Securing Applications in ASP.NET 2.0
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Published: 10 Sep 2007
The article provides a brief overview of the Provider model and different security providers.
by Uday Denduluri
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Securing an ASP.NET application is one of the toughest challenges programmers face. The reason for this is simple. All applications evolve from time to time. It would have been bliss for programmers if the websites do not change and remain static.

Let us take a scenario where we are developing a simple shopping cart application for company X. Here, the security is not the key and rather, identifying the user and displaying the items in the cart related to the user is the most important factor. Keeping in view the requirements, we developed the application in the same sense. The application is moved to production and doing fine. Now, this simple shopping cart application has done really well and has brought lot of revenues to company X. Suddenly the strategy is to build a bidding site on top of the shopping cart site. This change in the strategy has brought security as a key component for the applications. A bidding site needs to uniquely identify the user and also let him choose his biddings. Before, the application never had the user profile with it. Now, it needs to maintain the user profile with all the mandatory fields. This change can be addressed well with the provider model. In the next few sections we will discuss this.

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