The Three Tier Model
Business applications today all access data as part of their
core functionality. As relational database servers gained in popularity 20
years ago, the industry moved from a one tier (mainframe) model to a client
server model where we had a client performing the presentation logic and most
of the business logic and the server with the data storage and some business
logic in the form of stored queries. By the early 1990s this model broke down
due to high maintenance costs and a lack of a separation of concerns and we
moved to a three-tier architecture as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. A 3-tier architecture. (Source: Wikipedia)
A three-tier architecture enforces a logical
(and sometimes physical) separation of three major concerns:
user interface components.
Logic-processes commands requested by the users, makes logical
decisions such as calculations and computations. Retrieves data from the data
Data storage
and retrieval-storage
and retrieval of data for the system and passes the data to the business layer
for processing and ultimate rendering to the user by the presentation tier. In
theory this tier can be file storage, XML, or a relational database, however, a
relational database is by far the most common usage.
The goal of separating the logic is
twofold. First there is a performance gain by having the database server focus
only on database storage and retrieval. Specific hardware and topologies (such
as RAID) are used for database storage and access that are different from an
“application server” or middle tier of business objects and logic. In addition
with powerful client machines it made sense to push UI processing down to the
Second was the separation of concerns
principle. By separating out the logic of a system, you can easier maintain the
overall system, reuse code, and keep associated logic and code in one location.
The n-Tier Model
By the later 1990s, the industry extended
the three-tier model to a multi-tier approach. The model is logically the same
but what forced it to change was that the Internet became an important part of
many applications.
Web services (and later REST data) have
become more integrated into applications. As a consequence the data tier
usually became split into a data storage tier (database server) and a data
access layer or tier (DAL). In very sophisticated systems an additional wrapper
tier is added to unify data access to both databases and web services. Web browsers
were far less powerful than a traditional client tier application and the user
interface logic became split across the browser with JavaScript and the server
with web server UI rendering logic such as ASP or PHP.
Tiers started to get blurred ever
further with the addition of stored procedures by all the major database vendors
and open source databases. This spread some business logic from the business
tier to the database tier, creating tiers within tiers. For example a business
component inside of Microsoft Transaction Server (an Object Request Broker or
ORB) is a logical business tier; however, it most likely calls a stored
procedure, which is a logical business tier inside of the database tier.
As tiers got more blurred due to
the Internet, technology innovations and services, the three-tier model evolved
to the n-tier model as shown in an example in Figure 2.
Figure 2. An n-tier architecture. (Source MS Patterns and
The Problem with the n-Tier Architecture
The n-tier architecture has been very successful. Most
sophisticated applications today use some form of the n-tier model. Years ago
to support this model, enterprises would have as many as five different job
titles around the data centric business application. The job titles were:
Data Modeler
Database Administrator
SQL Programmer
Object Modeler
Application Developer
The data modeler would design the physical tables and
relationships. The DBA would create the tables, maintain them and come up with
an index and physical disk strategy and maintenance plan. The object modeler
would build and object model (or API) and map behaviors to methods. The SQL
programmer would work with the object modeler and application developer and
write stored procedures and views under the guidance of the DBA. The
application developer would use the object model components and would “glue”
the application together.
That was then. While some large
organizations still develop this way the advent of RAD tools in the late 1990s,
the agile/XP movement in the early part of this decade, the .com boom, and
ultimately offshoring and budget cuts, most firms do not organize this way
anymore. Many smaller shops have one “database guy” (if at all) and one “code
guy.” Some only have one person in total. Companies then push most of the
modeling and procedure creation to the “db guy” and application developer.
With budget cuts, smaller teams, and the rise of
cross-function teams there are not enough “database guys” to go around.
Developers complain that they spend over 30% of an application’s code on
database access code. This only exacerbates the object-relational impedance
The Object-Relational Impedance Mismatch
Database normalization theory, based on mathematics,
encompasses different strategies than object oriented theory, which is based on
software engineering principles. Database tables model data and prescribe storage
techniques. Objects model data and behavior. The problem is that there are
subtle differences between the way a database is designed compared to the way an
object model is designed. The approach of doing straight mapping of database
tables to objects leads to the famous “object-relational impedance mismatch.”
To demonstrate the impedance mismatch let’s
take a look at an example. This sample was designed by Scott Ambler in a more detailed discussion
of the impedance mismatch. Below in Figure 3 is a simple database model
diagram. There are four database tables: a Customer table, an Address table,
and a many-to-many table called CustomerAddress, linking them together, representing
the notion that a customer can have multiple addresses and addresses are
reusable, even between customers. Finally, there is also a support or “lookup”
table for States, representing a one-to-many relationship between States and
Figure 3. A database model. Source:
Now let’s consider an object model
that would interact with this data. In Figure 4, we have four objects: a
Customer object, an Address object and a supporting State object. Notice that
there is no need for the “many to many” database table to be modeled since
there is a “lives in” and 1..* arrow notation between the Customer and Address
objects. This will indicate that you will have an Address collection associated
with the Customer. In addition we have a separate ZipCode Object that does not
exist in the database model. This object is used for validation and formatting,
behaviors that are not necessary to model in the database.
Figure 4. An object model. Source:
Notice the subtle difference
between Figure 3 and Figure 4? They each have 4 objects, some are identically
named (Customer, Address, and State) and look similar, but the ZipCode object
is quite different from the ZipCode represented in the database model. This is
because object models structure both data and behavior while the database model
only models data. Triggers are not considered a behavior, it is more about data
updates and flow.
Data Access Layers (DALs)
The impedance mismatch has no easy solution, there are
fundamental differences in the database normalization theory and object
oriented theory. To bridge the gap as best as you can and to reduce the amount
of code you have to write for database access developers have taken to write
data access layers (DALs). The goal of a DAL is to decouple the data access
code from the object model, allowing the object model to evolve according to
its behaviors and the database to evolve based on its specific needs. A DAL
should have these characteristics:
Be completely independent of the object model. In other words the
DAL should place no constraints on the object model.
The DAL should hide all the data access code from the object
model. This is sometimes referred to as persistence ignorance. Your object
model should not care if you are using raw SQL, stored procedures, or an ORM.
If you have the name of a stored procedure or SQL inside of your business (domain)
objects then you violate this point.
The DAL should be able to be ripped out and replaced with minimal
to no impact.
The problem with DALs is that they are time consuming to
write and not easily reusable from application to application. This is where
ORMs come in.
Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
To overcome the impedance mismatch in a DAL you have to
understand and implement the process of mapping objects to relational database
tables. Class attributes will map to zero, one, or many columns in a database
table. If there is proper mapping and persistence ignorance, the developer
should only have to worry about working with the objects in the domain model
and the DAL takes care of the rest. One way to facilitate this is to use an
Object Relational Mapper or ORM.
An ORM is automated way to create your DAL
based on your database and object model by mapping domain objects to database
tables. Wikipedia
defines an ORM as: “a programming technique for converting data between
incompatible type systems in relational databases and object-oriented
programming languages. This creates, in effect, a "virtual object
database," which can be used from within the programming language.” An ORM
has to provide a facility to map database tables to domain objects, usually a
design surface or wizard. This mapping is in-between your database and domain
model, independent from the source code and the database. The ORM runtime then
converts the commands issued by the domain model against the mapping into back
end database retrieval and SQL statements. Mapping allows an application to
deal seamlessly with several different database models, or even databases.
An ORM’s mapping eliminates the need for a
developer to manually write an entire DAL. A good ORM will eliminate 90% of the
DAL code with its mapping and persistent objects. Since developers tend to
focus 30% of their code on writing a DAL, an ORM will save over 25% of the
total application code. Since the DAL is generated by an ORM and not by hand,
it will be error free and always conform to product standards, standards that
are easier to change in the future if products change.
When it comes to mapping there are two
approaches that an ORM can take: forward mapping and reverse mapping. Forward
mapping will take your already existing object model and then create a database
schema out of it. Reverse mapping is the process of taking an already existing
database and creating a set of objects from the tables. Most ORMs will support
either forward or reverse mapping, and some support both methods. An automatic
one-to-one mapping may not be preferred due to the differences between the
object model and an appropriate data model (as show in Figures 3 and 4), most
ORMs will give the user the ability to alter the mappings.
Besides mapping, an ORM has to
provide a way for your domain objects to issue database agnostic commands to
the DAL, have the DAL translate that command to the appropriate SQL, and then
return a status (in the case of an update, etc), an object or object collection
to the requesting domain object. This has to be done in a transparent way, the
objects in your domain need to be ignorant of what happens behind the scenes in
the DAL (persistence ignorance). Popular ways to do this today are using an ORM
LINQ provider or an ORM specific object query language (OQL). The most
important thing is that you are querying your DAL in an agnostic way. For
example consider this simple LINQ Query against a popular ORM:
result = from o in
where o.Customer.CustomerID.Matches("ALFKI")
This code only concerns itself with
the object model and more specifically with the Order object and returns a
collection of Orders filtered by the Customer ID “ALFKI”. Taking the example
further, following code demonstrates using an ORM to filter an ASP.NET GridView
based on the results of the user input, notice that we are querying objects
(the Order again) and projecting the results into a new object, never worrying
about the database, connections, or any SQL code. That was handled by the ORM
in the DAL.
void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs
//get the
selected customer id
string customerid =
//linq query
IObjectScope scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope();
var result = from o in
where o.Customer.CustomerID.Matches(customerid)
select new {
o.OrderID, o.ShipName, o.ShipCity, ShipCompany = o.Shipper.CompanyName };
//databind the
GridView1.DataSource =
In addition to mapping and
commands, ORMs should also integrate with development IDEs such as Microsoft
Visual Studio (or Eclipse), provide caching techniques, integrate with source
code version control software, and provide a testable framework. This will
enable better developer productivity while saving the developer from having to
write the DAL from scratch.
Telerik OpenAccess ORM
In November 2008 Telerik released OpenAccess ORM to its
customers. OpenAccess is a mature ORM that was developed by Vanatec prior to
its acquisition by Telerik in Autumn 2008.
OpenAccess has deep integration with Microsoft Visual Studio
and provides both forward and reverse mapping to six major databases including
Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle with an easy to use Wizard shown in Figure 5.
As you can see in Figure 5, the wizard gives you full control over what to map
and how to map it (as a class or collection). OpenAccess gives the user
complete control over the object and member naming (or database field and table
naming in the case of reverse mapping).
Figure 5. OpenAccess (Reverse) Engineering Wizard.
OpenAccess also generates a DAL that is transparent
persistence and mostly persistence ignorant
and by utilizing partial classes, generating very clean reflection free classes,
allowing you to run in a medium trust environment. If you need it, you have the
ability to add your own additional logic to the DAL that will not be
overwritten if you need to regenerate the class. This also makes integration
with source version control software much easier as well as facilitates
testability and TDD. Here is a class generated by OpenAccess, it is just like a
normal class that you would create:
//Generated by Telerik OpenAccess
//NOTE: Field declarations and 'Object ID' class implementation
are added to the 'designer' file.
// Changes made to the 'designer' file will be
overwritten by the wizard.
public partial class Region
//The 'no-args' constructor required by OpenAccess.
public Region()
public int
get { return
regionID; }
set { this.regionID
= value; }
public string
get { return
regionDescription; }
set { this.regionDescription
= value; }
Data Access
You can query the objects in the
DAL using standard Object Query Language (OQL) and OpenAccess provides an OQL
explorer tool shown in Figure 6 where you can test your OQL and even see what
SQL OpenAccess generates against the backend datasource.
Figure 6. The OQL Query Browser
OpenAccess has first class LINQ
support through its automatically generated ObjectScopeProvider. The LINQ
support is specific to OpenAccess, not the backend database. An example is
shown here, after you get a reference to the ObjectScopeProvider provided by
your DAL, you can use the standard LINQ query operators on that reference.
IObjectScope scope = ObjectScopeProvider1.GetNewObjectScope();
var result = from
o in scope.Extent<Order>()
where o.Customer.CustomerID.Matches("ALFKI")
select o;
If you are not satisfied with the
SQL that OpenAccess generated via LINQ or OQL, you can optimize the query that
OpenAccess will generate by defining a fetch plan. You can graphically define a
fetch plan using the fetch plan browser as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7. The Fetch Plan Browser
Lazy Loading and Level 2 Cache
OpenAccess also uses “lazy loading”
or the ability to load resources as they are needed, increasing performance.
OpenAccess also has a very unique caching mechanism, the 2nd level (L2) cache,
which reduces the calls made to the backend database server. Database access is
therefore necessary only when the retrieving data that is currently not
available in the cache. This increases the efficiency and performance of your
application and enables you to move effortlessly to a multi-tier application or
web-farm environment.
The cache is even more scalable via
the 2nd Level Cache Cluster. In an application server farm scenario where more
than one application is using the L2 cache for the same database, OpenAccess
synchronizes the various caches, even preserving transactional integrity.
Every modifying transaction sends its eviction requests to all participants in
the L2 cache cluster asynchronously, ensuring that the modified data will be
expired and preventing both incorrect and dirty reads.
Distributed Applications
Applications today need to work across
multiple tiers even if they are not always connected. Service oriented architectures
via WCF, Web applications, mobile application and asynchronous applications
still need to deal directly with persistent objects. OpenAccess supports
distributed environments by allowing you to work with portions of your data in
a disconnected mode via the OpenAccess Object Container. In addition OpenAccess
integrates with client side technology such as Silverlight, allowing you to
spread your processing across multiple tiers.
If you are looking to bridge the object-relational impedance
mismatch and increase your productivity and data access performance, you should
consider the Telerik OpenAccess ORM. It offers a wizard for both forward and reverse
mapping to all major databases including Microsoft SQL Server, tight Visual
Studio integration, LINQ support, transparent persistence and lazy loading, runs
in medium trust, as well as a fully scalable architecture via its fetch plans
and level 2 cache.
By: Stephen Forte, Chief Strategist. Telerik Corporation.