Useful Extension Methods
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Published: 04 Mar 2008
In this article, Brian examines extension methods and how they can be used with .NET Framework applications. He begins with a short introduction and then provides a detailed explanation of the application of extension methods with the help of source code in C#.
by Brian Mains
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Extension methods are very useful.  They help extend the existing objects of .NET by attaching methods to it that it appears that it's a part of the object, but it's really not.  Let's look at some extension methods and how they can be useful.

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User Comments

Title: RE: Please specify the framework version   
Name: Brendan Enrick
Date: 2008-05-13 9:13:21 AM
Yes, extension methods were added in C# 3.0, so this is a new feature.
Title: Please specify the framework version   
Name: Vijil Jones
Date: 2008-05-13 7:38:16 AM
Is this new feature in .net 3 ?

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