Video: Using ATLAS PopUp Control with Calendar inside the GridView Control
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Published: 11 Sep 2006
Unedited - Community Contributed
In this video tutorial Mohammad demonstrates how you can access the Calendar control which is displayed using the ATLAS PopUp control inside the GridView control.
by Mohammad Azam
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User Comments

Title: One issue   
Name: Sid Shrivastav
Date: 2008-12-29 5:05:45 PM
I tried your sample and everything works great except I ran into one problem. If I want to navigate to previous or next months, the calendar disappears. I would have to then click on the textbox again to see the calendar. Is there a way this can be fixed? Great work otherwise.
Title: Thanks for helping.   
Name: Farru
Date: 2008-01-19 2:15:48 AM
Its great.
Title: only display year and month   
Name: eman lee
Date: 2007-05-14 7:27:10 AM
only display year and month
how to let calendar only display year and month, don't display day.
(I use the Calendar of ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit in my webpage)

The popuped window only display Year and Month , don't display day.

The textbox display the chose Year and Month after the user chose Year and Month.
Title: Calendar   
Name: slondon
Date: 2007-02-19 2:51:40 PM
Thanks, that helped me
Title: post back   
Name: akbar rasool
Date: 2006-12-04 7:35:52 AM
Great presentation. One issue however is that each time a date is selected the whole screen refreshes. I would've thought that the purpose of Atlas enabled appl should be to avoind just that. Am I being naive here?
Title: Calendar   
Name: Erik
Date: 2006-10-31 6:33:15 PM
Great, but 2 things are teasing me.
The popupextenderprorpeties doesn't exist in my version ah the controltoolkit. Instead controlid and targetid are attroibutes in the popupcontrolextender tag. But ok, it works then.
The otherthing is that I Cannot get the hiding of the calendar to work. When I embed in a panel and give the display style none og bolck, the calendar doesn't show up when I click on the textbox
Title: Great   
Name: Great
Date: 2006-10-15 11:53:42 AM
Title: Mr   
Name: sea
Date: 2006-10-05 5:56:54 AM
It is very usefull.Pls go for complex examples rather than simple example.......
Title: Usefull   
Name: Sumon
Date: 2006-09-17 5:34:51 AM
Thanks, that helped me

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