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Published: 17 Oct 2003
Unedited - Community Contributed
The Response Object is one of the most commonly used Objects in ASP. It contains methods like Write and Redirect, along with properties like Buffer and Expires. This article will provide you with the knowledge to use some of the most basic functions.
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Response.Friend - An insight into the Response Object


The Response Object is one of the most commonly used Objects in ASP. It contains methods like Write and Redirect, along with properties like Buffer and Expires. This article will provide you with the knowledge to use some of the most basic functions.

Note: When calling a method in ASP you can use this : Response.Write "Hi", however in ASP.Net you must use Response.Write("Hi") By using the parenthesis it makes it much easier to read. Parenthesis should always be used.


The Response.Write is my 'most used method' as it simply prints text the screen. You obviously wouldn't write a whole webpage with just Response.Write, you mainly use it for custom statements, or in If statements you need to quickly scribble a message to the screen.

Response.Write("<font size=3>Welcome " & name & "</font>")
Response.Write("<font size=3>Welcome to my page</font>")

There are 3 very simple statements. The first just displays the message 'Hi' the next one is a bit more complicated, it sets a fontsize property and then prints 'Welcome ' it then inserts a variable called name and then closes off the font tag. The last one just uses the fontsize to print 'Welcome to my page'.

The second one is one that I will dwell on as you will use it a lot. When you use Response.Write, it is just as it you are writing HTML, you can use all the tags and language you like, because in the end it will appear exactly as you put it (but without Response.Write(" ")). Next, I put a variable into it (this is assuming that I created the variable before and gave it a value), by closing off the quotes you can either close the method or put an & to tell it "I'm going to stick a variable here, get its value and add it to the string", after I put name, I wanted to close the font tag, so I used & again to add </font>.

If that was totally confusing, look over it a few times and it will come to you.


Write is for writing, so redirect is for __________ (Answer at end of document). To use Response.Redirect you use the same way as a method: Response.Redirect([place]). Here is an example:

Select Case page
Case "bar"
Case "winecellar"
Response.Redirect("goto.asp?place=" & page)
End Select

If you didn't understand the Select Case stuff then all I did there was work out what was in the variable page and take the appropriate action. If page=bar then it used Response.Redirect to redirect to bar.asp. However if page=winecellar it used it to redirect to goto.asp?place=winecellar, how did I get the winecellar? I used the & to insert page, which just so happens to equal winecellar.


Ok, Response.Expires is a property, not a method, so instead of using Response.Expires(thing), you use Response.Expires = thing. What it sets is how long a page will stay cached on the user's computer before it is deleted. This must come before any HTML tags and usually is only set to 0 (not cached at all).

<% Response.Expires = 0 %>

That was pretty self explanatory, wasn't it?


This is only used to tell Proxy servers weather to cache the page or not. Usually Proxy servers cache HTML pages to make it faster for users to get WebPages (if they are using a proxy server), however, this doesn't work with ASP. Because ASP pages are dynamic caching things like stock-prices or inventory means that when you request the page again through a proxy server, it gives you the same old cached information. By default the proxy will not cache an ASP page (images, image maps, applets and other referenced items are cached as they are static). But if you really want to let a proxy cache the page use this in the page header.

<% Response.CacheControl = "Public" %>

Nothing too fancy, this lets all proxies to cache it (Public means everything).

User Comments

Title: Mr.   
Name: Irfan Mahmood
Date: 2005-03-05 2:34:50 AM
I just used this code and find informative for me. So use these codes and also use this site. Very informative site for all. Take Care,

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