Using LINQ to XML (and how to build a custom RSS Feed Reader with it)
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Published: 07 Aug 2007
Unedited - Community Contributed
In this article, Scott examines how to work with LINQ using XML. He also demonstrates how to build a custom RSS Feed Reader using these technologies.
by Scott Guthrie
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Republished with Permission - Original Article

One of the big programming model improvements being made in .NET 3.5 is the work being done to make querying data a first class programming concept.  We call this overall querying programming model "LINQ", which stands for .NET Language Integrated Query.

LINQ supports a rich extensibility model that facilitates the creation of efficient domain-specific providers for data sources.  .NET 3.5 ships with built-in libraries that enable LINQ support against Objects, XML, and Databases.

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User Comments

Title: Using LINQ Sub-Queries within a LINQ to XML Query Expression   
Name: Ken Jinks
Date: 2009-07-10 1:27:32 PM
How would you incorporate a where clause into the subquery such that you only retrieve those items with a particular TAG value?

Title: How to integrate with XLINQ in eixsting applications   
Name: Senthil
Date: 2008-12-17 12:21:13 AM
How to integrate with XLINQ in eixsting applications

Community Advice: ASP | SQL | XML | Regular Expressions | Windows

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