AspAlliance Author Profile
Name Mohammad Azam
Column Name GridViewGuy
Average Article Rating 4.34210526315789
Join Date 24 Jan 2006
Birthday 09 Feb
Location Houston, Texas, USA Send Feedback
Bio My name is Mohammad Azam. You might know me as "AzamSharp". I started programming at the age of 13 with GW BASIC as my first programming language. Later I switched to C programming language and now I exclusively develop solutions in C#. I have written several articles for many websites. Some of them are also published on Microsoft Official Website You will find most of my articles on I spend most my time reading .net articles and posting solutions to questions on forums. I am also Top 25 poster on forums. Currently I am an undergraduate student in University of Houston. I will be graduating in Fall 2005. I am also working as an developer for my university. My hobbies include listening music, playing video games and walk on a sunny day. Recently I got engaged to the most beautiful girl in the world which is the best thing ever happened to me. I would also like to thank my parents for all their support and love they have given me on every step of life. You can contact me at
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Better luck next time.

AspAlliance Articles  Articles RSS Feed
21 Dec 2009 Video: Understanding INotifyPropertyChanged and ObservableCollection in Windows Presentation Foundation
14 Dec 2009 Video: Using QUnit to Perform JavaScript Unit Testing
07 Dec 2009 Video: Minifying JavaScript Using JSMin
15 Jun 2009 Video: Introduction to Code Generation Using T4 Templates
18 May 2009 Video: Passing Parameters to Crystal Reports Programmatically
04 May 2009 Video: Creating Parameter Fields in Crystal Reports
27 Apr 2009 Creating Parameter Fields in Crystal Reports
20 Apr 2009 Video: Using the JQuery Physics Plug In
06 Apr 2009 Video: What's New in ASP.NET MVC RC 1
23 Mar 2009 Video: Using Model Binders in ASP.NET MVC
02 Mar 2009 Video: Building Your First Windows Communication Foundation Service
23 Feb 2009 Video: Introduction to Binary Resources in Windows Presentation Foundation
02 Feb 2009 Video: Using Routed Commands in Windows Presentation Foundation
19 Jan 2009 Video: Creating Master Pages in WPF
26 Jan 2009 Video: Using Tunneling Routed Events in Windows Presentation Foundation
12 Jan 2009 Video: Understanding Bubbling Routed Events in Windows Presentation Foundation
05 Jan 2009 Video: Using Dependency Properties with User Controls
29 Dec 2008 Video: Dependency Properties in Windows Presentation Foundation
22 Dec 2008 Video: Playing Video in Windows Presentation Foundation Using the MediaElement
15 Dec 2008 Video: Creating Scrollable TabControl
08 Dec 2008 Video: Using the WPF Popup Control to Create Popup Dialogs
01 Dec 2008 Video: Creating a FlowDocument Using Custom Collection
24 Nov 2008 Video: Creating FixedDocument to Display Custom Collections
17 Nov 2008 Video: A Look at the Container Controls in WPF
10 Nov 2008 Video: Creating User Controls in Windows Presentation Foundation
03 Nov 2008 Video: Introduction to 3D Graphics in Windows Presentation Foundation
20 Oct 2008 Video: Using IDataErrorInfo to Perform Validation in WPF
27 Oct 2008 Video: Introduction to Style Templates in Windows Presentation Foundation
06 Oct 2008 Video: Introduction to Geometry Drawing in WPF
13 Oct 2008 Video: Using Custom Validation Rules to Validate WPF Applications
29 Sep 2008 Video: Validating Controls in Windows Presentation Foundation
22 Sep 2008 Video: Introduction to Styles in Windows Presentation Foundation
15 Sep 2008 Video: Using ValidationGroup Control with User Controls
08 Sep 2008 Video: Introduction to Animations Using Windows Presentation Foundation
03 Sep 2008 Video: Using the ValidationGroup Control in ASP.NET
25 Aug 2008 Video: Returning ArrayList from the Web Service
18 Aug 2008 Video: Using Nant and ILMerge to Merge Assemblies
04 Aug 2008 Video: Creating Thumbnails for Images
11 Aug 2008 Video: Using PowerShell and ILMerge to Merge Assemblies
28 Jul 2008 Video: Using ILMerge to Give Assemblies a Proper Name
21 Jul 2008 Video: Converting a User Control Into a Reusable Custom Server Control
14 Jul 2008 Video: Using XSLT to Transform XML Documents to a Readable Format
07 Jul 2008 Video: Handing Schema Mapping When Using SqlBulkCopy
30 Jun 2008 Video: Using SqlBulkCopy to Bulk Insert Data between SQL Server Tables
23 Jun 2008 Video: Creating Sub-Reports Using Crystal Reports
11 Jul 2008 Creating Sub-Reports Using Crystal Reports
16 Jun 2008 Video: Creating Round Corners Using Only CSS
09 Jun 2008 Video: Introduction to the Pex Framework
02 Jun 2008 Video: Using JQuery Library Ajax API to Invoke WebService Methods
26 May 2008 Video: Making AJAX Calls Using JQuery Library
19 May 2008 Video: Introduction to the Castle Active Record Project
12 May 2008 Video: On Demand UI Loading Using ASP.NET AJAX
05 May 2008 Video: A Look into the LoginView Control
02 May 2008 Video: Creating Bar Charts Using Graphics API in Microsoft.NET Framework
30 Apr 2008 Video: Compressing ViewState Using the GZip API
21 Apr 2008 Video: Compressing HttpResponse Using ASP.NET MVC Framework
14 Apr 2008 Video: Authenticating Controller Actions Using Custom Role Filter
28 Apr 2008 Video: A Look at the Prebuild and Postbuild Events in Visual Studio.NET
29 Apr 2008 Video: Displaying Data from Excel Files on ASP.NET Pages
07 Apr 2008 Video: Caching ASP.NET MVC Controller Actions
31 Mar 2008 Video: Introduction to the Moq Mocking Framework
24 Mar 2008 Video: Implementing Controller Action Authentication in the ASP.NET MVC Framework
17 Mar 2008 Video: Refresh Update Panel Using a Timer Control
10 Mar 2008 Video: Using JQuery to Perform Drag and Drop Operations
03 Mar 2008 Video: Using JavaScript with the ASP.NET MVC Framework
18 Feb 2008 Video: Introduction to the MVC Toolkit
25 Feb 2008 Video: Unit Testing Membership Provider
11 Feb 2008 Video: Url Rewriting Using ASP.NET MVC Framework
04 Feb 2008 Video: Passing Parameters Across Pages Using ASP.NET MVC Framework
30 Jan 2008 Video: ASP.NET MVC Framework Unit Testing
14 Jan 2008 Video: Introduction to the ASP.NET MVC Framework
18 Jan 2008 Video: Implementing Model View Presenter Using ASP.NET
24 Jan 2008 Video: Creating Strongly Typed User Interface Messages
28 Jan 2008 Video: Unit Testing ASP.NET Pages Using Ruby And Watir
21 Jan 2008 Video: Unit Testing ASP.NET Pages Using WatiN
07 Jan 2008 Video: Introduction to the Dynamic Website Project in Visual Studio 2008
17 Dec 2007 Video: Introduction to Extension Methods in C# 3.0
03 Dec 2007 Video: Introduction to NMock
26 Nov 2007 Video: Using FIT for Integration Testing
19 Nov 2007 Video: Introduction to JQuery
12 Nov 2007 Video: Using XMLHttp Object to Make AJAX Requests
29 Oct 2007 Video: Creating and Using a Code Module in C#
22 Oct 2007 Video: Using NCover for Code Coverage
15 Oct 2007 Video: Unit Testing Using MbUnit
08 Oct 2007 Video: Creating Many-to-Many Relationships Using NHibernate
01 Oct 2007 Video: Find Out If JavaScript is Enabled on the Client Machine
24 Sep 2007 Video: Derived Properties Using NHibernate
17 Sep 2007 Video: Using the HQL (Hibernate Query Language) to Execute Queries
10 Sep 2007 Video: Creating One-to-Many Relationships Using NHibernate
04 Sep 2007 Video: Introduction to NHibernate
27 Aug 2007 Video: JavaScript Unit Testing with JsUnit
20 Aug 2007 Video: Testing ASP.NET Pages with NUnitASP
13 Aug 2007 Video: Introduction to Windows Powershell
06 Aug 2007 Video: Using Parallel Activity Execution in Windows Workflow Foundation
30 Jul 2007 Video: Creating Custom Activity in Windows Workflow Foundation
23 Jul 2007 Video: Introduction to Test Driven Development Using NUnit
16 Jul 2007 Video: Creating a Simple Silverlight Application
09 Jul 2007 Video: Performing INSERT and DELETE Using DLINQ
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18 Jun 2007 Video: Introduction to XLINQ
11 Jun 2007 Video: Using AJAX With the Anthem.NET Library
04 Jun 2007 Video: Using AJAX with the AJAX.NET Pro Library
28 May 2007 Video: Introduction to JSON
21 May 2007 Video: Creating a Simple Windows Workflow Application
14 May 2007 Video: Creating a Custom ASP.NET AJAX Extender Control
07 May 2007 Video: Using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit ListSearch Control
30 Apr 2007 Video: Using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit Slide Show Control
23 Apr 2007 Video: Using the TABLE Data Type in SQL SERVER
16 Apr 2007 Video: Creating a Simple HttpModule in ASP.NET
02 Apr 2007 Video: Creating a Simple HttpHandler in ASP.NET
09 Apr 2007 Video: Precompiling an ASP.NET 2.0 Website
26 Mar 2007 Video: Using the ASP.NET AJAX Tabs Control
26 Feb 2007 Video: Creating a Freeze Page
05 Mar 2007 Video: Using the AutoComplete Control in ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit
12 Mar 2007 Video: Using the ASP.NET AJAX MaskedEdit Extender Control
19 Mar 2007 Video: Using the ASP.NET AJAX Calendar Extender Control
19 Feb 2007 Video: Creating a Custom Configuration Section in ASP.NET 2.0
05 Feb 2007 Video: Using LINQ to Create a Hierarchical GridView
16 Feb 2007 Video: Using Web.sitemap Security Trimming in ASP.NET 2.0 Applications
29 Jan 2007 Video: Introduction to DLINQ
30 Jan 2007 Video: Introduction to LINQ
08 Jan 2007 Video: Using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit MutuallyExlcusiveCheckBox Control
22 Jan 2007 Video: Using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit DropDown Control
15 Jan 2007 Video: Using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit NoBot Control
18 Dec 2006 Video: Using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit ValidatorCallout Control
11 Dec 2006 Video: Using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit HoverMenu Control
04 Dec 2006 Video: Using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit UpdatePanelAnimation Control
27 Nov 2006 Video: Using the ASP.NET AJAX PagingBulletedList Control
20 Nov 2006 Video: Using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit Slider Control
13 Nov 2006 Video: Using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit NumericUpDown Control
06 Nov 2006 Video: Using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit ResizableControl
30 Oct 2006 Video: Using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit Accordion Control
23 Oct 2006 Video: Using the ASP.NET AJAX Rating Control
16 Oct 2006 Video: Using the ATLAS Dynamic Populate Control
02 Oct 2006 Video: Using the ATLAS Filtered TextBox Control
09 Oct 2006 Video: Using the ATLAS DragPanel Control
25 Sep 2006 Video: Using the Atlas UpdateProgress Control
18 Sep 2006 Video: Using the ATLAS PasswordStrength Control
11 Sep 2006 Video: Using ATLAS PopUp Control with Calendar inside the GridView Control
04 Sep 2006 Video: Using ATLAS ReOrderList Control with ObjectDataSource Control
28 Aug 2006 Video: Using the ATLAS ReOrderList Control with SqlDataSource control
21 Aug 2006 Video: Using the Substitution Control in ASP.NET 2.0
07 Aug 2006 Video: Displaying Running Total from GridView in ATLAS Always Visible Control
14 Aug 2006 Video: Using the ATLAS Toggle Button Control
31 Jul 2006 Video: Using the ATLAS Modal PopUp Control
24 Jul 2006 Video: Using the ATLAS Drop Shadow Control
20 Jun 2006 Understanding the JavaScript __doPostBack Function
19 Jun 2006 Video: Using ATLAS RoundCorner Control
10 Jul 2006 Video: Using the ATLAS Timer Control to Change Advertisements Without Postbacks
03 Jul 2006 Video: Using the ATLAS Cascading DropDown Control
26 Jun 2006 Video: Using the ATLAS TextBoxWatermark
12 Jun 2006 Video: Using the ATLAS Confirm Button
05 Jun 2006 Video: Using the ATLAS Auto-Suggest TextBox Control
03 May 2006 Working with MagicAJAX
09 May 2006 Working with ATLAS Control Toolkit - Part 1
08 May 2006 A First Look into Atlas
15 Mar 2006 A Look into Transactions in ADO.NET 2.0
27 Feb 2006 Maintaining State of CheckBoxes While Paging in a GridView Control
15 Feb 2006 CodeSnip: Exporting GridView to Excel

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