Building a DataGrid Helper Control For ASP.NET 1.x: Part 1
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Published: 16 Jun 2004
Unedited - Community Contributed
The DataGrid control in ASP.NET 1.x is a very powerful control. However, it still requires the understanding of the life cycle of ASP.NET as well as many lines of code to create a functional data access page. Much of coding related to DataGrid control is repetitive in nature. In this series of articles, we will develop a custom control that will drastically simplify the DataGrid programming in ASP.NET 1.x today. In the first installment of this series, we will discuss how to simplify the programming of a read-only data access page.
by Li Chen
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The DataGrid control in ASP.NET 1.x is a very powerful control. However, it still requires the understanding of the life cycle of ASP.NET as well as many lines of code to create a functional data access page. Much of coding related to DataGrid control is repetitive in nature. The upcoming ASP.NET 2.0 has a new GridView control and several data source controls. Using the GridView control and one of the data source controls, it is possible to build a data access page without writing a single line of code. In this series of articles, we will develop a custom control that will drastically simplify the DataGrid programming in ASP.NET 1.x today.  In the first installment of this series, we will discuss how to simplify the programming of a read-only data access page.


In this article, we will first examine a typical data access page to identity the code that we can simplify. Next, we will build a control that allows us to simplify the DataGrid programming.  We will then show how to use this control and conclude this article. 


Now, let us take a look of a typical data access page.

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User Comments

Title: DataGrid   
Name: Anita
Date: 2007-07-30 2:01:28 PM
Very Good
Title: Confusing   
Name: Anees
Date: 2006-10-05 1:04:44 AM
Its confusing for Begginers.
Title: Atish.netExpress   
Name: Atish J
Date: 2006-09-01 6:05:32 AM
Ver nice .......!
Title: datagrid   
Name: shailendra
Date: 2006-09-01 2:18:27 AM
Title: Good   
Name: Prashant Raizada
Date: 2006-07-27 4:40:54 AM
Good job!!!
Title: Testing Form   
Name: BinDev1998
Date: 2004-09-21 11:53:35 PM
This is Cool!
Title: good!   
Name: Region
Date: 2004-08-09 1:59:31 AM
Is Like My Grid
Title: NICE   
Name: Raghuraman
Date: 2004-08-07 3:12:19 AM
a nice walk thru
Title: Not Bad   
Name: Tarzan from Zimbava
Date: 2004-08-07 2:46:39 AM
It's a good article for Asp starters
Title: good   
Name: gayathri
Date: 2004-08-07 1:41:33 AM
Title: good   
Name: ramu
Date: 2004-06-28 4:15:35 AM
good article

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