Using DLINQ with ASP.NET (Part 2 of my LINQ series)
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Published: 04 Jun 2006
Unedited - Community Contributed
In the second part of this article, Scott examines the working of DLINQ using ASP.NET 2.0.
by Scott Guthrie
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Republished With Permission - Original Article

Last month I wrote about the new LINQ language features for VB and C#.  My blog post introduced some of the core concepts of LINQ, and demonstrated how you can use LINQ to perform rich queries over standard .NET business classes and object collections.  I also showed how you could easily bind the results of these queries against ASP.NET controls.  You can read all about how to-do this here.

One of the really powerful aspects of LINQ is that it can be used against any type of object or data source, and provides a consistent programming model for doing this.  LINQ ships with implementations that support LINQ against regular object collections, databases, entities, and XML sources.  Because LINQ supports rich extensibility, developers can also easily integrate LINQ with other data sources and providers as well. 

In this blog post I’m going to provide a quick overview of some of the key LINQ for databases concepts (aka DLINQ), and then walk through a sample that shows how you can start to use LINQ against a database within an ASP.NET 2.0 application. You can download the LINQ May CTP from here and use the steps below with VS 2005 or the free Visual Web Developers Express edition to follow along (note: the LINQ May CTP runs in VS 2005 and does not touch any existing binaries).  You can also download the completed samples I build below from here.

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User Comments

Title: DLINQ Usage   
Name: Subhashini
Date: 2010-12-18 1:36:06 AM
This article solved many of questions about DLINQ.I understand how to do create database structures for DLINQ query using Attribute Based Mapping and through XML Based Mapping.
Title: Helping hand for the DLINQ users   
Name: Tejaswini Jangale-Chaudhari
Date: 2009-04-22 1:02:16 AM
The article is real nice, n helped me a lot to understand binding and pagination. Keep posting such helpful articles :)
Title: Great Article   
Name: Yuna
Date: 2008-07-18 3:42:52 AM
thank you very much, my article help me understand LINQ
Title: Great Article   
Name: Jaykumar Acharya
Date: 2008-06-18 9:33:59 AM
I must say you are my guru of LINQ. These posts really helped me to learn LINQ and DLINQ. It was like a cake walk to learn deep concepts. Please keep posting such blogs for us.

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