A client sends a SOAP message to the server. This
requesting data is also called a SOAP Request. The server receives the request,
processes the same and sends a response back to the client. This returning data
is known as the SOAP Response. This communication back and forth between the
client and the server takes place through HTTP protocol.
The following constitute a SOAP message declaration:
An envelope element that recognizes then XML file format which
will be sent across as a SOAP message
An optional element that can describes header information
The description of the body which contains the information of the
request and the response elements
Provision for another optional element that provides information as
and when an error occurs
The SOAP format is clearly illustrated in listing 1 that follows.
Listing 1: A SOAP message format
<SOAP: Envelope>
<SOAP: Header>
</SOAP: Header>
<SOAP: Body>
</SOAP: Body>
</SOAP: Envelope>