How to Reset a SQL Server sa Password
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Published: 28 Jun 2011
Unedited - Community Contributed
Sometimes you need to reset the password of a SQL Server database installation. This article shows you how.
by Steven Smith
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If you need to reset the sa (system administrator) password on a MS SQL Server database because you've lost or forgotten the old password or you've change your active directory domain, you can do so provided that you can access the server with an account that has local administrator permissions.  This article describes the steps required to do so.

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User Comments

Title: Reset SQL Server Password   
Name: Richard
Date: 2012-03-04 10:24:36 AM
I also find a useful article of resetting SQL Server password, check it at:
Title: It is also prompted for crendential   
Name: Paresh Prajapati
Date: 2011-06-29 6:32:59 AM
We are assuming sql server can not connect with windows authentication, we have only sa sysuser. If we know only one user 'sa' and we forgot password then you said as

"Now open SQL Server Management Studio and click New Query (or use the query window that opened on startup if you configured it to do so). Type in the following:"

This is also prompted for crendential.

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