Built into Visual Studio 2005, this tool has the capability
to generate localized assemblies automatically. For our resource files, the
default resource is ValidationResources.resx, with each culture defined as a
file in the format of ValidationResources.fr.resx (resources in French) or
ValidationResources.it.resx (resources in Italian). These resource files get
compiled into a DLL and placed into a language-specific folder in the bin
folder. So, for the Italian resources, there would be a folder \bin\it, with a
ValidationResources.resources.dll file in it.
Each of the validation classes use these resource strings
and whenever the current culture changes, so does the resource file used for
that culture. This makes it especially useful to target multiple audiences.
In addition, it is possible to create satellite assemblies by creating a
separate assembly for each culture that you want to implement in, which is a
more advanced topic that we won't discuss in this article.