul 2008
Video: Handing Schema Mapping When Using SqlBulkCopy Mohammad Azam 07 Jul 2008
CodeSnip: Using Dynamic Cursor in a Procedure Using Oracle 9i Deepankar Sarangi 21 May 2008
Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 Beta Scott Guthrie 12 May 2008
LINQ to SQL Instantiation Brian Mains 09 May 2008
CodeSnip: How to make use of parameterized cursor in Oracle Deepankar Sarangi 25 Apr 2008
Creating Agile Project Reports with TFS and Reporting Services - Part 2 Eric Landes 07 Apr 2008
CodeSnip: Practical Use of Translate Function in Oracle Deepankar Sarangi 13 Mar 2008
CodeSnip: How to Implement Merge Facility Using Local Variables? Deepankar Sarangi 10 Mar 2008
CodeSnip: How to Select the Records from a Table Following a Pattern Deepankar Sarangi 28 Feb 2008
Creating Agile Project Reports with TFS and Reporting Services - Part 1 Eric Landes 19 Feb 2008
CodeSnip: Selecting nth Highest Value of a Column Using Oracle Deepankar Sarangi 04 Feb 2008
CodeSnip: Selecting the nth Record from a Table Using Oracle Deepankar Sarangi 01 Feb 2008
Understanding SQL Server 2005 Notification Services with ASP.NET 2.0 Sudeep G 14 Jan 2008
Cross Site Authentication and Data Transfer Tom Zhang 19 Dec 2007
SQL Server 2005 Data Modeling - Part 1 Manjusree Akkineni 18 Dec 2007
New ASP.NET Dynamic Data Support Scott Guthrie 14 Dec 2007
Review: dtsdoc and dbdesc Richard Dudley 05 Dec 2007
Understanding Full Text Search in SQL Server 2005 Uday Denduluri 03 Dec 2007
Advanced Concepts in SQL Server 2005 Joydip Kanjilal 15 Nov 2007
Automated E-mail Reports Andrew Mooney 31 Oct 2007
Review: Murach's ADO.NET 2.0 Database Programming with VB 2005 Anand Narayanaswamy 25 Oct 2007
Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Rajdeep Mukherjee 18 Oct 2007
Frequently Asked Questions in SQL Server 2005 - Programmer Perspective Uday Denduluri 11 Oct 2007
Information Schema and SQL Server 2005 Uday Denduluri 06 Sep 2007
Avoiding Blocking Issues in ASP.NET Session State Databases Greg Low 05 Sep 2007
Database Mirroring in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Amit Bansal 28 Aug 2007
Creating a SQL Server Stored Procedure Generator using WPF Brian Mains 22 Aug 2007
LINQ to SQL (Part 6 - Retrieving Data Using Stored Procedures) Scott Guthrie 16 Aug 2007
Extend Functionality in SQL Server 2005 Management Studio with Add-ins Ameet Phadnis 07 Aug 2007
Using LINQ to XML (and how to build a custom RSS Feed Reader with it) Scott Guthrie 07 Aug 2007
Working with Managed Stored Procedure using Visual Studio 2005 Srinivas Jadhav 23 Jul 2007
Using Local Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services in ASP.NET Shaun Eutsey 12 Jul 2007
LINQ to SQL (Part 4 - Updating our Database) Scott Guthrie 11 Jul 2007
Video: Performing INSERT and DELETE Using DLINQ Mohammad Azam 09 Jul 2007
SQL Server Session Management Mode in .NET Sandeep Acharya 28 Jun 2007
Client Printing Support in SQL Server Reporting Using SOAP vikas chaudhary 26 Jun 2007
Understanding Transaction in ADO.NET SANJIT SIL 22 Jun 2007
Understanding Isolation Levels in Transaction SANJIT SIL 21 Jun 2007
Using LINQ to SQL - Part 2 Scott Guthrie 29 May 2007
Using LINQ to SQL - Part 1 Scott Guthrie 19 May 2007
CLR Triggers for SQL Server 2005 Soyuj Kumar Sahoo 18 May 2007
Book Review: Murach's SQL Server 2005 for Developers Anand Narayanaswamy 04 May 2007
Video: Using the TABLE Data Type in SQL SERVER Mohammad Azam 23 Apr 2007
Relational Database Management Systems - Concepts and Terminologies Joydip Kanjilal 22 Mar 2007
Working with MyLittleAdmin - Management Tool for SQL Server 2005 Bilal Haidar 23 Feb 2007
Database Access using Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) Arindam Ghosh 22 Feb 2007
Tip/Trick: How to upload a .SQL file to a Hoster and execute it to deploy a SQL Database Scott Guthrie 11 Jan 2007
Saving InfoPath Forms to SQL Server 2005 as XML S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton 10 Jan 2007
Serialization in Database Bhuban Mohan Mishra 08 Jan 2007
CLR Integration in SQL Server 2005 Soyuj Kumar Sahoo 15 Dec 2006
CodeSnip: How to Read/Write an Image to Database in Binary Format Sandeep Acharya 07 Dec 2006
CodeSnip: Working with Images Using .NET Rajendra Kumar Sahu 01 Dec 2006
Video: Generate Microsoft Word Reports From SQL Reporting Services Steven Smith 28 Nov 2006
CodeSnip: Take SQL Server Database Backup in any Network Path Jaya Nehru Kumar 20 Nov 2006
Understanding APPLY Clause in SQL Server 2005 Sachin Dedhia 13 Nov 2006
Video: Using Reporting Services to create Excel Pivot Chart Reports with OfficeWriter Steven Smith 02 Nov 2006
Verifying Signature Using SQL Server 2005 Xianzhong Zhu 27 Oct 2006
Video: SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 Tutorial Steven Smith 06 Oct 2006
Working with DBISAM Using Microsoft .NET Bhuban Mohan Mishra 03 Oct 2006
Building a TreeView ResultSet with SQL Server 2005 Ameet Phadnis 02 Oct 2006
Migrating Access Database to SQL Server Amrita Dash 14 Sep 2006
Using SoftArtisans OfficeWriter with SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 Mike Campbell 23 Aug 2006
CodeSnip: How to Create a Complete Dynamic SQL Statement Using SQL Server Nidal Arabi 09 Aug 2006
Working with Bulk Copy Program Utility Krishnamoorthy D 07 Aug 2006
Common Gotcha: Slow VS 2005 Web Site Build Performance Because of "Dueling Assembly References" Scott Guthrie 30 Jul 2006
Recipe: Implementing Role Based Security with ASP.NET using Windows Auth and SQL Server Scott Guthrie 23 Jul 2006
Creating a Project Velocity Crystal Report using Microsoft Project Server Eric Landes 17 Jul 2006
CodeSnip: How to Get Id of the Record Using ASP.NET and SQL Server 2000 Sushila Bowalekar Patel 29 Jun 2006
Creating an MS Access 2003 Front End for an Oracle 10g Express Edition Database Jayaram Krishnaswamy 28 Jun 2006
Generating Excel File Using SQL Server 2000 Aravind Kumar 21 Jun 2006
Exporting SQL Server 2005 Express Database Data to a Remote SQL Server Web Team at ORCS Web 07 Jun 2006
Extracting Data from a Flat File with SQL Server 2005 Integration Services Web Team at ORCS Web 06 Jun 2006
Using DLINQ with ASP.NET (Part 2 of my LINQ series) Scott Guthrie 04 Jun 2006
Implementing a Data Access Layer in C# Joydip Kanjilal 08 May 2006
Review: Hitchhiker's Guide to SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services Mike Campbell 13 Apr 2006
Review: The Rational Guide to SQL Server Reporting Services Mike Campbell 12 Apr 2006
CodeSnip: Easy Data Encryption Using the DBMS Obfuscation Toolkit from Oracle Steven Swafford 13 Mar 2006
Working with the Wizard Control Using Visual Studio 2005 ERIC ARTHER 31 Jan 2006
CodeSnip: Enforcing Unique Password Strength in an Oracle Database Based Upon a Role Steven Swafford 20 Dec 2005
Cool SQL Server and SQL Express Command-Line Utility Scott Guthrie 15 Dec 2005
Working with Reporting Services Using Microsoft Sharepoint Ameet Phadnis 25 Oct 2005
Test Driven Development for a Business Intelligence Project with Crystal Reports: Part 3 Eric Landes 29 Aug 2005
Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 and Reporting Services Terry Voss 15 Jul 2005
Preventing Duplicate Record Insertion on Page Refresh Terri Morton 22 Jun 2005
Create an XML File via PL/SQL Steven Swafford 23 May 2005
Mythbuster: Normalizing with Integers is Always Best J. Ambrose Little 16 May 2005
Use Write Caching to Optimize High Volume Data Driven Applications Steven Smith 04 Apr 2005
Introducing Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Steven Swafford 17 Feb 2005
CodeSnip: Increasing Speed of ODBC Queries through Linked Servers Tim Curtin 25 Jan 2005
Book Review: Microsoft Reporting Services in Action Colt Kwong 18 Jan 2005
Connecting to a Remote SQL Server Web Team at ORCS Web 29 Dec 2004
Read and Write BLOB Data to a Database Table with ODP.NET Steven Swafford 27 Dec 2004
Indexes: An Overview and Maintenance for Performance Web Team at ORCS Web 14 Dec 2004
Populate a DropDownList from a SQL Server Database Web Team at ORCS Web 02 Dec 2004
CodeSnip:Change Password for a SQL Server User Web Team at ORCS Web 01 Dec 2004
Sending SQL Notifications via CDO.SYS Web Team at ORCS Web 20 Oct 2004
Review: A First Look at SQL Server 2005 for Developers Teemu Keiski 01 Oct 2004
Applied Login Security Tim Musschoot 15 Apr 2004
Introduction to a Post-Relational Database for .NET: Matisse John Sasak 26 Mar 2004
Stored Procedures Quickstart Chris Garrett 25 Mar 2004
Improving ASP Performance With Data Caching Brett Burridge 18 Mar 2004
Email Bounce Automation Using BoogiePOP Enterprise - Part 2 of 2 Scott Wolfington 12 Mar 2004
Building Tree View Resultset Ameet Phadnis 08 Mar 2004
Using SQL Server Stored Procedures To Prevent SQL Injection Randy Dyess 02 Mar 2004
Speed up Development on Backend and Middle Tier with SQL Scripts Ameet Phadnis 23 Feb 2004
Review: The Guru's Guide to SQL Server Architecture and Internals Teemu Keiski 18 Feb 2004
Porting web application to different database server Lech P. Szczecinski 18 Dec 2003
Database Class in Classic ASP Justin Owens 13 Nov 2003
Merging two Datasets into a single Datagrid Jesudas Chinnathampi (Das) 04 Nov 2003
ASP.NET Tutorial Jesudas Chinnathampi (Das) 30 Oct 2003
How to Create a text file in ASP .NET ? Jesudas Chinnathampi (Das) 22 Oct 2003
Retrieving Images from SqlServer and displaying in a DataGrid - ASP .NET Jesudas Chinnathampi (Das) 22 Oct 2003
Product Review SQL Tools by Red Gate Software David Yack 19 Oct 2003
Paging in DataList Jesudas Chinnathampi (Das) 17 Oct 2003
Passing Data the .NET way Jesudas Chinnathampi (Das) 17 Oct 2003
Try ... Catch ... Finally in ASP.NET Jesudas Chinnathampi (Das) 17 Oct 2003
Who's Online Application Alex Campbell 23 Sep 2003
Book Review: SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example Steve Sharrock 19 Jun 2002
Book Review: A Programmer's Guide to ADO.NET in C# by Mahesh Chand Steve Sharrock 16 Jun 2002
Retrieving Images from SqlServer in ASP .NET Jesudas Chinnathampi (Das) 15 May 2002
Inserting Images to SqlServer in ASP .NET Jesudas Chinnathampi (Das) 14 May 2002
How to capture the Double Click event in a DataGrid? Jesudas Chinnathampi (Das) 10 May 2002
DataGrid and Checkboxes Jesudas Chinnathampi (Das) 09 May 2002
Basic ADO and SQL Tutorial Steven Smith 25 Sep 2000

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