Review: AppDev Visual C# 2005: Developing Applications
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Published: 15 Aug 2006
Unedited - Community Contributed
In this review Brendan describes his likes and dislikes about "Visual C# 2005: Developing Applications," a DVD-based learning solution from AppDev.
by Brendan Enrick
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Microsoft's .NET Framework has been a popular environment in which to develop for the past few years.  Visual C# 2005 is a language commonly used by developers who work with the .NET 2.0 Framework.  This course is a quick and easy way to pick up the basics of what you will need to know when developing Windows Applications.  The course uses a series of samples with at least one Visual Studio Project per Module of the course.  The samples are given to you on the discs and you can install on your computer.  This makes it easy to follow along as well as go back to reference bits of the code.

The Lessons are grouped into modules of which there are sixteen.  Each one of these has some common topic, making them like the chapters of a book.  As the lessons progress, they build more and more upon previously learned skills.  Because of this, I do not recommend skipping lessons unless they are topics you are familiar with already.

Navigation in the course is easy to work with because each lesson is grouped into logical sections.  These sections can be selected and viewed at any time which makes it easy to skip to a future or back to a previous lesson.  While I was following along with the AppDev course, I found it convenient to know what was coming up next.  There were topics with which I was already familiar and this ease of navigation allowed me to get past these sections.

The format of this course is designed more towards teaching these lessons than to be used as a reference, but the navigation I spoke of earlier allows it to be used as such as well.  The collection of sample applications that come with the course is a good place to look when referencing something.  I found it easy to look in these samples to find a simplified version of what it was that I was trying to create.

Also included on the discs are over one thousand pages of coursework and hands-on labs to help you learn the material taught in this course.

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