Extended TreeView
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by G. Mohyuddin
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Extended TreeView is of great use when we want to save expansion state and bind it with multiple sitemaps. It can also minimize the effort of writing code for binding a TreeView with database programmatically. It gives us flexibility to have more than one sitemaps in application and bind each of them with a separate instance of XTreeView. It helps us organize site maps into categories and apply, if required, different layout and appearance to each of them.

Although I have tried to provide maximum ease of use and flexibility in this version of Extended TreeView, there is one limitation - binding XTreeView with a database. We can only bind it to three levels, as most of time we need up to three levels. Making it bindable up to n levels would have created complexity. That requires extensibility on TreeNode level. But the properties that work for binding XTreeView with database have been intentionally provided at TreeView level, instead of TreeNode just for sake of simplicity and ease of use, therefore extensibility got compromised. That might be incorporated in some future version of the control. Even in case one requires binding it with more than three levels, he or she can still go for it and can take the advantage of expansion state saving feature (in this case it can be binded with database programmatically, the traditional way). I hope it will work great. Use it and have fun.

Happy TreeViewing!

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User Comments

Title: hi   
Name: masoud
Date: 2012-05-28 6:35:45 AM
thank for you
Title: hi   
Name: enes
Date: 2011-05-18 8:22:06 AM
thats realy good artical thank you .. But when i try with mdb it's not support have can i do ..thanks..
Title: Thanks alot..   
Name: vikram dhawan
Date: 2010-10-20 6:52:17 AM
Thanks,i was looking for it the same thing.
God bless you..
keep writing more articles...
thanks again...
Title: Ok   
Name: Alberto
Date: 2010-07-30 4:45:45 PM
Hello Mahr
your control is ok but I need it to be strong signed. I have to put the control in sharepoint page and, as you know, sharepoint does not like not signed assembly.
Can you help me?
Title: Code will not work   
Name: Tiger Woods
Date: 2010-04-06 1:54:17 PM
FYI, if you use ImageSet="Simple"
Title: Where is the ExtendedXControls Code?   
Name: OutOfTouch
Date: 2010-02-20 5:43:03 PM
Where is the code for the TreeView? All I see is a sample web using the exteneded controls dll?
Title: Expand Node on Mouse over   
Name: Mak
Date: 2008-08-07 5:14:46 PM
I need a TreeView who's node will expand on mouse over.

Any View's ??
Title: SelectedIndex   
Name: Mark
Date: 2008-02-18 9:37:57 AM
Hi Mahr,
Thanks for the reply. I read the article and it was very helpful in terms of learning the basics on how to extend a control. Thank you. The thing is that with the treeview webcontrol, as you mention in your article, is missing certain mission-critical functionality, such is when posting back it not showing the selected noded in the window, so each time the user has to scroll down. That's crazy-making. I looked at your extendedtreeview.dll in reflector to see if I could figure out how to get it to work properly when I extend the control, but to be honest, I couldn't put it together. Could you help me with this? It would be awesome if you can get me going. The only thing I care about at the moment with treeview is this retarded postback issue. Everything else I have working fine. Thank you!
Title: Re: It Dont Work   
Name: Mahr G. Mohyuddin
Date: 2008-01-26 1:02:32 AM

You have not read the artcile
You have not used the "value" property for keeping url. DONT use url property.
Title: It Dont Work   
Name: James
Date: 2008-01-25 12:20:29 PM

Downloaded and replaced an existing tree view with yours. Works exactly as existing tree view, that’s the problem, it is not remembering its state.

Is there a website, page or control setting I need to set?
Title: Re: extendedtreeview.dll   
Name: Mahr G. Mohyuddin
Date: 2008-01-17 2:19:41 PM
Hi Mark!
My another article "Developing Custom Controls Part 1" has recently been published. You may view it wwww.aspalliance.com/1526. It explains in detail the types of custom cotrols and the steps in detail required to develope custom controls ( extended one in first part , ExtendedTextBox ). although I have not made exended treeview as an example in this yet reading this article will let you know all required steps and their detail for extending any control.
Title: extendedtreeview.dll   
Name: mark
Date: 2008-01-17 8:05:22 AM
Hi Mohyuddin,
Very cool. Just wondering, you mention "This article does not explain how to extend a TreeView control. That will be covered in a separate article"... just wondering, have you had a chance to publish that one? If so, could you post a link to it? That would be great. Thanks!
Title: Re: NO SaveExpandedState property   
Name: G. Mohyuddin
Date: 2007-12-06 3:06:40 AM
Hi Mike,

Actually the Extended Treeview saves its state by default you won't need set any property. Earlier the property SaveExpandedState was there later it was excluded and I am sorry I could not remove it from article's text.

Do let me know, if you have any concern regarding this.

Title: G. Mohyuddin   
Name: Re: Problem
Date: 2007-06-22 6:13:47 AM

You dont need to look for SaveExpansionState property. By default it supports treeview sate saving. Initially I provided this to turn it off/on but later i intentionally removed from code but forgot to remove it from documentation. use it u dont need to set any property for expansion sate saving.
Title: Problem   
Name: Nick
Date: 2007-06-22 4:21:53 AM
Hi Just downloaded this,just what I need, SaveExpansionState, except this feature is missing. I have gone through all the options and cannot find the feature. According to your info above it should be between populatenodesfromclient and showcheckboxes, but it is not there. Help !!!!!
Title: Re: Great Work   
Name: G. Mohyuddin
Date: 2007-05-23 9:12:36 AM
Thanks, Amir Mughal!
Title: Great Work   
Name: M Aamir Mughal
Date: 2007-05-23 8:57:13 AM
great work man :)
keep it up ... (Y)
Title: Re:Nice Work   
Name: G. Mohyuddin
Date: 2007-05-23 2:32:35 AM
Thanks! Waheed Aslam.
Title: Nice Work   
Name: Waheed Aslam Ghuman
Date: 2007-05-23 2:31:15 AM
Great work G. Mohyuddin. Features added to treeview are really very useful and very much desired by most developers

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