Stay Productive with Bug Tracking
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Published: 22 Jan 2008
In this article,Yaron points out how to save hundreds of hours a month in software development with the help of a Bug Tracking tool. He starts with a brief introduction and then explores the different scenarios. Finally, a comparison chart is provided to help you understand the advantage of using the software.
by Yaron Sinai
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Accurate communication is the key to the success of the bug tracking process. This communication takes the form of timely information flow between customers, QA and Development. This reduces the time spent on tasks that communicate bug information saves money.

Let us explore the tasks completed daily by personnel in software development throughout the development process. We will compare the time and money spent on the tasks when they have Bug Tracking and when they do not. The average time spent on a task and the costs per hour are based on actual experience at Elementool Inc.

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