Sharing a User Control across Web Applications
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Published: 17 Dec 2003
Unedited - Community Contributed
Learn to share user controls accross several web applications without cutting and pasting.
by Thomas Z.
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One of the major critics against the user controls is that everyone thinks that it is not possible to share them across multiple web applications and that you need to do some cut and paste to reuse them. Well, we will see in this article that this critic is wrong and that it is possible to share user controls across multiple applications. Lets see how and the steps to achieve this.

UserControls Library

First let's create a web project in visual that will contain all user controls that we need to share.

For our demo, we add a new usercontrol named "DateBox.ascx" to the project and add a calendar and two labels to it.

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User Comments

Title: require same solution for .net 2.0   
Name: Mital
Date: 2007-10-24 8:09:33 AM
To Graham,

as you said u have published a newer verion for .net 2, but that link is not working and I want it urgently Please help me.
Thanks in advance
Title: That's Great, Really.   
Name: Shahzad
Date: 2006-12-14 11:45:22 AM
Thanks very much buddy. Actually, i was looking for a solution to manipulate a control all dynamically, and after a lot of search i found this article, it helped me a lot.
Thanks and keep it up!
Title: A newer solution to the problem   
Name: Graham
Date: 2006-07-26 7:45:17 AM
I've just posted a new solution for .Net 2 that allows you to include UserControls, Pages and MasterPages in a single Web Application Project library that can be distributed easily.

Its quick and easy to set up, there a description of how it works and a solution download that demonstrates everything working at,
Title: Thanks   
Name: MG
Date: 2006-02-08 1:32:39 PM
The ~ trick is great. I was struggling with virtual directories. Thanks for the help.

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