Securing ASP.NET Applications
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Published: 28 Apr 2009
Unedited - Community Contributed
The movie “Hackers” (1995) was spot-on (in being ridiculous.) But security issues are very real to the companies who have to face the fall-out from the compromise of their customer’s privacy. This article takes a look at two recent attacks on web applications and how they were perpetrated. Then it dives head first into a litany of different potential security holes and more importantly, how to plug them in ASP.Net.
by Gil Shabat
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There is no glamour in building secure ASP.NET web applications. The vast majority of developers I’ve met would much rather focus on building new & flashy features that can impress their managers and end-users. Even though security can usually take a backseat during the initial stages of development, it usually comes back to bite you when it’s least expected. This article covers some of the security aspects to be aware of when developing a new web application and what to do throughout the development process to protect applications and databases against common attacks.


Building web applications with ASP.NET has been getting easier as the technology and the development environment, Visual Studio, become more sophisticated. Many of the complexities are taken care of by the framework and are out of view from developers. This allows us to focus more on the business value and features of our web applications and less on technical aspects that very few really understand or appreciate. As a result, many developers believe that security is also taken care of for them and they need not to worry about it.

Unfortunately the reality is quite different. Unless developers make security one of their priorities early on in the development cycle, project managers might end up with a great application but one that cannot go live without compromising the safety of their end-users and their data.

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User Comments

Title: Good Job   
Name: Swapon
Date: 2009-12-01 11:45:31 PM
Really nice article.Well done.But it would be nice if you give the complete example with code.
Title: Good work   
Name: phani
Date: 2009-05-09 6:42:43 AM
Its really nice article but it would have been more effective if you have explained the measures to be taken elaboratively.
Title: Nice work!   
Name: Chama
Date: 2009-05-01 1:11:53 PM
I love this article. Nice work dude!
Title: s   
Name: Ajay
Date: 2009-04-29 12:23:46 AM
Excellent stuff!

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