xI will have a detailed code example that I am currently using for SQL Server 2000 that you may want to use or easily modify for Oracle or any provider like OleDb, available, but I will be focusing mostly on the different ways of going about keeping this process simple and maintainable and easy to use from different types of classes and why I made the choices I have. The main goal is making a DAL that anyone can maintain. From the requirements list, the DataProvider variation will be handled by different subclasses of one AbstractDataProvider class. You copy my SqlProvider class in sqlprovider.vb to a file called oracleprovider.vb and edit away for an hour at most and you have your new concrete data provider subclass. To handle CommandType variation we will use a DALRequest class with default settings to our favorite. I will be calling the output variation consumers to contrast with the usage of provider. To handle the variation of consumers, I will vary the input signature of overloaded method called Execute of the SqlProvider subclass. To handle the variation of Commands I will overload Execute and vary the code from overload to overload very slightly so it is easy to understand and change.
Below is diagram of Class Design showing all the main files in this download, with client-tier on bottom, business-tier as customer, and rest is DAL.
Now if I could just get a generator to compile so that the classes are ready to use this DAL, that would be a great savings of coding time, (maybe a next article?). Let's look at each class individually to see what we can learn about the whole simple process starting with the front end. I am not delivering any Stored Procedures with this because you can test all of this with just a few tweaks to Northwind's SPs or place some text commands very easily with this once you understand the structure. It might look complex, but once you see the design things fall easily into place. First in dal.aspx there is a datagrid and a textbox and 3 buttons: getorders, delete one record, and insert a customer. Looking at the code for these button in the codebehind: dal.aspx.vb,,, we see that we are merely instantiating a class from the middle tier and calling one of its methods. This is all I allow in this tier's responses to events. Never any data provider specific code. Some may say that a datareader is specific, or dataset, but they may be made as abstract as you want with wrapper classes as we will see was necessary with the datareader class. You will see that datareader is not the sqldatareader, but a custom wrapper class. I feel that a dataset class is not specific to sql or oracle or oledb, so I did not choose to make a wrapper as I could have for the dataset or datatable. The main thing to notice here is that if I want to receive back a datareader for datagrid binding, then I simply input to the middle-tier method, an new and empty datareader object. I could here, input only a type of datareader and and an instantiation of nothing and get my DAL to work fine and have been lighter weight in what I passed, but inputing the non null instantiation that is empty saves me code in my sqlProvider class as you will see so I decided on this course. If I want to receive a dataset back, I simply input a new dataset object, etc This works for any custom class that you want to define also which is very easy to do, but this only works for consumers that you have handled in the DAL. So, it is a 1 or 2 word change of code to get any type of consumer object back for binding or whatever use.
Private Sub btnGetOrders_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGetOrders.Click Dim customer As New customer() Dim consumer As New DataReader() consumer = customer.getOrders(txtCustomerID.Text, consumer) dgOrders.DataSource = consumer.ReturnedDataReader dgOrders.DataBind() End Sub Private Sub deletetop_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles deletetop.Click Dim customer As New customer() customer.DeleteTopOrder(txtCustomerID.Text) End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim customer As New customer() txtCustomerID.Text = customer.AddCustomer(txtCustomerID.Text, 1) End Sub
Public Class customer Dim dataProvider As AbstractProvider = DALFactory.GetProvider(DalRequest.Provider) Public Function getOrders(ByVal id As String, ByVal consumer As DataReader) As DataReader DalRequest.Command = "pr_orders_GetOrders" dataProvider.ClearAllParameters() dataProvider.AddParameter("@customerID", ssenumSqlDataTypes.ssSDT_String, 8, id, dataProvider.Direction.input) Return dataProvider.Execute(consumer) End Function Public Function DeleteTopOrder(ByVal id As String) DalRequest.Command = "pr_orders_DeleteTopOrder" dataProvider.ClearAllParameters() dataProvider.AddParameter("@customerID", ssenumSqlDataTypes.ssSDT_String, 8, id, 1) dataProvider.Execute() End Function Public Function AddCustomer(ByVal customerID As String, ByVal consumer As Integer) As Integer dataProvider.ClearAllParameters() dataProvider.AddParameter("@customerid", ssenumSqlDataTypes.ssSDT_String, 5, customerID, dataProvider.Direction.Input) dataProvider.AddParameter("@id", ssenumSqlDataTypes.ssSDT_Integer, 4, 0, dataProvider.Direction.Output) DalRequest.Command = "pr_customers_Insert" Return dataProvider.Execute(1) End Function Sub dispose() ' needed only if consumer is datareader dataProvider.Connection.ConSql.Close() End Sub End Class
Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class DataReader Public ReturnedDataReader As IDataReader End Class Public Class Order Public OrderDate As String End Class Public Class Connection Public ConSql As SqlConnection ' add another property here for Oracle etc End Class Public Enum Direction input = 1 output = 2 both = 3 returnitem = 6 End Enum
Public Class DalRequest Public Shared Provider As ProviderType Public Shared RoleObject As UserType Public Shared Role As String Public Shared CommandType As CommandType Public Shared Command As String Public Shared Transaction As Boolean Public Shared Locking As Boolean Public Shared ParamCache As Boolean Public Shared TableName As String Shared Sub New() Provider = ProviderType.Sql RoleObject = New UserType() Role = RoleObject.Admin CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure Command = "" Transaction = False Locking = False ParamCache = False TableName = "data" End Sub End Class Public Enum ProviderType Sql Oracle Oledb End Enum Public Class UserType Public Shared External As String Public Shared Internal As String Public Shared SuperUser As String Public Shared Admin As String Sub New() External = "external" Internal = "internal" SuperUser = "superuser" Admin = "admin" End Sub End Class
Public MustInherit Class AbstractProvider Public Connection As Connection Public Direction As Direction Public MustOverride Sub Execute() Public MustOverride Function Execute(ByVal consumer As Integer) As Integer Public MustOverride Function Execute(ByVal consumer As DataReader) As DataReader Public MustOverride Function Execute(ByVal consumer As DataSet) As DataSet Public MustOverride Function Execute(ByVal consumer As DataTable) As DataTable Public MustOverride Function Execute(ByVal consumer As DataRow) As DataRow Public MustOverride Function Execute(ByVal consumer As Order) As Order Public MustOverride Sub ClearAllParameters() Public MustOverride Sub AddParameter(ByVal parameterName As String, ByVal dataType As ssenumSqlDataTypes, _ ByVal size As Integer, ByVal value As String, ByVal direction As Integer) End Class
Public Class DALFactory Public Shared Function GetProvider(ByVal provider As Integer) As AbstractProvider Select Case provider Case ProviderType.Sql Return New SQLProvider() Case ProviderType.Oracle 'Return New OracleProvider() Case ProviderType.Oledb 'Return New OledbProvider() End Select End Function End Class
Imports System.IO Imports System.Text Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.ControlChars Public Enum ssenumSqlDataTypes Public Class Parameter Public Class SQLProvider : Inherits AbstractProvider
Public Class Parameter Public DataType As SqlDbType '//--- The datatype of the parameter Public Direction As ParameterDirection '//--- The direction of the parameter Public ParameterName As String '//--- The Name of the parameter Public Size As Integer '//--- The size in bytes of the parameter Public Value As String '//--- The value of the parameter Sub New(ByVal sParameterName As String, ByVal lDataType As SqlDbType, ByVal iSize As Integer, _ ByVal sValue As String, ByVal iDirection As Integer) ParameterName = sParameterName DataType = lDataType Size = iSize Value = sValue Direction = iDirection End Sub End Class Private m_oParmList As ArrayList = New ArrayList() ' holds parameters for a stored procedure Public Overloads Overrides Sub ClearAllParameters() m_oParmList.Clear() End Sub Public Overloads Overrides Sub AddParameter(ByVal sParameterName As String, _ ByVal lSqlType As ssenumSqlDataTypes, ByVal iSize As Integer, ByVal sValue As String, ByVal iDirection As Integer) Dim eDataType As SqlDbType Dim oParam As Parameter = Nothing Select Case lSqlType Case ssenumSqlDataTypes.ssSDT_String eDataType = SqlDbType.VarChar Case ssenumSqlDataTypes.ssSDT_Integer eDataType = SqlDbType.Int Case ssenumSqlDataTypes.ssSDT_DateTime eDataType = SqlDbType.DateTime Case ssenumSqlDataTypes.ssSDT_Bit eDataType = SqlDbType.Bit Case ssenumSqlDataTypes.ssSDT_Decimal eDataType = SqlDbType.Decimal Case ssenumSqlDataTypes.ssSDT_Money eDataType = SqlDbType.Money End Select oParam = New Parameter(sParameterName, eDataType, iSize, sValue, iDirection) m_oParmList.Add(oParam) End Sub Private Function ConvertParameterToSqlParameter(ByVal oP As Parameter) As SqlParameter Dim oSqlParameter As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter(oP.ParameterName, oP.DataType, oP.Size) With oSqlParameter .Value = oP.Value .Direction = oP.Direction End With Return oSqlParameter End Function
Imports System.IO Imports System.Text Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.ControlChars Public Enum ssenumSqlDataTypes ssSDT_Bit ssSDT_DateTime ssSDT_Decimal ssSDT_Integer ssSDT_Money ssSDT_String End Enum Public Class Parameter Public Class SQLProvider : Inherits AbstractProvider Public Shadows Direction As New Direction() Public Shadows Connection As New Connection() Private connectionString As String Private m_oParmList As ArrayList = New ArrayList() ' holds parameters for a stored procedure Sub New() connectionString = XmlSetting.Read("appsettings", DalRequest.Role) Me.Connection.ConSql = New SqlConnection(connectionString) End Sub Public Overloads Overrides Sub Execute() ' handles update and delete commands which return nothing here Public Overloads Overrides Function Execute(ByVal consumer As Integer) As Integer Public Overloads Overrides Function Execute(ByVal consumer As DataReader) As DataReader Public Overloads Overrides Function Execute(ByVal consumer As DataSet) As DataSet Public Overloads Overrides Function Execute(ByVal consumer As DataTable) As DataTable Public Overloads Overrides Function Execute(ByVal consumer As DataRow) As DataRow Public Overloads Overrides Function Execute(ByVal consumer As Order) As Order Public Sub LogError(ByVal e As SqlException, ByVal Command As String) Public Overloads Overrides Sub ClearAllParameters() Public Overloads Overrides Sub AddParameter(ByVal sParameterName As String, ByVal lSqlType As ssenumSqlDataTypes, _ ByVal iSize As Integer, ByVal sValue As String, ByVal iDirection As Integer) Private Function ConvertParameterToSqlParameter(ByVal oP As Parameter) As SqlParameter End Class
Public Overloads Overrides Function Execute(ByVal consumer As DataSet) As DataSet Dim oCmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand() Dim oEnumerator As IEnumerator = m_oParmList.GetEnumerator() Try Me.Connection.ConSql.Open() With oCmd .Connection = Me.Connection.ConSql .CommandText = DalRequest.Command .CommandType = DalRequest.CommandType End With If DalRequest.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure Then Do While (oEnumerator.MoveNext()) Dim oP As Parameter = oEnumerator.Current oCmd.Parameters.Add(ConvertParameterToSqlParameter(oP)) Loop End If With New SqlDataAdapter() .SelectCommand = oCmd .Fill(consumer) End With Catch e As SqlException Me.LogError(e, oCmd.CommandText) Throw e Finally Me.Connection.ConSql.Close() End Try Return consumer End Function
Public Overloads Overrides Function Execute(ByVal consumer As Order) As Order Dim oCmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand() Dim oEnumerator As IEnumerator = m_oParmList.GetEnumerator() Dim dt As DataTable Try Me.Connection.ConSql.Open() With oCmd .Connection = Me.Connection.ConSql .CommandText = DalRequest.Command .CommandType = DalRequest.CommandType End With If DalRequest.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure Then Do While (oEnumerator.MoveNext()) Dim oP As Parameter = oEnumerator.Current oCmd.Parameters.Add(ConvertParameterToSqlParameter(oP)) Loop End If With New SqlDataAdapter() .SelectCommand = oCmd .Fill(dt) End With Catch e As SqlException Me.LogError(e, oCmd.CommandText) Throw e Finally Me.Connection.ConSql.Close() End Try consumer.OrderDate = dt.Rows(0)("OrderDate") Return consumer End Function
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\dal\ c:\inetpub\wwwroot\dal\ Data Source=vsnet\dev1;Initial Catalog=Northwind;User ID=ext;Password=earth Data Source=vsnet\dev1;Initial Catalog=Northwind;User ID=int;Password=wind Data Source=vsnet\dev1;Initial Catalog=Northwind;User ID=su;Password=and Data Source=vsnet\dev1;Initial Catalog=Northwind;User ID=admin;Password=fire
dim connectionString as string = xmlsetting.read("appsettings", "internal") xmlsetting.write("appsetting", "Internal", "safe")
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