The code below demonstrates how to connect to and query a Microsoft Access database and then bind those results to an ASP.NET datagrid for display as an HTML table.
<%@ Page language="VB" Debug="false" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb" %>
<script language="VB" runat="server">
Sub Page_Load(Sender as Object, E as EventArgs)
Dim oConn As OleDbConnection
Dim oComm As OleDbDataAdapter
Dim sConn As String
Dim sComm As String
Dim oDataSet As New DataSet
'Build the connection string
sConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"
sConn += "Data Source=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Sample\grocertogo.mdb;"
sConn += "Persist Security Info=False"
'Build the SQL string sComm = "SELECT Products.ProductID, "
sComm += "Products.ProductName, "
sComm += "Products.ProductDescription, "
sComm += "Products.UnitPrice "
sComm += "FROM Products"
'Usually you would use error-handling here. It is left out to
'make the code as simple as possible.
'Create the connection and command objects
oConn = New OleDbConnection(sConn)
oComm = New OleDbDataAdapter(sComm, oConn)
'Fill the dataset with the results of the query
oComm.Fill(oDataSet, "Products")
'Set the grid source to the dataset and bind the data
End Sub
<title>Fill A DataGrid From Access Database</title>
<asp:DataGrid id="oGrid" runat="server" />
by Brad Kingsley the Founder and President of ORCS Web, Inc. - a company that provides managed hosting services for clients who develop and deploy their applications on Microsoft Windows platforms.