Tip/Trick: Url Rewriting with ASP.NET
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by Scott Guthrie
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Sample URL Rewriting Scenario

For the purpose of this blog post, I'm going to assume we are building a set of e-commerce catalog pages within an application, and that the products are organized by categories (for example: books, videos, CDs, DVDs, etc).

Let's assume that we initially have a page called "Products.aspx" that takes a category name as a querystring argument, and filters the products accordingly.  The corresponding URLs to this Products.aspx page look like this:

Listing 1


Rather than use a querystring to expose each category, we want to modify the application so that each product category looks like a unique URL to a search engine, and has the category keyword embedded in the actual URL (and not as a querystring argument).  We'll spend the rest of this blog post going over 4 different approaches that we could take to achieve this.

Approach 1: Use Request.PathInfo Parameters Instead of QueryStrings

The first approach I'm going to demonstrate doesn't use Url-Rewriting at all, and instead uses a little-known feature of ASP.NET - the Request.PathInfo property.  To help explain the usefulness of this property, consider the below URL scenario for our e-commerce store:

Listing 2


One thing you'll notice with the above URLs is that they no longer have Querystring values - instead the category parameter value is appended on to the URL as a trailing /param value after the Products.aspx page handler name.  An automated search engine crawler will then interpret these URLs as three different URLs, and not as one URL with three different input values (search engines ignore the filename extension and just treat it as another character within the URL). 

You might wonder how you handle this appended parameter scenario within ASP.NET.  The good news is that it is pretty simple.  Simply use the Request.PathInfo property, which will return the content immediately following the products.aspx portion of the URL.  So for the above URLs, Request.PathInfo would return "/Books", "/DVDs", and "/CDs" (in case you are wondering, the Request.Path property would return "/products.aspx").

You could then easily write a function to retrieve the category like so (the below function strips out the leading slash and returning just "Books", "DVDs" or "CDs"):

Listing 3

Function GetCategory() As String
   If (Request.PathInfo.Length = 0) Then
   Return "" 
    Return Request.PathInfo.Substring(1)
   End If
 End Function 

Sample Download: A sample application that I've built that shows using this technique can be downloaded here.  What is nice about this sample and technique is that no server configuration changes are required in order to deploy an ASP.NET application using this approach.  It will also work fine in a shared hosting environment.

Approach 2: Using an HttpModule to Perform URL Rewriting

An alternative approach to the above Request.PathInfo technique would be to take advantage of the HttpContext.RewritePath() method that ASP.NET provides.  This method allows a developer to dynamically rewrite the processing path of an incoming URL, and for ASP.NET to then continue executing the request using the newly re-written path.

For example, we could choose to expose the following URLs to the public:

Listing 4


This looks to the outside world like there are three separate pages on the site (and will look great to a search crawler).  By using the HttpContext.RewritePath() method we can dynamically re-write the incoming URLs when they first reach the server to instead call a single Products.aspx page that takes the category name as a Querystring or PathInfo parameter instead.  For example, we could use an an Application_BeginRequest event in Global.asax like so to do this:

Listing 5

void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) {
   string fullOrigionalpath = Request.Url.ToString();
         if (fullOrigionalpath.Contains("/Products/Books.aspx")) {
         else if (fullOrigionalpath.Contains("/Products/DVDs.aspx")) {

The downside of manually writing code like above is that it can be tedious and error prone.  Rather than do it yourself, I'd recommend using one of the already built HttpModules available on the web for free to perform this work for you.  Here a few free ones that you can download and use today:



These modules allow you to declaratively express matching rules within your application's web.config file.  For example, to use the UrlRewriter.Net module within your application's web.config file to map the above URLs to a single Products.aspx page, we could simply add this web.config file to our application (no code is required):

Listing 6

<?xml version="1.0"?>
     <section name="rewriter"  
Intelligencia.UrlRewriter" />
       <add name="UrlRewriter" type="Intelligencia.UrlRewriter.RewriterHttpModule,
     <rewrite url="~/products/books.aspx" to="~/products.aspx?category=books" />
     <rewrite url="~/products/CDs.aspx" to="~/products.aspx?category=CDs" />
     <rewrite url="~/products/DVDs.aspx" to="~/products.aspx?category=DVDs" />

The HttpModule URL rewriters above also add support for regular expression and URL pattern matching (to avoid you having to hard-code every URL in your web.config file).  So instead of hard-coding the category list, you could re-write the rules like below to dynamically pull the category from the URL for any "/products/[category].aspx" combination:

Listing 7

   <rewrite url="~/products/(.+).aspx" to="~/products.aspx?category=$1" />

This makes your code much cleaner and super extensible.

Sample Download: A sample application that I've built that shows using this technique with the UrlRewriter.Net module can be downloaded here

What is nice about this sample and technique is that no server configuration changes are required in order to deploy an ASP.NET application using this approach.  It will also work fine in a medium trust shared hosting environment (just ftp/xcopy to the remote server and you are good to go - no installation required).

Approach 3: Using an HttpModule to Perform Extension-Less URL Rewriting with IIS7

The above HttpModule approach works great for scenarios where the URL you are re-writing has a .aspx extension, or another file extension that is configured to be processed by ASP.NET.  When you do this no custom server configuration is required - you can just copy your web application up to a remote server and it will work fine.

There are times, though, when you want the URL to re-write to either have a non-ASP.NET file extension (for example: .jpg, .gif, or .htm) or no file-extension at all.  For example, we might want to expose these URLs as our public catalog pages (note they have no .aspx extension):

Listing 8


With IIS5 and IIS6, processing the above URLs using ASP.NET is not super easy.  IIS 5/6 makes it hard to perform URL rewriting on these types of URLs within ISAPI Extensions (which is how ASP.NET is implemented). Instead you need to perform the rewriting earlier in the IIS request pipeline using an ISAPI Filter.  I'll show how to-do this on IIS5/6 in the Approach 4 section below.

The good news, though, is that IIS 7.0 makes handling these types of scenarios super easy.  You can now have an HttpModule execute anywhere within the IIS request pipeline - which means you can use the URLRewriter module above to process and rewrite extension-less URLs (or even URLs with a .asp, .php, or .jsp extension).  Below is how you would configure this with IIS7:

Listing 9

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <section name="rewriter" 
Intelligencia.UrlRewriter" />
       <add name="UrlRewriter" type="Intelligencia.UrlRewriter.RewriterHttpModule,
Intelligencia.UrlRewriter" />
     <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">
       <add name="UrlRewriter" type="Intelligencia.UrlRewriter.RewriterHttpModule" />
     <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" />
     <rewrite url="~/products/(.+)" to="~/products.aspx?category=$1" />

Note the "runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests" attribute that is set to true on the <modules> section within <system.webServer>.  This will ensure that the UrlRewriter.Net module from Intelligencia, which was written before IIS7 shipped, will be called and have a chance to re-write all URL requests to the server (including for folders).  What is really cool about the above web.config file is that:

1) It will work on any IIS 7.0 machine.  You don't need an administrator to enable anything on the remote host.  It will also work in medium trust shared hosting scenarios.

2) Because I've configured the UrlRewriter in both the <httpModules> and IIS7 <modules> section, I can use the same URL Rewriting rules for both the built-in VS web-server (aka Cassini) as well as on IIS7.  Both fully support extension-less URLRewriting.  This makes testing and development really easy.

IIS 7.0 server will ship later this year as part of Windows Longhorn Server, and will support a go-live license with the Beta3 release in a few weeks.  Because of all the new hosting features that have been added to IIS7, we expect hosters to start aggressively offering IIS7 accounts relatively quickly - which means you should be able to start to take advantage of the above extension-less rewriting support soon.  We'll also be shipping a Microsoft supported URL-Rewriting module in the IIS7 RTM timeframe that will be available for free as well that you'll be able to use on IIS7, and which will provide nice support for advanced re-writing scenarios for all content on your web-server.

Sample Download: A sample application that I've built that shows using this extension-less URL technique with IIS7 and the UrlRewriter.Net module can be downloaded here

Approach 4: ISAPIRewrite to enable Extension-less URL Rewriting for IIS5 and IIS6

If you don't want to wait for IIS 7.0 in order to take advantage of extension-less URL Rewriting, then your best best is to use an ISAPI Filter in order to re-write URLs.  There are two ISAPI Filter solutions that I'm aware of that you might want to check-out:

Helicon Tech's ISAPI Rewrite: They provide an ISAPI Rewrite full product version for $99 (with 30 day free trial), as well as a ISAPI Rewrite lite edition that is free.

Ionic's ISAPI Rewrite: This is a free download (both source and binary available)

I actually don't have any first-hand experience using either of the above solutions - although I've heard good things about them.  Scott Hanselman and Jeff Atwood recently both wrote up great blog posts about their experiences using them, and also provided some samples of how to configure the rules for them.  The rules for Helicon Tech's ISAPI Rewrite use the same syntax as Apache's mod_rewrite.  For example (taken from Jeff's blog post):

Listing 10

 # fix missing slash on folders
 # note, this assumes we have no folders with periods!
 RewriteCond Host: (.*)
 RewriteRule ([^.?]+[^.?/]) http\://$1$2/ [RP]
 # remove index pages from URLs
 RewriteRule (.*)/default.htm$ $1/ [I,RP]
 RewriteRule (.*)/default.aspx$ $1/ [I,RP]
 RewriteRule (.*)/index.htm$ $1/ [I,RP]
 RewriteRule (.*)/index.html$ $1/ [I,RP]
 # force proper www. prefix on all requests
 RewriteCond %HTTP_HOST ^test\.com [I]
 RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://www.test.com/$1 [RP]
 # only allow whitelisted referers to hotlink images
 RewriteCond Referer: (?!http://(?:www\.good\.com|www\.better\.com)).+
 RewriteRule .*\.(?:gif|jpg|jpeg|png) /images/block.jpg [I,O] 

Definitely check out Scott's post and Jeff's post to learn more about these ISAPI modules, and what you can do with them.

Note: One downside to using an ISAPI filter is that shared hosting environments typically won't allow you to install this component, and so you'll need either a virtual dedicated hosting server or a dedicated hosting server to use them.  But, if you do have a hosting plan that allows you to install the ISAPI, it will provide maximum flexibility on IIS5/6 - and tide you over until IIS7 ships.

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User Comments

Title: Url Rewriting made Easy   
Name: ashish
Date: 2010-09-06 3:37:08 PM
Very useful article. I liked it. Thanks a lot.
Title: Url Rewriting with ASP.NET   
Name: http://apps.facebook.com/socialcontest
Date: 2009-08-21 5:18:20 AM

I am using url rewriting and Ajax, now wherever anything related to ajax is done and the page is posted back, the postback url changes(i.e. its adding the directory name in the url) coz of which iam getting the following javascript error and i can't move forward.

Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. The status code returned from the server was: 500

I know it is an issue which lot of people are facing but how can i make url rewriting work with ajax..

The code which i have been using in Global is as follows:

string url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;

if (url.Contains("404.aspx"))
string urlInfo405 = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;

string[] urlInfo404 = urlInfo405.Split(';');
string urlMain = urlInfo404[1];

string urlpath = urlMain.Replace("//", "/");

string[] urlInfo = urlpath.Split('?');
string path = urlInfo[0];
string[] currentPath = path.Split('/');

Context.Items.Add("Original_Path", currentPath[2] + ".aspx?cname=" + currentPath[3] + "&" + urlInfo[1]);
Context.RewritePath(currentPath[2] + ".aspx?cname=" + currentPath[3] + "&" + urlInfo[1],false);

I have even used Context.Items.Add which will fix my url for the entire post-response cycle.

Any guidance
Title: Nice article,   
Name: Baljeet Bhardwaj
Date: 2009-08-06 1:33:47 AM
nice article
Title: Found another working example   
Name: Samira
Date: 2009-04-07 2:32:22 AM
nice article but has few problems..i found another working article with example
Title: nike shoes   
Name: nike shoes
Date: 2009-04-06 11:37:24 PM
very good...
Title: Nice article, shame you copied it   
Name: Don't Copy Other People's Work
Date: 2009-01-25 4:39:02 PM
Nice article, shame you copied it
Title: not working   
Name: milap
Date: 2008-05-12 6:46:39 AM
hi please any example available for url rewriting then put here with code.
Title: not working   
Name: milap
Date: 2008-05-12 6:44:31 AM
Hi in this website download link is not working so please check this.
Title: Not running on IIS localhost   
Name: rajiv Sharma
Date: 2008-03-15 2:03:09 AM
Hi I am trying to use it, its working fien with ASP.NET Development Server, but it is not running on localhost (IIS) server, please help me. rajrunatserver@gmail.com
Title: QueryString   
Name: Hugo
Date: 2008-02-20 3:27:59 PM
Very good your article!!! Fantastic!

One more question... How can I do for this url: http://localhost:49195/UrlRewrite_HttpModule1/Products/Books.aspx?varB=1&varB=xxx

I want read querystring too...

Thanks. You can reply to me for hgoncalves@gmail.com
Title: Great Article   
Name: Adam Lock
Date: 2008-02-12 6:29:31 AM
Very information and well written - thanks
Title: in a shared hosting environment   
Name: Carlos Martinez
Date: 2007-12-04 9:55:29 AM
Hi, You said the first approach could work in a shared hosting environment. however, we always have to configure the IIS server when deployment. Or there is another option?? I have this problem now, and I have asked my hosting to allow me that.
Title: please help me config on server   
Name: bnet
Date: 2007-05-19 12:43:56 AM
please help me config on server
Title: can not run on server   
Name: bang
Date: 2007-05-18 9:40:10 PM
can not run on server
please help me
thank you

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