Creating a DropDownLabel Server Control
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Published: 30 Aug 2005
Unedited - Community Contributed
Server controls are the life force behind ASP.NET development. The server controls that come with the ASP.NET framework are fantastic, but sometimes they do not perform the exact task that is required. Luckily, Microsoft has designed the server control model so that developers can extend and implement their own custom server controls based on the ASP.NET control set. This article will explain some of the concepts in custom server control design, and also provide a walkthrough on how to create a custom DropDownLabel control.
by Matthew Mondok
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Recently I needed to refactor an Access project to an ASP.NET application, and I found that the Access application contained a ComboBox that displayed the selected value, not the item, in a label.  I figured that I could easily find an ASP.NET server control that provided the same functionality, but I had no luck.  My only choice was to create my own.  My initial instinct was to use a client-side callback, or AJAX, but I needed this control in literally hundreds of places.  Obviously, I had no choice but to create a server control.  In this article, I will explain not only how to create this specific control, but also how to get started creating server controls in general.


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