Review: Dundas Chart 3.5
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Published: 29 Jul 2003
Unedited - Community Contributed
A review of Dundas Chart 3.5, covering installation, documentation, getting started and some simple usage scenarios.
by Steven Smith
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Dundas Chart 3.5 (in beta at time of publication) is the latest version of Dundas' Charting component for ASP.NET. I've had the opportunity to use it for some simple real-world applications I've been building, and I thought I'd share my experiences here.

I. Installation
  • Detected and uninstalled previous version - no problem.
  • Installed in about 5 minutes with no errors or problems.
  • My configuration: Windows XP Pro, Visual Studio .NET 1.1 and 1.0.

Upon completion, the installer opens up the readme and runs the sample by default. These are also available in the start menu.

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User Comments

Title: Dundas Chart Axis Setting   
Name: Kumar Sandeep
Date: 2006-09-29 3:50:41 AM
I have used dundas chart 5.5 for ASP.Net, its really vary good. can someone tell me how to setting the XAxis and YAxis of chart from date(i am using dataset for data bind)
Title: current userd   
Name: Niteshade
Date: 2006-02-24 12:05:41 PM
Looks good, however the documentation is worse than Micro Soft, not details or indepth instructions example with stacked charts, "all series must have the same amout of data points" but does not tell you how to fill in the empty data points. Hot happy, spent to much money for this product

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