Introduction to Windows Communication Foundation
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by Keyvan Nayyeri
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Service Orientation

Almost all developers know something about Object Oriented Programming (OOP) which has been a common way to build software for a long time.  But what is Service Oriented architecture?

In recent years, development moved from building centralized local systems to distributed systems which run on several places.  Each part of these systems are hosted somewhere and provide some services.  The idea of having services to answer to common needs through the web became serious and development technologies answered to this need by providing Web Services in their core, but day after day distributed systems became more common and the idea of Service Orientation (SO) was born.

Service Orientation is a complement to Object Orientation.  It means you will not kick Object Orientation out to use Service Orientation.  Service Orientation uses Object Orientation in its core, but there are some distributed scenarios that can be viewed by Object Orientation so you use Service Orientation to describe these scenarios.

In Service Orientation you think different and describe things via services and divide your system into smaller parts which run as services.  These services can communicate with others via messages.  In each service you can apply Object Orientation to accomplish goals of that service.  One important benefit of Service Orientation is here because you can use different technologies and platforms to design a service by using Object Orientation then use universal formats to build messages and start communication between different pieces of your system.

There are four principles in Service Orientation (you may see them as tenets on other resources):

·         Boundaries are explicit.

·         Services are autonomous.

·         Services share schema and contract, not class.

·         Service compatibility is determined based on policy.

You can read more about these fundamentals (they are important principles) on MSDN.

Generally, you have to change your point of view in Service Oriented design, but this should not change your view for Object Oriented Programming.  You should get enough experience to divide a system to logical independent services then choose appropriate platform to build each piece.  Thankfully, Microsoft helps you in all stages and you can use powerful Microsoft technologies to build your distributed software.

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a concept beyond the scope of these tutorials.  I recommend you to read good books about Service Oriented Architecture to learn more about it.  Having a good understanding of this architecture is an important requirement to be success in this field.

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User Comments

Title: Good for new .net developer   
Name: gautam
Date: 2013-02-06 8:35:37 AM
Explain way is very iterative so its easily understand..
Title: thanks a lot..very nice article.easy to understand.. Name: thanks a lot..very nice article.easy to understand..   
Name: thanks a lot..very nice article.easy to understand.. Name: thanks a lot..very nice article.easy to understand..
Date: 2013-01-21 4:44:43 AM
thanks a lot..very nice article.easy to understand..
Title: gh   
Name: hggh
Date: 2012-10-22 1:30:42 PM
Title: sa   
Name: sa
Date: 2012-08-16 11:34:45 AM
Title: thanks a lot..very nice article.easy to understand..   
Name: thanks a lot..very nice article.easy to understand..
Date: 2011-03-24 5:19:21 AM
thanks a lot..very nice article.easy to understand..
Title: thanks...   
Name: Gourik kumar
Date: 2011-03-23 2:33:27 AM
thanks a lot..very nice article.easy to understand..
Title: Simplicity   
Name: Bharath Krishna
Date: 2010-11-22 4:15:33 AM
Wonderful article. In reality, WCF is not very easy to understand. But, the methodical way in which you have explained the concepts, the carefully examined & chosen words makes this article not only interesting to read but also makes any one understand the concepts of WCF. Great job!!! Keep posting more articles.
Title: overview   
Name: Ramesh
Date: 2010-10-12 10:59:31 AM
Very Good article
Title: Thanks   
Name: Anil Thakur
Date: 2010-08-18 3:03:47 AM
Good one for beginner!
Title: Thank You   
Name: Safiya P
Date: 2010-08-11 8:06:04 AM
Thank you for ur tutorial....
Title: Nice   
Name: Faraz
Date: 2010-06-15 11:46:44 AM
Nice article this. Gives the basic information
Title: WCF   
Name: senthil
Date: 2010-06-11 1:43:37 AM
Easy to understand and well defined explanation.
Thank you very much.
Title: A very Good Introduction to WCF   
Name: Ramu
Date: 2010-05-21 9:22:41 AM
Very easy and very much understandable explanation about WCF. Thank you for providing this.
Title: WCF   
Date: 2010-05-03 6:59:09 AM
Good explanation but some clear information about wcf is needed
Title: Description was excellent   
Name: Nishank
Date: 2010-03-21 2:16:29 AM
The way he has described the complex WCF is really appreciable.
I am new to this technology and thankful to him for giving such a nice basic tutorial.
Keep posting buddy..
Title: Good Introduction of WCF   
Name: Ravi Kumar
Date: 2010-02-24 11:51:37 AM
I found acticle is good for person who wants overview of WCF
Title: A handy introduction to WCF   
Name: Arash
Date: 2009-12-24 10:36:19 PM
This is a good article,

Thank you,
Title: Foundation consists of five layers.   
Name: These layers from top to down are:
Date: 2009-12-04 6:21:19 AM
Application: In this level application is located.

· Contracts: In the second layer service, data and message contracts as well as bindings and policies are present. In this level services describe themselves to clients.

· Runtime: Behaviors are located in this layer. Runtime layer loads all services.

· Messaging: Different types of channels as well as encoders are here. This layer enables communications for services.

· Hosting: This layer is where host services in different manners, but there are two common ways to host a service. You can host a service in Internet Information Services (IIS) which is easier than the second approach and starts and stops your services automatically. The second approach is to create executable files (.EXE) for services and start and stop them manually by writing more codes.
Title: Little Idea about WCF   
Name: Pawan Gera
Date: 2009-11-05 6:19:09 AM

This document gives only a little idea about the wcf.

Title: Nice Intro   
Name: pankaj
Date: 2009-10-14 9:44:03 AM
Hi Buddy,
Can you also post some exemples that how to use WCF service with Database. Like how to insert & Fetch Data from database using WCF services.

Title: Good Intro   
Name: Aju
Date: 2009-07-28 3:07:21 AM
Good for Begineer.
Title: Basics of WCF   
Name: sandy
Date: 2009-07-14 6:39:09 AM
This throws the light on WCF which is very basics,but can be helpful to beginner. Would appreciate if some information displayed.
Title: great introduction   
Name: sertac benzer
Date: 2009-06-18 2:10:36 PM
it a great start for those who want to realize logic of WFC. On the other hand, more sophisticated example would be better.
Title: very good   
Name: veera
Date: 2009-01-08 1:37:16 AM
It is helpfull for beginers and please provide some more information by differntiating with webservices
Title: Introduction is good   
Name: AKshay Agrawal
Date: 2008-12-22 8:55:03 AM
The intro for the WCF is good. It provides the basic understanding of the WCF concept and architecture.
Title: wcf   
Date: 2008-12-04 2:38:33 PM
it ok for wcf beginners , good

Title: WCF   
Date: 2008-12-04 2:37:01 PM
This is very good for those who want to know something about wcf. it is ok for them.

it is good if provide some additional stuff also.

Title: Excelent overview   
Name: majovi
Date: 2008-11-25 2:44:23 PM
Title: Nice   
Name: Niranjan Shrestha
Date: 2008-11-18 12:21:28 PM
Nice material for the beginners
Title: Excellent   
Name: Sayeed
Date: 2008-10-27 7:24:55 AM
Good Boss...:-)
Title: Very Good Topics   
Name: Mudit
Date: 2008-10-24 5:23:16 PM
UR Effort id priceless
Title: Nice tutorial   
Name: Vamsi
Date: 2008-09-23 9:17:49 AM
Very nice ... keep on ..
Title: Nice Article   
Name: Dharuman
Date: 2008-09-04 12:59:08 PM
I am a beinnger to WCF, this is good article to understand.
Thanks a lot.
Title: Software Engineer   
Name: Ashotosh Das
Date: 2008-08-14 8:56:35 PM
This is a very good Article and it helps me a lot
Title: Its Excellent   
Name: Vinay Kumar.D
Date: 2008-08-05 1:31:21 AM
Iam really i need of a WCF material.It really helps me a lot,for my further references.......
I hope for more information with some examples........
Title: Great Effort   
Name: Pankaj Lahoti
Date: 2008-07-31 6:09:16 AM
Nice one for newbie,need more Inf .....hopefully will find in future posts..
Title: Good one   
Name: Ritesh Shah
Date: 2008-07-09 6:30:31 AM
Those who want to have a quick and easy understanding about WCF and net .net 3.0 offerings , this article provide the one stop solution for them. a wonderful effort for the developer community. Many Thanks...
Title: Nice one   
Name: Karman Shahid
Date: 2008-07-07 8:32:40 AM
I were looking for get started in WCF and it really helps a lot.
Thanks Keyvan Nayyeri.
Title: Nice One   
Name: Brajendu Kumar Das
Date: 2008-07-04 7:08:50 AM
Very simple and Very Nice.. Thank You...but was needing a little more descriptive.
Title: Technical Consultant   
Name: Nari
Date: 2008-06-20 3:08:40 AM
Good overview...thanks!!
Title: Nice Article   
Name: Vilas Suryawanshi
Date: 2008-05-31 12:42:48 AM
I doing job as .Net Developer so I read this article , so very nice and good appearance.
Title: Nice Presentation   
Name: Anand Gupta
Date: 2008-05-29 2:52:11 AM
I am working on ASP.Net since last 3 Yrs, and Now I am starting my new project in 3.5 so I need to explore WCF, and i am very thank full, that this article provide me the nice introduction, We appreciate if article having some pictorial way to understand it very fast. Thank You.
Title: Simple Presentation   
Name: Uday kumar Adapa
Date: 2008-05-20 3:31:00 PM
The presentationis very simple and good one ,but it would be a little more desctiptive.
Title: Good Presentation   
Name: Jessy
Date: 2008-04-24 10:00:02 AM
It is really a very good material for beginners.
Would appreciate if you could include some sample applications :)
Keep up the good work
Title: Simple Presentation   
Name: Brajendu Kumar Das
Date: 2008-04-15 7:21:30 AM
The presentationis very simple and good one ,but it would be a little more desctiptive.
Title: Easy and Autonomous   
Name: Amit Bhatnagar
Date: 2008-04-08 11:27:41 AM
I have been in IT since 6 years and working with ASP.Net since a long time. Infact today is my fisrt day to have start a new project in ASP.Net3.0. For this prospective i was lloking for easy and effective article, although its very difficult to find out a simple and easy to understand explanation. But you did it for me and for many more. Gr8 thanks for mentioning valuable reference regarding WCF with in your article, all that stuff is also useful. Your article helps me very much. Thanks a lot.
Title: Information Systems Manager   
Name: Mr. B
Date: 2008-04-04 2:16:34 PM
I have been in IT for 20 years and quite honestly am tired of continuously going back to school to learn the "New" technologies. As such i never learned about .Net and the newer concepts like WCF. In conducting internet research to obtain an understanding of WCF, other than the verbose and confusing microsoft microbabel, it was difficult to find a simple and easy to understand explanation. Your article helps very much. Thanks.
Title: easy to understand   
Name: Archana.
Date: 2008-04-03 5:49:23 AM
Very effective and easy to understand for beginners
Title: simply better   
Name: sanjay choubey
Date: 2008-04-01 7:49:06 AM
The core concepts are explained in a very effective and simple manner that any new user can easily cope the concept of wcf.
Title: When?   
Name: Keyvan Nayyeri
Date: 2008-01-29 11:58:09 AM
If you take a look at the publish date, can simply believe that this article was published when there weren't many resources about WCF and it was a completely new technology for the community in .NET 3.0 days. This tutorial series was an attempt to help the community and feedbacks say that it was success in this way.
Title: Simple   
Name: Aakash
Date: 2008-01-29 6:24:32 AM
it's too simple. Could be more better.
Title: Effective   
Name: Avinash Patel
Date: 2007-12-13 4:34:51 AM
It really helped a lot for understanding the concept of WCF.
Title: Very good   
Name: Sreekanth Purusothaman
Date: 2007-10-18 11:08:10 PM
We cannot expect anything simple and yet comprehensive.

Thanks a lot!!!!
Title: Lucid and simple   
Name: Deepak Pawar
Date: 2007-10-12 9:55:34 AM
Very simple to understand , Expressed Nicely for a newbie.
Title: Nice Work   
Name: Thurein
Date: 2007-08-19 10:57:06 PM
A very comprehensive article.

Title: Good Work   
Name: Sameer
Date: 2007-07-10 8:11:59 AM
Good article to start with WCF. Please keep up the good work.
Title: good   
Name: sridhar
Date: 2007-05-02 7:36:40 AM
It's really good


Title: Very Nice   
Name: Arun G S
Date: 2007-04-24 6:13:47 AM
very nice and simple document. easier to understand.. gr8 effort..
Title: Nice Document   
Name: Amit Patil
Date: 2007-02-01 6:09:32 PM

Thanks a lot for making such a great document. It helps a lot for the beginners...

Amit Patil
Title: Nice Effort   
Name: Muhamamd Badar
Date: 2007-01-24 8:15:13 AM
Hello Dear ....
A nice effort for those who want to shift to the new technology
Muhammad Badar
Title: Great Article   
Name: AzamSharp
Date: 2007-01-07 8:07:09 PM

Another great article!!!

Thanks :)

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