Remoting in .NET
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Published: 02 May 2006
Unedited - Community Contributed
In this article, Joydip discusses the concept of Remoting in .NET with the help of examples. A brief comparison of Remoting with Web Services is also provided.
by Joydip Kanjilal
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Remoting allows two processes, a Server and a Client, to communicate in the same system, the same network or across networks.  It allows applications in the same or different domains to inter-communicate.  This article discusses the concept of Remoting in .NET with a simple example using C#.

Local and Remote Objects

In Remoting, a local object is one that is confined to the same application domain in which it is created.  The object is considered Remote if it resides in a different application domain and can be invoked remotely by abiding by some pre-defined protocols.  A Remote object inherits from the class MarshalByRefObject.


Channels are used to establish communications between a .NET Server and a .NET Client.  Channels are a means of message communication between a Server and a Client process in .NET Remoting.  Each channel is associated with a specific port.  The clients access the Remote objects using channels. Channels can be of the following types:

·         Http Channel

·         Tcp Channel


Formatters are responsible for encoding and decoding messages that are transmitted between the server and the client's application domains using these Channels.  There are two formatters:

·         Binary Formatter

·         SOAP Formatter

The respective formatter classes for the above formatters are:



Remoting in action

In .NET Remoting we have three components, a Server class that extends the class MarshalByRefObject, a client class and a proxy.  The client does not call a server’s method directly.  Instead, it invokes the method on the proxy.  The client channel object actually sends a message to the remote channel object.  A formatter on the client’s application domain then encodes the message and passes the same through the transport channel onto the server’s application domain.  The message is decoded by a formatter on the server’s application domain and then the appropriate server’s method is called on the object being invoked.  After the method completes its execution, the results are returned back to the client.

Passing Objects in Remoting

In Remoting, objects are passed from the server to the client or vice-versa using a process known as Marshalling.  Marshalling can be of the following two types:

·         Marshal by reference

·         Marshal by value

In Marshall by reference, a proxy of the server’s object is created in the client’s application domain.  In Marshal by value however, the server creates a copy of the remote object and sends the same to the client.  In order to implement Marshal by reference, the class should extend the class MarshalByRefObject.  To implement Marshal by value however, you should implement the ISerializable interface or specify the keyword Serializable attribute when declaring the class.  Marshal by value classes are also known as unbound classes and do not have a remote identity.  The MarshalByRefObjects are also known as application domain-bound or context-bound objects.

Types of Remote Objects

The following are the types of Remote Objects:

·         Client Activated

·         Server Activated

A client-activated Remote Object is one which is instantiated by a client and whose lifetime is determined by a client.  The object is alive as long as its services are required by the client.  A server-activated Remote Object is one whose lifetime is determined by the remote object.  Activation modes of the Server Activated Remote Objects can be of the following two types:

·         Single Call Activation Mode

·         Singleton Activation Mode

The Single Call Activation mode is stateless and can handle only one client request at any time.  For each request a new object is created and after the request is serviced the object is marked as garbage and it is subject to garbage collection.  The Singleton Activation mode is not stateless so it can serve multiple clients.

Implementing a Remoting Application

This section shows how a Custom Business Data Object can be transmitted from the Server to the Client with the help of the Remoting technology.  The following section illustrates how you can implement a Server-Client Remoting application.  The application is simple and I hope that the readers will not face any problem at the time compiling or executing.  Please follow the instructions detailed in this section.

The Business Data Class is meant for encapsulating the business data.  This class implements the IBusinessData interface.  This interface exposes two methods, the Display() method and the GetBusinessDataFromDatabase() method.  Note that the Serializable attribute is applied to this class.  This is because an object of this class needs to be transmitted from the Server to the Client.  This object should be serialized. The code for the Business Data Class is given below:

Listing 1: The Business Data Class

using System;
public interface IBusinessData
  void Display();
  void GetDataFromDatabase();
public class Customer: IBusinessData
  int custID;
  string custName;
  public void GetDataFromDatabase()
  public void Display()
    Console.WriteLine("The Customer ID is:" + custID);
    Console.WriteLine("The Customer Nameis: " + custName);

Compile the Business Data Class as follows:

csc /t:library BusinessData.cs

The next class is the Remote Object Class that inherits the MarshalByRef class and implements the IRemote interface.  The code is as shown below:

Listing 2: The Remote Object Class

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http;
public interface IRemote
  IBusinessData GetBusinessDataObject();
public class RemoteObject: MarshalByRefObject,IRemote
  public IBusinessData GetBusinessDataObject()
    IBusinessData cust = new Customer();
    return cust;

The Remote Object Class should be compiled as:

csc /r:BusinessData.dll /t:library RemoteObject.cs

The Server and the Client classes need to register the channels and use different ports.  In order to execute the Server and the Client in separate systems, the appropriate system name needs to be specified while also specifying the url name in the Client class.  The code for the Server class is shown below.

Listing 3: The Server Class

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http;
public class Server
  public static void Main()
    Console.WriteLine("The Server hasstarted at port 2001");
    Console.WriteLine("Press the enter keyto stop the server ...");

Now compile the Server Class as shown below:

csc Server.cs /r:RemoteObject.dll /r:BusinessData.dll

The code for the Client Class is shown below.

Listing 4: The Client Class

using System;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http;
public class Client
  public static void Main(string[]args)
    IRemote remoteObject =(RemoteObject)Activator.GetObject(typeof
    IBusinessData cust =remoteObject.GetBusinessDataObject();
    Console.WriteLine("Getting data fromthe server...");

Executing the Application

csc Client.cs /r:RemoteObject.dll /r:BusinessData.dll

The Remoting application has been compiled already following the steps as depicted in the previous section.  To execute the Remoting application, follow the steps given below:

·         Open a console and type Server in the command prompt.

·         Open another console and type Client in the command prompt.

When the Server is invoked, the following message is displayed in the Server’s console:

The Server has started at port 2001
Press the enter key to stop the server…

The Server now waits for the Client to connect.  Note that the names of the Server and the Client executable files are Server.exe and Client.exe respectably.  When the Client is invoked from another console, the data is displayed in the console window of the Client.

Comparing Remoting and Web Services

Web Services are stateless, use the HTTP protocol and are a good choice for interoperability in heterogeneous environments.  Remoting on the other hand operates in both stateless and stateful modes and supports homogenous environments and any protocol like TCP, HTTP, SMTP, etc.  The homogeneous nature of Remoting is due to the fact that a Remoting client should run only in a managed .NET environment.  Web Services are more reliable than .NET Remoting and they are easier to code and deploy than Remoting.  However, the performance of Remoting applications can be much better compared to those of Web Services.

Suggested Readings


Remoting is one of the most powerful technologies of .NET for developing distributed applications and it is a better choice over Web Services if performance is to be considered.  It is a good choice to use the best of both worlds and develop a scalable, reliable, secure and fast distributed application.

User Comments

Title: urgent (remoting and webservice) help me   
Name: Rebica
Date: 2006-10-19 12:47:51 AM
hi, i have seen ur artical, I would like to know how we can use this same in
Title: Student   
Name: Sandeep Sachan
Date: 2006-09-29 11:06:44 AM
Sir, i have seen ur artical, it is absolutly nice
but can u tell how can i use this same artical in
Title: Its Fine   
Name: Joseph Amalraj
Date: 2006-07-03 1:38:45 AM
Very thanks to Remote Object Class coding. It is very useful to me.
Title: Remoting   
Name: Santhakumar.P
Date: 2006-07-01 6:32:08 AM
This is very useful one article for me and beginners of the's easy to understand what is remoting.then explination good because clear explanation about what is remoting and methods and types and formmater everything is so good.Thanks for aspalliance Team.
Title: Remoting Feed back   
Name: Abhishek Singh
Date: 2006-05-30 9:32:37 AM
Fantastic artical, covers all the section of remoting
Title: CONFUSION!!   
Name: Joydeep Adhikary
Date: 2006-05-04 2:00:43 AM
http is related with application layer of a network sys.
tcp is related with transmission layer of a network sys.
Sir You wrote “the clients access the Remote objects using channels.
Channels can be of the following types:
• Http Channel
• Tcp Channel
for a single transmission both are essential over network.
So. Both of them must be implemented at the same time.
Is it???

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