Working with Abstract classes, Sealed Classes, and Interfaces in C#
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What is an Interface?

An interface is defined by the key word interface. An interface has no implementation; it only has the definition of the methods without the body. When we create an interface, we are basically creating a set of methods without any implementation. A class implementing an interface must provide the implementation of the interface members. All the methods and properties defined in an interface are by default public and abstract.

Define an Abstract Class

In the following code listing an abstract class named Product has been defined.

Listing 1

public abstract class Product
  protected string id;
  protected double price;
  public abstract string ID
  public abstract double Price
  public abstract double CalculatePrice();

Define an Interface

In the following code listing an interface named Iproduct has been defined.

Listing 2

public interface Iproduct
  string ID
  double Price
  double CalculatePrice();


In the following code listing the Iproduct interface has been implemented by the class implementInterface.

Listing 3

public class implementInterface: Iproduct
  protected string id;
  protected double price;
  public string ID
      return id;
      id = value;
  public double price
      return price;
      price = value;
  public double CalculatePrice()
    return Price * 1.25;

In the following code listing the abstract Class named Product has been implemented by the class implementAbstract.

Listing 4

public class implementAbstract: Product
  public override string ID
      return id;
      id = value;
  public override double Price
      return price;
      price = value;
  public override double CalculatePrice
    return Price * 1.25;

How to Test

In the following code listing abstract class implementation is being tested.

Listing 5

ImplementAbstract testAbstract=new implementAbstract();
double amt=testAbstract.CalculatePrice();
Response.Write(“Total Net Price of Product : “ +” “+testAbstract.ID +” “+ “is+” “+amt);

In the following code listing the implementation of our interface is being tested.

Listing 6

ImplementInterface testInterface=new implementInterface();
double Iamt= testInterface.CalculatePrice();
Response.Write(“Total Net Price of Product : “ +” “+testInterface.ID +” “+ “is+” “+Iamt);

It should be noted that static members are not inherited under any circumstances. Hence we can not declare a static method in an interface because interfaces have no implementation. We can, however, declare a method as static in an abstract class, because abstract classes can have implementations of static methods. This has been described in the following code listing:

Listing 7

In an abstract class:

public static void test()

But we can not write the following in an interface.

Listing 8

static void test();

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