AspAlliance Author Profile
Name Sandeep Acharya
Column Name MCTS - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist
Average Article Rating 3.73333333333333
Join Date 12 Aug 2006
Birthday 26 Apr
Location Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India Send Feedback
Bio From last couple years Sandeep is on the software developement track. He is having knowledge on MOSS 2007, ASP.Net, C#.Net, Javascript, Flash Action Script, Coldfusion, ASP, MSSQL Server 2000/2005, Oracle 10g etc. Except writing codes he loves to gossip with friends and yes a big fan of cricket also. Now a day he is not getting time to have it. New hobby developed : Writing articles :) Thats all about him...
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Better luck next time.

AspAlliance Articles  Articles RSS Feed
12 Jan 2010 Client Centric Approach of AJAX using Toolkit
28 Jun 2007 SQL Server Session Management Mode in .NET
15 Jan 2007 ILDASM and Obfuscation in .NET
07 Dec 2006 CodeSnip: How to Read/Write an Image to Database in Binary Format
06 Nov 2006 CodeSnip: How to Add Data/Values for Corresponding Entries in a Combo Box Using Visual Basic .NET
11 Oct 2006 Multithreading with an Example of .NET Application
07 Sep 2006 Boxing and Unboxing in .NET

Community Advice: ASP | SQL | XML | Regular Expressions | Windows

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